172 research outputs found

    Radiation Emission by Extreme Relativistic Electrons and Pair Production by Hard Photons in a Strong Plasma Wakefield

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    Radiation spectrum of extreme relativistic electrons and a probability of electron-positron pair production by energetic photons in a strong plasma wakefield are derived in the framework of a semiclassical approach. It is shown that that the radiation losses of the relativistic electron in the plasma wakefield scale as ϵ2/3 \propto \epsilon ^{2 / 3} in the quantum limit when the energy of the radiated photon becomes close to the electron energy, ϵ\epsilon . The quantum effects will play a key role in future plasma-based accelerators operating at ultrahigh energy of the electrons.Comment: 10 pages, 2 figure

    Piecewise acceleration of electrons across a periodic solid-state structure irradiated by intense laser pulse

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    Three-dimensional particle-in-cell simulations show that the periodic solid-state structures irradiated by intense (1019\sim 10^{19} W/cm2{}^2) laser pulses can generate collimated electron bunches with energies up to 30 MeV (and acceleration gradient of 11.511.5 GeV/cm), if the microstructure period is equal to the laser wavelength. A one-dimensional model of piecewise acceleration in the microstructure is proposed and it is in a good agreement with the results of numerical simulations. It shows that the acceleration process for relativistic electrons can be theoretically infinite. In the simulations, the optimal target parameters (the width of the microstructure elements and the microstructure period) are determined. The explored parameters can be used for proof-of-principle experiments demonstrating an ultrahigh gradient acceleration by a number of identical and mutually coherent laser pulses [A. Pukhov et al., Eur. Phys. J. Spec. Top. 223, 1197 (2014)]

    Radiative Losses in Plasma Accelerators

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    We investigate the dynamics of a relativistic electron in a strongly nonlinear plasma wave in terms of classical mechanics by taking into account the action of the radiative reaction force. The two limiting cases are considered. In the first case where the energy of the accelerated electrons is low, the electron makes many betatron oscillations during the acceleration. In the second case where the energy of the accelerated electrons is high, the betatron oscillation period is longer than the electron residence time in the accelerating phase. We show that the force of radiative friction can severely limit the rate of electron acceleration in a plasma accelerator.Comment: 17 pages, 5 figure

    Control of laser wake field acceleration by plasma density profile

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    We show that both the maximum energy gain and the accelerated beam quality can be efficiently controlled by the plasma density profile. Choosing a proper density gradient one can uplift the dephasing limitation. When a periodic wake field is exploited, the phase synchronism between the bunch of relativistic particles and the plasma wave can be maintained over extended distances due to the plasma density gradient. Putting electrons into the nn-th wake period behind the driving laser pulse, the maximum energy gain is increased by the factor 2πn2\pi n over that in the case of uniform plasma. The acceleration is limited then by laser depletion rather than by dephasing. Further, we show that the natural energy spread of the particle bunch acquired at the acceleration stage can be effectively removed by a matched deceleration stage, where a larger plasma density is used