172 research outputs found
Intra Industry Trade of Agricultural Sector Commodity Between Indonesia and Malaysia, Philippines and Thailand
The Association of Southeast Asian Nations (ASEAN) consists of ten member countries, which are well known for their agricultural sector. Four of the ten ASEAN member countries, namely Indonesia, Malaysia, the Philippines and Thailand have the potential strategic agricultural sector in sustaining the country's national income. Since 2000, the Indonesian agricultural products to Malaysia, the Philippines and Thailand have undergone a decrease in export value gains from year to year significantly. From the analysis tools used i.e. Grubel-Lloyd Index, Constant Market Share (CMS) and a Data panel; it is found a way to increase the export of agricultural products from Indonesia to Malaysia, the Philippines and Thailand, which is expected to increase the country's national income. Keywords: intra industry trade, agricultural sector, Indonesia, Malaysia, the Philippines and Thailand
Second-level space boundary topology generation from CityGML inputs
Although CityGML geometrical data exported either
from GIS data or from compatible design software are
suitable for scene rendering and navigation, they are
not directly usable for energy simulation purposes because
the second-level space boundary information,
essentially surface pairs through which thermal energy
exchange among buildings or building rooms or
among a building room and its outside environment
occurs, is missing. In order to address this need, a district
space boundary topology generation algorithm,
that takes as input data formatted according to the
CityGML standard, is introduced. The algorithm is
based on four main processes and special operations
which are designed according to specific input data
scenarios. The algorithm is demonstrated with successful
results on examples with Level Of Detail 2, 3
and 4, as defined in the CityGML standard. Also certain
cases requiring further investigation are discusse
Perubahan Sosial Masyarakat Pasca Dibangunnya Pabrik Rokok Mahayana di Desa Sumbersuko Kecamatan Tajinan Kabupaten Malang
Indonesia merupakan salah satu negara berkembang. Namun seiring perkembangan, tidak menutup kemungkinan bahwa Indonesia akan menjadi negara maju. Hal itu dapat terjadi ketika perkembangan industri semakin pesat. Keberadaan kawasan industri di suatu wilayah akan memberikan perubahan mata pencaharian. Hal ini akan membantu dalam peningkatan taraf ekonomi masyarakat. Perkembangan industri yang menyebabkan perubahan juga dapat diamati di Desa Sumbersuko Kecamatan Tajinan Kabupaten Malang. Adapun fokus penelitian ini yaitu: (1) Sejarah berdirinya pabrik rokok di Desa Sumbersuko Kecamatan Tajinan Kabupaten Malang. (2) Perubahan sosial yang terjadi setelah dibangunnya pabrik rokok. (3) Kontribusi yang diberikan pabrik rokok Mahayana terhadap masyarakat. Penelitian ini menggunakan pendekatan kualitatif dengan jenis deskriptif. Lokasi penelitian yang akan dilakukan oleh peneliti adalah di industri pabrik rokok PT Karya Timur. Sumber data pada penelitian ini adalah sumber data primer dan sumber data sekunder. Teknik penentuan informan dalam penelitian ini menggunakan Snawball Sample. Metode pengumpulan data yang digunakan dalam penelitian ini adalah wawancara, observasi, dan dokumentasi. Analisis data dalam penelitian ini meliputi tahap pengumpulan data, reduksi data, penyajian data, verifikasi dan penarikan kesimpulan. Hasil dari penelitian ini adalah pertama, terjadinya perubahan di masyarakat pasca dibangunnya industri pabrik rokok. Perubahan yang terjadi di masyarakat yakni terkait gaya hidup yang semakin baik dari pada sebelumnya. Perubahan tersebut seperti, beralihnya pekerjaan masyarakat dari petani menjadi karyawan pabrik. Kedua, gaya hidup masyarakat terkait model pakaian yang semakin glamour dan memiliki sikap konsumtif. Serta alat transportasi yang dimiliki masyarakat lebih dari 1 yang sangat menunjang kegiatan dalam kehidupan sehari-hari. Selain itu, pabrik rokok Mahayana juga memberikan kontribusi terhadap masyarakat. Kontribusi yang diberikan berupa lapangan pekerjaan baru bagi masayarakat sekitar. Kedua, adanya fasilitas umum seperti lampu penerangan sepanjang jalan, bantuan pembangunan jalan raya serta fasilitas umum seperti mushola dan masjid. Ketiga, adanya bantuan sembako, pembagian daging saat hari raya Idul Adha. Serta ada reward paket umroh bagi karyawan yang hasil produksinya banyak, dan disiplin dalam bekerj
Kecepatan Pembakaran Premixed Campuran Minyak Jarak - Liquefied Petroleum Gas (LPG) Pada Circular Tube Burner
This study was conducted to determine the characteristics of premixed combustion of a mixture of castor oil - LPG on a circular tube burner. Percentage of LPG fuel in a mixture of jatropha curcas oil - LPG varied as much as 10%, 20%, 30%, and 40% of the mass flow jatropha curcas oil vapor. Considering the flame of fire there are two angles formed which describe burning velocity. Also there are formed two cones of fire where the bright blue inside cone is a premixed flame, while the outer blue white cone is flame a diffusion flame. An increase in the percentage of LPG makes the value of top and bottom angle increase. So that the burning velocity on the upper angle decrease whilst on bottom angle increase
Pengaruh Penambahan HHO Terhadap Kinerja Dan Ionisasi Pembakaran Motor Bensin
This aim of this research was to conduct the effect of HHO which injected into the combustion chamber through the intake manifold of the gasoline four-stroke motorcycle engine. HHO is a mixture of hydrogen and oxygen was produced by water electrolysis process.The experiments were carried out by using the HHO generatorin intake manifold to produced HHO gas, which injected into the combustion chamber. The HHO gas injection was varied of 0 ml/s, 0.75 ml/s, 1.5 ml/s, 2.25 ml/s and 3 ml/s based on the engine shaft revolution (rpm). The engine shaft revolutions were also varied at 1700 rpm, 2200 rpm, 2700 rpm, 3200 rpm, 3700 rpm, and 4200 rpm. The engine performance (power output effectively, SFC, and thermal efficiency), the ionization combustion (burning voltage and burning time) and exhaust gas emissions (HC and CO) were investigated. The results show that the additionof the HHO gascould improve the performance of the gasoline four-stroke engine. The effective of power out-put and thermal efficiency increase as increase the HHO injection.The specific fuel consumption (sfc) was also decreases as increases the HHO injection. The ionization combustion much better, which the voltage products of combustion increase and combustion time decrease as increase the HHO injection. The addition of HHO gas was also improved the quality of exhaust gas emission which are reduce the content of CO and HC gases due tothe HHO enhance the combustion process. The hydrogen gas has a high diffusivity which can improve of the fuel mixing, turbulence and homogeneity. The hydrogen gas has the flamehigh faster than gasoline, therefore its decrease the burning time as increase the HHO injection
Supplementation of Rumen by Pass Protein-Fat: Effect on Feed Intake, Nutrient Digestibility and the Profile of Duodenal Digesta Fatty Acids
. The aim of this research was to study the effects of rumen by pass protein-fat supplementation (RBPF) on feed intake, nutrients digestibility and profile of duodenal digesta of fatty acids. Two rumen fistulated and duodenum canulated dairy cows were fed ration that consisted of king grass and concentrate (60:40). The concentrate was supplemented with 20% RBPF. The feeding trial was conducted for four weeks in which the first week was the control period, the second week was the adaptation period, the third week was the early collection period and finally the fourth week was the late collection period. The samples of duodenal digesta were collected 1 hour before morning feeding and 1, 3 and 5 hours after morning feeding. The cows were fed twice a day and concentrate was offered before forage. The results showed that in comparison to the control, supplementation of RBPF increased nutrients intake of dry matter (DM) (6.95 vs. 6.27%), organic matter (OM) (6.20 vs. 5.70%), crude fat (CF) (0.49 vs. 0.41%), crude fiber (CFb) (1.84 vs. 1.49%) and nitrogen free extract (NFE) (3.23 vs. 3.03%), while the crude protein (CP) intake decreased (0.64 vs. 0.77%). Supplementation of RBPF improved the nutrients digestibility of dry matter (67.24 vs. 62.15%), organic matter (68.71 vs. 65.29%), crude fiber (66.20 vs. 57.46%) and nitrogen free extract (72.37 vs. 66.47%). RBPF supplementation also increased linoleic acid content in duodenal digesta sample at 1and 3 hours after feeding. In conclusion, RBPF supplementation did not negatively affect feed intake and nutrient digestibility. RBPF also increased the proportion of linolenic acid, eicosapentaenoic acid (EPA) and docosahexsaenoic acid (DHA) in duodenal digesta until 3 hours after feeding
Viewboard sebagai Laporan Jumlah Keseluruhan Artikel pada ILearning Raharja Ask And News
Sebuah informasi dapat mempengaruhi proses terjadinya komunikasi. Dengan perkembangan zaman yang kian modern seperti saat ini informasi jadi lebih mudah untuk didapatkan karena dapat diakses secara online melalui media elektronik. iRAN (iLearning Raharja Ask and New) sebagai media aplikasi online yang memberikan pelayanan informasi umum maupun khusus pada Perguruan Tinggi Raharja diharapkan dapat memberikan informasi yang selalu ter-up to date. Dalam sebuah sistem perlu adanya sebuah data yang dapat menggambarkan atau memberikan pengukuran performa dari sebuah sistem sebagai bukti jika sistem tersebut memberikan manfaat bagi masyarakat. Dashboard merupakan sebuah sistem aplikasi yang dapat menampilkan informasi dalam bentuk sebuah panel yang penting bagi pemimpin untuk dapat mengendalikan dan membawa organisasi untuk mencapai tujuan yang telah ditetapkan. Selain itu sebuah dashboard juga dapat dijadikan sebagai sarana untuk memonitoring kinerja, mengevaluasi proses dan memberikan solusi bagi proses yang sedang berjalan. Dengan adanya viewboard atau dashboard diharapkan dapat memberikan informasi mengenai kinerja dari official site iRAN
Analysis Of Bottom Gillnet Fishing And Development In Dumai City
The research was conducted on January 2016 at Pangkalan Pendaratan Ikan (PPI) Dumai City with the aim of the research is to prepare the development direction of gillnet fishing effort undertaken by the fisherman at Dumai city by using survey methods. The results showed that the bottom gillnet business as a feasible alternative fishing gear in terms of availability of raw materials, labor availability, market opportunities and business interests with an average value of 3,67. Financially feasible to be developed at an investment cost incurred on average Rp 93.122.400. BCR value of 1,45 to the value of FRR is 32,00 % higher than the bank rate of 7,25% applies. PPC value (payback period of capital) is 3,28 year. Bottom gillnet can be maintained and developed to improve the fishing vessel, the addition of fishing gear, provision of navigational tools as well as cold storage. After a review of the feasibility aspects of business development and financial analysis
Ketimpangan Distribusi Pendapatan dan Faktor-Faktor yang Mempengaruhinya di Kabupaten Purbalingga
The purposes of this research are to analyze level of inequality income distribution and factors influencing per capita income change in Purbalingga. The research method of this research is case study with descriptive analysis using secondary data include per capita income, amount of population, economic sectoral contribution to GDRP of Purbalingga, and development expenditure during 1990-2003. To analyze level of inequality income distribution it use Williamson Index Analysis method. The results of this research indicate that: 1) Average of Williamson Index value during 1990-2003 is 0.07 » 0.1. 2) Simultaneously, amount of population, primary sector contribution, secondary sector contribution, tertiary sector contribution, and development expenditure have a significant effect to per capita income change. Partially, amount of population, primary sector contribution, secondary sector contribution, and tertiary sector contribution have a significant effect with regression coefficient value for each variable is 4,809, 12,007, 4,511, and 15,273. While development expenditure is not having a significant effect to per capita income change. The conclusions of this research are level of inequality income distribution in Purbalingga during 1990-2003 is low inequality income distribution category, and per capita income change is influenced significantly by amount of population, primary sector contribution, secondary sector contribution, and tertiary sector contribution. The tertiary sector contribution has a biggest influence
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