5 research outputs found

    On the Solution of Linear Programming Problems in the Age of Big Data

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    The Big Data phenomenon has spawned large-scale linear programming problems. In many cases, these problems are non-stationary. In this paper, we describe a new scalable algorithm called NSLP for solving high-dimensional, non-stationary linear programming problems on modern cluster computing systems. The algorithm consists of two phases: Quest and Targeting. The Quest phase calculates a solution of the system of inequalities defining the constraint system of the linear programming problem under the condition of dynamic changes in input data. To this end, the apparatus of Fejer mappings is used. The Targeting phase forms a special system of points having the shape of an n-dimensional axisymmetric cross. The cross moves in the n-dimensional space in such a way that the solution of the linear programming problem is located all the time in an "-vicinity of the central point of the cross.Comment: Parallel Computational Technologies - 11th International Conference, PCT 2017, Kazan, Russia, April 3-7, 2017, Proceedings (to be published in Communications in Computer and Information Science, vol. 753


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    Today it became clear that Russia needs not only economic growth, but also economic growth of a certain quality. Re¬gions are not an exception, since they are the most vulnerable to changes in market conditions resource exports. The main economic indicators for larger regions of the country should become entrepreneurs. The main economic indicators for larger regions of the country should become entrepreneurs. Not accidentally retrospective analysis of the evolutionary development of small business shows that the most important role in the economic development of Europe and America have played and continue to play a small business. Results of activity of small businesses are generally positive; the country saw an increase in the main indicators: the number of small enterprises, the average number of employees in small enterprises, turnover of small businesses and investments in fixed assets. The statistics of recent years show a decline of interest in the business population. Number of small businesses created in the last few years there has been a downward trend, while the proportion of surviving for three years after their registration is low. The greatest negative impact on the business affairs of the factors of regulatory and administrative regulation of small business, corruption and bribery of officials and the activities of control and inspection bodies. Addressing these challenges will require proper coordination of regional and local resources in building infrastructure, forming investment mechanisms to support small enterprises, the development of the entrepreneurial potential of the population

    Introduction of biofuels as a way of solving ecological problems

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    Since environmental issues have become a priority for everyone on the planet, and the fact that growing demand for fossil fuels will soon lead to a reduction in world reserves, except for climate change due to their use and greenhouse gas emissions. The aim of this work was to assess the potential for the introduction of biofuels and find the optimal conditions for the enzymatic hydrolysis of Japonica Rice husk. In addition, evaluate the positive and negative consequences because of the use and implementation of this technology. The methodology used variables: substrate FPU, pH, time, temperature and concentration surfactants using the screening construct obtained statistically, all variables are significant. Then an optimization plan was applied for the variables: pH, FPU and time, dropping those with a lower level of significance. Finally, the best conditions found in previous projects were (pH 5.0, 13 h, and 30 FPU/g of substrate); later, these conditions were applied in experiments to assess the effect of an increase in hydrolyzed cellulose. They use 6%; 8% and 10% of pulp is available with a recycling yield of 74%, 42% and 16%. The community has its own interests in the use of biofuels; therefore, this study provides an opportunity for biofuel producers to reduce environmental, economic, and social costs