3 research outputs found

    Perbedaan Heritabilitas Infeksi Heterakis gallinarum pada Ayam Lokal dan Ras Lohman

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    The study was couducted to determine the difference of heritability of Heterakis gallinarum in local and Lohman chicken. Sixteen local chicken and 16 Lohman chicken were inoculated with infected egg of Heterakis gallinarum for 250 egg in ech chicken. All chiken were necropsed 3 months after inoculated. The heritabilty of the worm was evaluated by determinan the number of infected chicken and number of worms. There were found 10 local chicken infected by Heterakis gallinarum and 2 local chicken infected by the worm. The result of the study indicated that the heratibility of Heterakis gallinarum is  higher in local chicken than Lohman chicken

    Antrian Digital Berbasis Wireless di Pukesmas Pembantu (PUSTU) Dauh Puri Denpasar Barat

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    Accumulation of the number of patient queues at the Pukesmas Pembantu (Pustu) Dauh Puri. This is due to fewer service facilities compared to the number of requests so that the time used by patients in the queue becomes unsystematic. The registration process and ordering queue numbers are still done manually without implementing a wireless system with a button keypad, where the manual queue machine has been printed first, first taken by the patient. Come to the puskesmas first to be able to take the queue number, then wait for registration by being called by the puskesmas officer without using an automatic dialing machine that is integrated with the queue machine so that patients have to wait their turn to be called in to get services from doctors in the absence of a seven segment display for petrified showing the last queue number and the registration counter to be addressed by the patient. The method that will be used in making this tool is a method of discussion and workshop-based tool work. The stages of the activity will be as follows: First, the proposer will provide the basic concept of the importance of digital technology knowledge. Second, the proposer will assemble the tools according to the distribution of the criteria for patients and clinics. Third, the proposer will provide training on the use of tools already using a wireless system. Fourth, if the PkM activity is about to end, a questionnaire will be distributed as an evaluation material in the activity. The solution that will be carried out is to overcome the services of elderly, general and toddler patients, namely the service of making a wireless-based queue number machine by installing an installation system, providing training to community health workers regarding the running and maintenance process.  Penumpukan jumlah antrian pasien pada Pukesmas Pembantu (Pustu) Dauh Puri. Hal tersebut disebabkan oleh fasilitas pelayanan yang lebih sedikit dibandingkan dengan jumlah permintaan sehingga waktu yang digunakan oleh pasien dalam antrian menjadi tidak tersistem.Proses regristrasi dan memesan nomor antrian masih dilakukan secara manual tanpa menerapkan sistem wireless dengan button keypad, dimana mesin antrian manual sudah tercetak terlebih dahulu kemudian diambil oleh pasien. Datang ke pukesmas terlebih dahulu untuk dapat mengambil nomor antrian, kemudian menunggu registrasi dengan cara dipanggil oleh petugas pukesmas tanpa menggunakan mesin pemanggil otomatis yang terintegrasi dengan mesin antrian sehingga pasien harus menunggu giliran untuk dapat dipanggil dalam mendapatkan pelayanan dari dokter dengan tidak adanya seven segment display untuk membatu menunjukan nomor antrian terakir dan loket pendaftaran yang akan dituju pasien.Metode yang akan dilakukan dalam pembuatan alat ini adalah metode diskusi dan pengerjaan alat berbasis workshop. Tahapan kegiatan tersebut akan lakukan seperti: Pertama, pengusul akan sesuai dengan pembagian kriteria pasien dan poli. Ketiga, pengusul akan memberikan pelatihan penggunaan alat sudah mengunakan sistem wireless. Keempat, jika kegiatan PkM akan berakhir akan denyebarkan kuesioner sebagai bahan evaluasi dalam kegiatan. Solusi yang akan dilakukan yaitu mengatasi pelayanan pasien lansia,umum maupun balita yaitu pengabdi membuat mesin nomor antrian berbasis wireless dengan memasang sistem intalasi, memberikan pelatihan kepada petugas pukesmas mengenai proses running dan maintenance. &nbsp

    Immunogenicity of Oral Rabies Vaccine Strain SPBN GASGAS in Local Dogs in Bali, Indonesia

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    Dog-mediated rabies is endemic in much of Indonesia, including Bali. Most dogs in Bali are free-roaming and often inaccessible for parenteral vaccination without special effort. Oral rabies vaccination (ORV) is considered a promising alternative to increase vaccination coverage in these dogs. This study assessed immunogenicity in local dogs in Bali after oral administration of the highly attenuated third-generation rabies virus vaccine strain SPBN GASGAS. Dogs received the oral rabies vaccine either directly or by being offered an egg-flavored bait that contained a vaccine-loaded sachet. The humoral immune response was then compared with two further groups of dogs: a group that received a parenteral inactivated rabies vaccine and an unvaccinated control group. The animals were bled prior to vaccination and between 27 and 32 days after vaccination. The blood samples were tested for the presence of virus-binding antibodies using ELISA. The seroconversion rate in the three groups of vaccinated dogs did not differ significantly: bait: 88.9%; direct-oral: 94.1%; parenteral: 90.9%; control: 0%. There was no significant quantitative difference in the level of antibodies between orally and parenterally vaccinated dogs. This study confirms that SPBN GASGAS is capable of inducing an adequate immune response comparable to a parenteral vaccine under field conditions in Indonesia