17 research outputs found

    Reconstruction of longitudinal electrons bunch profiles at FACET, SLAC

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    Work supported by funding from Universite Paris Sud, program "Attractivite" and by the ANR under contract ANR-12-JS05-0003-01 - http://accelconf.web.cern.ch/AccelConf/IPAC2014/papers/thpme093.pdfInternational audienceThe E-203 collaboration is testing a device on FACET at SLAC to measure the longitudinal profile of electron bunches using Smith-Purcell radiation [1]. At FACET the electron bunches have an energy of 20 GeV and a duration of a few hundred femtoseconds [2]. Smith-Purcell radiation is emitted when a charged particle passes close to the sur- face of a metallic grating. We have studied the stability of the measurement from pulse to pulse and the resolution of the measure depending on the number of gratings used

    Reconstruction of longitudinal electrons bunch profiles at FACET, SLAC

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    Work supported by funding from Universite Paris Sud, program "Attractivite" and by the ANR under contract ANR-12-JS05-0003-01 - http://accelconf.web.cern.ch/AccelConf/IPAC2014/papers/thpme093.pdfInternational audienceThe E-203 collaboration is testing a device on FACET at SLAC to measure the longitudinal profile of electron bunches using Smith-Purcell radiation [1]. At FACET the electron bunches have an energy of 20 GeV and a duration of a few hundred femtoseconds [2]. Smith-Purcell radiation is emitted when a charged particle passes close to the sur- face of a metallic grating. We have studied the stability of the measurement from pulse to pulse and the resolution of the measure depending on the number of gratings used

    Presentation of the smith-purcell experiment at SOLEIL

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    The potential of Coherent Smith-Purcell radiation as a longitudinal bunch profile monitor has already been demonstrated and has recently been extended to the sub-picosecond range. As a critical step toward the construction of a single shot bunch profile monitor using Coherent Smith-Purcell radiation it is important to measure very accurately the distribution of such radiation. Optimum background suppression techniques need to be found and relatively cheap detectors suitable for the far infra-red need to be qualified. To perform these tasks a test stand has been installed at the end of the linac of the synchrotron SOLEIL. This test stand and the first results from its commissioning will be presented here

    Reconstruction of the time profile of 20.35 GeV, subpicosecond long electron bunches by means of coherent Smith-Purcell radiation

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    We have used coherent Smith-Purcell radiation (cSPr) in order to determine the temporal profile of sub-ps long electron bunches at the Facility for Advanced Accelerator Experimental Tests, at SLAC. The measurements reported here were carried out in June 2012 and April 2013. The rms values for the bunch length varied between 356 to 604 fs, depending on the accelerator settings. The resolution of the system was limited by the range of detectable wavelengths which was, in turn, determined by the choice of the grating periods used in these experiments and the achievable beam-grating separation. The paper gives the details of the various steps in the reconstruction of the time profile and discusses possible improvements to the resolution. We also present initial measurements of the polarization properties of cSPr and of the background radiation. © Published by the American Physical Society

    Feasibility study of a 2nd generation Smith-Purcell radiation monitor for the ESTB at SLAC

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    The use of a radiative process such as the Coherent Smith-Purcell Radiation (CSPR) is a very promising noninvasive technique for the reconstruction of the time profile of relativistic electron bunches. Currently existing CSPR monitors do not have yet single-shot capability. Here we study the feasibility of using a CSPR based monitor for bunch length measurement at the End Station Test Beam (ESTB) at SLAC. The aim is to design a second-generation device with single-shot capability, and use it as a diagnostic tool at ESTB. Simulations of the spectral CSPR energy distribution and feasibility study have been performed for the optimization of the parameters and design of such a device

    Reconstruction of the time profile of 20.35 GeV, subpicosecond long electron bunches by means of coherent Smith-Purcell radiation

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    We have used coherent Smith-Purcell radiation (cSPr) in order to determine the temporal profile of sub-ps long electron bunches at the Facility for Advanced Accelerator Experimental Tests, at SLAC. The measurements reported here were carried out in June 2012 and April 2013. The rms values for the bunch length varied between 356 to 604 fs, depending on the accelerator settings. The resolution of the system was limited by the range of detectable wavelengths which was, in turn, determined by the choice of the grating periods used in these experiments and the achievable beam-grating separation. The paper gives the details of the various steps in the reconstruction of the time profile and discusses possible improvements to the resolution. We also present initial measurements of the polarization properties of cSPr and of the background radiation

    Down-regulation of the myeloid homeobox protein Hex is essential for normal T-cell development

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    The haematopoietic homeobox gene Hex (also called Prh) is expressed in myeloid cells and B cells but not T cells. To investigate whether Hex levels might play a role in myeloid versus T-cell development, two types of transgenic mouse lines were constructed, each with ectopic expression of Hex in T cells (CD11a/Hex and Lck/Hex). Both these types of transgenic mouse had the same defects in T-cell maturation, indicating that proper T-cell development may be dependent not just on the up-regulation of lymphoid-specific transcriptional regulators but also on the co-ordinated down-regulation of myeloid-specific transcriptional regulators such as Hex. In addition, Hex over-expression significantly increased myeloid progenitor cycling, which may explain its role in retrovirally induced murine leukaemia