5 research outputs found


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    University museums are a group of educational museums of various specializations that are created to support the educational process, serve as a scientific research base for the academic teaching staff and students, and contribute to the knowledge development, transfer, and popularization. The foundation of the scientific and educational tourism cluster on the basis of the two world oldest mining museums and universities will make it possible to create a modern multifunctional structure with a high degree of interdisciplinarity. New forms of cluster interaction will include elements of various industries and fields of knowledge and guarantee not only economic benefits, but also fulfil an important role in the social relations development. The present stage of cluster development is focused on the creation of multifunctional structures characterized by the high interdisciplinary specialization. Special attention should be paid to a combination of the above-listed spheres, for example, the creation of a scientific and educational tourism cluster based on university museums

    Nomenclatural standards and genetic certificates for apple-tree cultivars developed at the North Caucasian Federal Scientific Center of Horticulture, Viticulture, wine-making

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    Background. The development of genetic certificates and nomenclatural standards for newly released cultivars of Malus domestica Borkh. (apple tree) ensures an opportunity to preserve the original and authentic genetic and morphological information on domestic cultivars promising for the south of Russia. The purpose of this study was to develop genetic certificates and nomenclatural standards for 7 apple-tree cultivars developed at the North Caucasian Federal Scientific Center of Horticulture, Viticulture, Wine-making (NCFSCHVW), five of which were released jointly with the All-Russian Research Institute of Fruit Crop Breeding (VNIISPK).Materials and methods. The materials included apple-tree cultivars resistant or immune to scab (Venturia inaequalis (Cooke) G. Winter) from the NCFSCHVW collection stock. Conventional herbarization and DNA fingerprinting methods were used. For cultivar certification, an improved technique of DNA sampling and 12 microsatellite markers were applied.Results. Unique DNA profile certificates and nomenclatural standards were produced for 7 apple-tree cultivars: ‘Vasilisa’, ‘Karmen’, ‘Krasny Yantar’, ‘Soyuz’ and ‘Rassvet’ (with the Rvi6 gene) released jointly by the NCFSCHVW and VNIISPK, plus ‘Zolotoye Letneye’ and ‘Feya’ developed at the NCFSCHVW. The apple-tree herbarium specimens were placed for perpetual storage in the WIR Herbarium of the N.I. Vavilov All-Russian Institute of Plant Genetic Resources (VIR).Conclusion. The results obtained are promising for identification and authenticity verification of new domestic apple-tree cultivars during their reproduction and cultivation


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    Within the Urumieh-Dokhtar Magmatic Arc in the central part of Iran, the formation of which is associated with the Neotethys closure, there are many porphyry copper deposits and ore occurrences. One of them is the Astaneh porphyry copper ore deposit, located in the central part of the Saveh-Ardestan ore region southeast of Ardestan city. The purpose of this study is to investigate the petrochemical characteristics of rocks and to determine the relationship between the distribution of porphyry copper mineralization and tectonic position of faults within the study area. To achieve the goal, there were used the structural and geological data obtained in the fieldwork, as well as the results of mineralogical and geochemical analyses. The obtained results show that rocks of different composition of the Astaneh ore deposit (andesite, andesite-basalt, basalt, trachybasalt) were formed in the suprasubduction zone, and probably in the environment prior to the collision of the of continental plates. Paragenetic relationships and mineralogical analysis show that the evolution of mineralization of the Astaneh ore deposit can be divided into three stages: pre-ore, hypogene and supergene mineralization. Geochemical research based on the study of the content of the major chemical elements in the rocks of the region shows that igneous rocks belong to calc-alkaline basalts and geodynamically can be attributed to the products of magmatism of the ensial island arc. The results concluded that the main stages of the formation of a porphyry copper ore deposit in the study area attain maximum spatio-temporal similarity with the tectonomagmatic phases of the development of the Neotethys Ocean. In addition, the Southern Ardestan fault, running through the study area and intersecting the basement structures, forms wide permeable zones favorable for the formation of porphyry copper deposits therein.В пределах магматической дуги Уромие-Дохтар в центральной части Ирана, образование которой связано с закрытием Неотетиса, расположено множество медно-порфировых месторождений и рудопроявлений. Одно из них – медно-порфировое рудопроявление Астане, которое находится в центральной части рудного района Саве-Ардестан, расположенного юго-западнее г. Ардестан. Целью данного исследования является изучение петрохимических характеристик горных пород и определение взаимосвязи между распределением меднопорфирового оруденения и положением тектонических разломов в пределах изучаемой территории. Для достижения цели были использованы структурно-геологические и минералого-геохимические данные, полученные как в ходе проведения полевых работ, так и по результатам лабораторных исследований. Результаты исследования доказывают, что разнообразные по составу горные породы рудопроявления Астане (андезит, андезибазальт, базальт, трахибазальт) сформировались в надсубдукционной зоне и, вероятно, в обстановке, предшествовавшей столкновению континентальных плит. Парагенетические связи и минералогический анализ показали, что эволюция минерализации рудопроявления Астане может быть разделена на три этапа: дорудный, рудный и гипергенный. Геохимические исследования, основанные на изучении содержания главных химических элементов в породах района, определяют, что магматические породы относятся к известково-щелочным базальтам и со стороны геодинамической обстановки могут быть отнесены к продуктам магматизма континентальной островной дуги энсиалического типа. В результате изучения был сделан вывод о том, что основные этапы формирования медно-порфирового рудопроявления на исследуемой территории демонстрируют максимальное временное и пространственное сходство с тектономагматическими фазами развития океана Неотетис. Кроме того, разлом Южный Ардестан, проходящий через изучаемую территорию и секущий структуры фундамента, образует широкие проницаемые зоны, благоприятные для формирования медно-порфировых рудопроявлений