11 research outputs found

    Excitonic quasimolecules containing of two quantum dots

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    The possibility of occurrence of the excitonic  quasimolecule formed of spatially separated electrons and holes in a nanosystem that consists  of CuO quantum dots synthesized in a silicate glass matrix. It is shown that the major contribution to the excitonic quasimolecule binding energy is made by the energy of the exchange interaction of electrons with holes and this contribution is much more substantial than the contribution of the energy of Coulomb interaction between the electrons and holes

    Theory of Excitons and Excitonic Quasimolecules Formed from Spatially Separated Electrons and Holes in Quasi-Zero- Dimensional Nanostructures

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    The theory of an exciton formed from a spatially separated electron and a hole is developed within the framework of the modified effective mass method. The effect of significantly increasing the exciton binding energy in quantum dots of zinc selenide, synthesized in a borosilicate glass matrix and relative to that in a zinc selenide single crystal is revealed. It is shown that the short-wavelength shift of the peak of the low-temperature luminescence spectrum of samples containing zinc selenide quantum dots, observed under experimental conditions, is caused by quantum confinement of the ground-state energy of the exciton with a spatially separated electron and hole


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    The decay kinetics of exciton luminescence in impurity molecules in a three-layer system near the interface of dielectric media in the presence of energy transfer of electron excitation is considered. It is shown that a change in the functional dependence of the probability of Fцrster energy transfer leads to new characteristic dependences in the decay kinetics of impurity luminescence in layered structuresРассмотрена кинетика затухания экситонной люминесценции примесных молекул, которые расположены в трехслойной системе вблизи граничных диэлектрических сред, при наличии переноса энергии электронного возбуждения между ними. Показано, что изменение функциональной зависимости ферстеровской вероятности переноса энергии приводит к новым характерным зависимостям в кинетике затухания примесной люминесценции слоистых систем.Розглянуто кінетику затухання екситонної люмінесценції домішкових молекул, які знаходяться в трьохшаровій системі поблизу пограничних діелектричних середовищ, при наявності переносу енергії електронного збудження між ними. Показано, що зміна функціональної залежності ферстеровської ймовірності переноса енергії приводить до нових характерних залежностей в кінетиці затухання домішкової люмінесценції шаруватих систе

    Intensity of Radiative Recombination in the Germanium/Silicon Nanosystem with Germanium Quantum Dots

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    It is shown that in a germanium/silicon nanosystem with germanium quantum dots, the hole leaving the germanium quantum dot causes the appearance of the hole energy level in the bandgap energy in a silicon matrix. The dependences of the energies of the ground state of a hole and an electron are obtained as well as spatially indirect excitons on the radius of the germanium quantum dot and on the depth of the potential well for holes in the germanium quantum dot. It is found that as a result of a direct electron transition in real space between the electron level that is located in the conduction band of the silicon matrix and the hole level located in the bandgap of the silicon matrix, the radiative recombination intensity in the germanium/silicon nanosystem with germanium quantum dots increases significantly


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    Advantages of semiconductor quantum dots for study and diagnostics of biological nanosystems are discussed. A new method for amino acid diagnostics using semiconductor quantum dots is proposed. Interaction of isolated quantum dots with charged amino acids is studied in detail. It is shown that such interaction results in a shift of the quantum dots luminescence spectra by several dozens of meV. This effect provides new possibilities for identification of biological nanoobjects using quantum dots.Обсуждается возможность применения полупроводниковых квантовых точек для изучения и диагностики биологических наносистем. Предложен новый метод диагностики аминокислот с использованием полупроводниковых квантовых точек. Детально изучается взаимодействие квантовых точек с заряженными аминокислотами. Показано, что в результате такого взаимодействия происходит сдвиг спектра люминесценции квантовой точки на несколько мэВ. Этот эффект обеспечивает новые возможности для идентификации биологических нанообъектов с помощью квантовых точек.Обговорюється можливість застосування напівпровідникових квантових точок для вивчення та діагностики біологічних наносистем. Запропоновано новий метод діагностики амінокислот з використанням напівпровідникових квантових точок. Детально вивчається взаємодія квантових точок із зарядженими амінокислотами. Показано, що в результаті такої взаємодії наблюдається зсув спектра люмінесценції квантової точки на декілька меВ. Такий ефект забезпечує нові можливості для ідентифікації біологічних нанооб’єктів з допомогою квантових точок

    Exciton Spectroscopy of Spatially Separated Electrons and Holes in the Dielectric Quantum Dots

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    It is shown that in the potential energy of an exciton of spatially separated electrons and holes (hole moves in the amount of quantum dots (QDs), and the electron is localized on a spherical surface section (QD—dielectric matrix)) taking into account centrifugal energy gives rise band of the quasi-stationary surface exciton states that with the increase of the radius of QD becomes stationary state. The mechanisms of formation of the spectra of interband and intraband absorption (emission) of light in nanosystems containing aluminum oxide QDs, placed in the matrix of vacuum oil, are presented. It is shown that the electron transitions in the area of the surface exciton states cause significant absorption in the visible and near infrared wavelengths, and cause the experimentally observed significant blurring of the absorption edge

    Radiative lifetime-encoded unicolour security tags using perovskite nanocrystals

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    Traditional fluorescence-based tags, used for anticounterfeiting, rely on primitive pattern matching and visual identification; additional covert security features such as fluorescent lifetime or pattern masking are advantageous if fraud is to be deterred. Herein, we present an electrohydrodynamically printed unicolour multi-fluorescent-lifetime security tag system composed of lifetime-tunable lead-halide perovskite nanocrystals that can be deciphered with both existing time-correlated single-photon counting fluorescence-lifetime imaging microscopy and a novel time-of-flight prototype. We find that unicolour or matching emission wavelength materials can be prepared through cation-engineering with the partial substitution of formamidinium for ethylenediammonium to generate “hollow” formamidinium lead bromide perovskite nanocrystals; these materials can be successfully printed into fluorescence-lifetime-encoded-quick-read tags that are protected from conventional readers. Furthermore, we also demonstrate that a portable, cost-effective time-of-flight fluorescence-lifetime imaging prototype can also decipher these codes. A single comprehensive approach combining these innovations may be eventually deployed to protect both producers and consumers.ISSN:2041-172