11 research outputs found
Mangrove merupakan ekosistem pesisir yang memiliki kemampuan sangat baik dalam menyerap dan menyimpan karbon. Struktur tegakan mangrove memberikan kontribusi signifikan terhadap estimasi simpanan karbon yang umumnya tergambarkan pada persamaan alometrik dalam skala individu. Penelitian simpanan karbon atas permukaan tanah (abovegroundada komunitas mangrove telah dilakukan di mangrove Teluk Benoa. Penelitian ini bertujuan untuk membangun model dalam mengestimasi simpanan karbon aboveground dari beberapa parameter struktur tegakan mangrove. Metode stratified purposive sampling digunakan dalam penentuan sebaran titik penelitian. Sebanyak tiga zona (1–3) diidentifikasi berdasarkan interpretasi analisis mRE-SR (modified red edge-simple ratio) dan jenis mangrove yang mendominasi. Estimasi simpanan karbon aboveground diperoleh dengan metode non-destructive menggunakan persamaan common allometric. Hasil penelitian menunjukkan struktur tegakan mangrove zona 1 cenderung berbeda signifikan dengan zona lainnya. Secara keseluruhan, rata-rata simpanan karbon aboveground sebesar 193,45±34,88 ton C/ha. Simpanan karbon aboveground tertinggi ditemukan pada zona 1 yang didominasi jenis Sonneratia alba. Analisis regresi linear dan Akaike’s Information Criterion (AIC) menunjukkan bahwa kombinasi dari tutupan kanopi, kerapatan pohon, kerapatan pancang dan diameter pohon menjadi model terbaik dalam mengestimasi simpanan karbon pada skala komunitas. Model kombinasi ini memiliki nilai koefisien regresi tertinggi dan nilai root mean squared error (RMSE) terendah dibandingkan dengan model lainnya. Hasil penelitian diharapkan dapat digunakan dalam mengestimasi simpanan karbon secara lebih efisien dan akurat dalam skala komunitas.Mangrove is one of coastal ecosystem which has a major role to sequastrate and store carbon. Mangrove stand structure delivers a significant contribution for estimating biomass carbon stock through individual scale allometric equations. On the other hand, the aboveground carbon research on the community scale was conducted in Teluk Benoa. The study aimed to establish a model for estimating mangrove aboveground carbon stock from the multiple variables of mangrove stand structure. A stratified purposive sampling method was applied for distributing quadratic samples. Three mangrove zones (1–3) were identified using mRE-SR (modified red edge-simple ratio) interpretation based on mangrove species domination. A common allometric equation was applied for estimating aboveground carbon stock. The result showed that mangrove stand structure in zone 1 was significantly different to other zones. Aboveground carbon stock was 193.45±34.88 tons C/ha on entire sites. It was found highest in zone 1 which was dominated by Sonneratia alba. The linear regression and Akaike’s Information Criterion (AIC) analysis showed that the combination of canopy cover, tree density, sapling density and tree diameter became the best model in estimating carbon stock at the community scale. The multiple model had the highest regression coefficient and the lowest root mean square error (RMSE) value. We expect that the multiple variable model could be more efficient and accurate to estimate aboveground carbon stock on community scale
Gastronomi dalam Cerita Rakyat Ainu Jepang
ABSTRACTThis article analyzes the gastronomic aspects of the Ainu folklore in Japan. Gastronomic aspects examinedinclude how Ainu folklore narrates how they collect and cook food materials, how they consume, andwhat cultural values are attached to both the process of food production and consumption. The studyapplied library research and the object of analysis were selectively chosen from Ainu Mukashi Banashi’sbook: Hitotsubu no Satchiporo (2012), an anthology of Ainu folklore edited by Kayano Shigeru. Thestories chosen analyzed by the literary anthropology theory. The results show that the Ainu folklorecontains narratives about how people collect food, cook, and consume them. The study of the gastronomicnarratives of Ainu folklore presents a novelty that folklore not only contains a moral message for characterformation but is also a medium for preserving and continuing food and culinary culture across time andgenerations.Keywords: Ainu folktale, literary gastronomy, traditional food of Ainu JapanABSTRAKArtikel ini menganalisis aspek gastronomi dari cerita rakyat Ainu Jepang. Aspek gastronomiyang dikaji meliputi bagaimana cerita rakyat Ainu menceritakan cara mereka mengumpulkandan memasak bahan makanan, bagaimana mereka mengonsumsi, dan nilai-nilai budaya apayang melekat pada proses produksi dan konsumsi makanan. Penelitian dilakukan dengan risetperpustakaan dan objek kajian dipilih secara selektif dari buku Ainu Mukashi Banashi: Hitotsubuno Satchiporo (2012), sebuah antologi cerita rakyat Ainu dengan editor Kayano Shigeru. Datadianalisis dengan teori antropologi sastra. Hasil penelitian menunjukkan bahwa cerita rakyatAinu mengandung narasi tentang cara masyarakat mengumpulkan bahan makanan, memasak,dan mengkonsumsinya. Studi tentang narasi gastronomi cerita rakyat Ainu menyajikan halbaru bahwa cerita rakyat tidak saja mengandung pesan moral untuk pembentukan karaktertetapi juga menjadi media untuk melestarikan dan meneruskan budaya makanan dan kulinerlintas waktu dan generasi.Kata Kunci: cerita rakyat Ainu, gastronomi sastra, makanan tradisional Ainu Jepan
High Myostatin Serum Related with High Prevalence of Sarcopenia Among Elderly Population in Pedawa Village, Bali, Indonesia
BACKGROUND: Sarcopenia is defined as a decrease in muscle mass accompanied by a decrease in muscle strength and performance. Sarcopenia arises from the disruption of the complex balance between anabolic and catabolic factors. Myostatin strongly influences muscle growth inhibition. Deletion and function loss of myostatin causes hyperplasia and skeletal muscle hypertrophy.METHODS: This study was an analytical cross-sectional study. Seventy respondents aged ≥60 years in Pedawa Village, Bali, Indonesia were selected by using the stratified random sampling technique. Sarcopenia status was assessed according to Asian Working Group for Sarcopenia (AWGS) criteria, including muscle mass, grip strength, and walking speed. While the myostatin serum levels was measured by enzyme-linked immunosorbent assay (ELISA).RESULTS: The incidence of sarcopenia in the elderly was 45 people (64.3%). Based on the analysis, there was a significant difference between myostatin levels in sarcopenia subjects (47.59 ng/mL) and non-sarcopenia subjects (39.7 ng/mL). Based on the statistical calculations, it was determined that the cut-off range of myostatin levels was 48.91 ng/mL. The prevalence ratio of sarcopenia incidence based on the myostatin levels in the elderly was 3.84, while based on the combination of age risk and myostatin levels was 9.75.CONCLUSION: Based of the data, there are significant differences of myostatin level between elderly people with and without sarcopenia. The prevalence of high myostatin levels in elderly is almost 4 times higher than low myostatin levels in the elderly.KEYWORDS: myostatin, sarcopenia, elderl
Genetic Diversity and Phylogenetic of Longtail Tuna (Thunnus tonggol) Landed in Pabean Fish Market, Surabaya
Indonesia is the biggest tuna exporter in Southeast Asia. With a high number of tuna catch, it is worried that the catch will decrease tuna population, specifically longtail tuna. To anticipate the decrease, there needs to be a conservation program to protect longtail tunas from scarcity. One method used to protect longtail tuna is by genetic conservation. The aim of this research is to understand the genetic and phylogenetic variety of the longtail tuna in Pabean Surabaya Fish Market. The polymerase chain reaction was used to amplify segment of the mitochondrial control region gene from members of these sample, used forward primer CRK 5’-AGCTC AGCGC CAGAG CGCCG GTCTT GTAAA-3’ and reverse primer CRE 5’-CCTGA AGTAG GAACC AGATG-3’. Based on the sequencing process, 28 out of 29 samples longtail tuna were analyzed successfully. The results of the 28 sample analysis of longtail tuna based on its genetic variety and phylogenetic tree reconstruction showed a haplotype variety (Hd) score of 1,00000, and nucleotide (π) variety of 0,1939. Genetic variety value showed that longtail tuna has great adaption capabilities toward environmental changes time to time. Phylogenetic tree reconstruction results showed 7 clades with a genetic range of 0,005 – 0,035, which shows that all samples are closely related. The results of this study can be used as basic information in forming regulations on longtail tuna sustainable management and genetic conservation
Biopori Untuk Peresapan Limpasan Air Hujan dan Pengendalian Genangan di Dusun Tanah Embet Kecamatan Batulayar
Peristiwa bencana banjir yang terjadi di Dusun Tanah Embet Kecamatan Batulayar di akhir tahun 2021 telah menyebabkan kerugian material yang sangat besar. Banjir yang terjadi karena tingginya intensitas curah hujan serta tidak berfungsinya/tidak tersediannya saluran drainase. Genangan yang terjadi membutuhkan waktu beberapa hari sampai surut sehingga kegiatan masyarakat sangat terganggu.
Selain harus menyediakan saluran drainase yang memadai cara sederhana yang bisa dilaksanakan yaitu dengan membuat/memasang bio pori pada tempat-tempat yang elevasinya rendah atau pada setiap pekarangan penduduk. Biopori akan dapat mengurangi limpasan permukaan walaupun tidak 100%. Namun demikian pemasangan bio pori akan sangat bermanfaat jikalau terjadi hujan dengan intensitas tinggi. Selain mengurangi genangan biopori juga dapat berfungsi untuk konservasi air bawah permukaan.
Berdasarkan tinjauan lokasi dan analisis menunjukkan bahwa lokasi desa Tanak Embet memiliki potensi terjadi genangan karena topografinya cukup rendah dan ada aliran permukaan air hujan yang bersumber dari perbukitan. Pemasangan Biopori di Desa Tanak Embet sangat mendapat dukungan dari masyarakat setempat dan sangat mengharapkan ada tambahan dibeberapa titik yang sering mengalami genangan pada saat musim hujan. Biopori yang terpasangan berjumlah 5 titik dengan demikian diharapkan akan dapat mengurangi titik genangan yang terjadi pada saat musim huja
Recent Invasion of the Endemic Banggai Cardinalfish, Pterapogon kauderni at The Strait of Bali: Assessment of the Habitat Type and Population Structure
The demands of marine organisms for the aquarium trade are remain high and seems continue to increase. Consequently, many of marine organisms has been spread out from its natural habitat as in the case of endemic Banggai cardinalfish, (Pterapogon kauderni). That has invaded “new” habitat since it being trade in 1995. In recent years, a small populations of P. kauderni is known to be exist in a narrow bay near the Gilimanuk harbor, Bali. An underwater visual fish census survey was conducted on June 2018 to estimate the habitat types and densities of P. kauderni. Additionally, 23 specimens of P. kauderni were collected randomly in order to assess biological parameters such as the length-weight relationship. We successfully recorded 30 groups of P. kauderni that inhabit a shallow areas with a depth range between 0.5m to 2m. Of these, more than 90% of the groups were found to be associated with sea urchin (Diadema sp.) while the rest were found to live together with branching coral (Acropora sp.) and branching sponge (Ptylocaulis sp.). Total number of fish observed during the survey were 381 individuals. The fish density is 0.76 individu.m-2. Length-weight relationship showed that P. kauderni exhibit is negative allometry (b<3) which mean that the increase in length is faster than the weight gain. Interestingly, from the 23 specimens collected, none of these were sexually mature (SL<41 mm) which may indicated that the population of P. kauderni in Bali are under serious threats of exploitation
Temporal Distribution of Gastropods In Rocky Intertidal Area In North Manokwari, West Papua
Gastropods is an important organism that commonly found inhabiting the rocky intertidal area. Distribution pattern of this species is influenced by various factors such as population history, microhabitat, predation and a complex interactions between oceanographic dynamics and ecological features. This study aims to compare the temporal distribution pattern of gastropods at two different rocky intertidal area. This research was conducted at the rocky intertidal area of Amban and Nuni, North Manokwari District, West Papua. Data collection was performed during the daylight and night in April and June 2012 using systematic sampling method. The results showed that both physical and chemical factors are suite for supporting gastropods life. Furthermore, these factors seem to have an impact on gastropod zoning patterns observed in the study area. The similarity index values ​​indicate that the similarity of gastropod species between the two locations is low, which means that the species of gastropods found in each location is quite different. The community structure of gastropod at the study area is stable. In addition, we found that the gastropods diversity were higher during the night than the daylight because gastropods are classified as a nocturnal animals.
Key Words: Gastropod; Rocky Intertidal; Community Structure; Nocturna
Strong genetic differentiation in tropical seagrass Enhalus acoroides (Hydrocharitaceae) at the Indo-Malay Archipelago revealed by microsatellite DNA
The Indo-Malay Archipelago is regarded as a barrier that separates organisms of the Indian and Pacific Oceans. Previous studies of marine biota from this region have found a variety of biogeographic barriers, seemingly dependent on taxon and methodology. Several hypotheses, such as emergence of the Sunda Shelf and recent physical oceanography, have been proposed to account for the genetic structuring of marine organisms in this region. Here, we used six microsatellite loci to infer genetic diversity, population differentiation and phylogeographic patterns of Enhalus acoroides across the Indo-Malay Archipelago. Heterozygosities were consistently high, and significant isolation-by-distance, consistent with restricted gene flow, was observed. Both a neighbour joining tree based on DA distance and Bayesian clustering revealed three major clusters of E. acoroides. Our results indicate that phylogeographic patterns of E. acoroides have possibly been influenced by glaciation and deglaciation during the Pleistocene. Recent physical oceanography such as the South Java Current and the Seasonally Reversing Current may also play a role in shaping the genetic patterns of E. acoroides
Coral Fish Biodiversity Assessment on Different Locations (Case Study of the North Bali ICRG Area).
Reef fish associated with artificial reefs are one indicator of success for artificial reef applications. This research was carried out in February 2023. Reef fish data was collected in three tidal conditions. Data of Coral fish was collected using the Underwater Visual Census (UVC) method. The data that collected includes abundance of species, individual abundance and fish size from 3 categories namely major, indicators and targets. From the results, the community structure at each location obtained the same diversity index and uniformity index which were classified as moderate to high and the dominance index was classified as low. For each tidal condition the diversity index obtained was classified as medium to high, the uniformity index is relatively high and the dominance index is low. The total abundance of species at each point ranges from 26 species represented by 13 families to 63 species represented by 19 families, and for each tidal condition it ranges from 11 species represented by 7 families to 42 species represented by 16 families. The total abundance of individuals at each point overall ranged from 1333-20,048 Ind/Ha, each tidal condition it ranges from 20- 980 individuals. The total biomass at each point overall ranged from 102,844- 1353,119 Kg/Ha, each tidal condition ranges from 2,154 to 63,780 kg. Based on the results, the species similarity index values at each point were categorized as medium, except for Les II and Galeri, which were classified as high, while the test results for each tidal condition ranged from medium to high at each point. Test results (Mann-Whitney) for each point based on individual abundance values and coral reef fish biomass generally showed significant differences except between the Gallery and Les II points, whereas for each tidal condition there were no significant differences. Based on the results of the Correspondence Analysis, it was found that there was a relationship between several types of fish with each research point and at each tidal condition, this shows that the artificial reef structure at each point and each tidal condition was successful in attracting fish populations