7 research outputs found
Engineering the future: Perspectives in the 2,5-furandicarboxylic acid synthesis
International audienceIn this work we present a perspective study on the synthesis of 2,5-furandicarboxylic acid (FDCA), a highly promising building block for resins and polymers. FDCA is presumed as a green replacement for (fossil-based) terephthalate â a predominant compound in polymer and resin manufacture nowadays, with a potential market size of several 100âŻMâŹ. However, the use of FDCA is still limited because due to its high price and the several issues linked to its industrial scale production. Herein we discuss the synthesis of FDCA from glucose using heterogeneous catalysts and base-free conditions emphasizing also the possibilities and the perspectives in an efficient FDCA production process directly from glucaric acid (glucose derivative) applying new-engineered nanocatalysts (hybrid catalysts). These processes are able to avoid the non-selective and highly expensive step of glucose isomerization to fructose
Photobiomodulation effect in tumoral necrosis factor-alpha(TNF-α) on the viability of random skin flap in rats
International audienceThe aim of this study was to investigate the effect of red laser (660 nm) photobiomodulation (PBM) with different energies on tumor necrosis factor-alpha(TNF-α) expression for random skin flap viability in rats. Twenty-four Wistar rats were divided into three groups: sham group (SG), PBM laser group with an energy dose of 0.29 J (0.29G), and PBM laser group with an energy dose of 7.30 J (7.30G). A cranially based dorsal skin flap measuring 10 à 4 cm was raised and a plastic barrier was placed between the flap and its bed. PBM was applied in 3 timepoints: in the immediate postoperative period, in the 1st and in the 2nd postoperative days; the animals were euthanized on the 7th postoperative day. The assessments included: TNF-α expression of 3 different flap areas (proximal, medial and distal), by immunohistochemistry; percentage of skin flap necrosis area, by the paper template method. The statistical analysis was performed through the Kruskal-Wallis and Mann-Whitney tests, the level of significance adopted was 5% (p < 0.05). TNF-α expression was significantly lower for 7.30G in the proximal area, reduced for SG in the medial point, and larger for 7.30G in the distal area. The percentage of flap necrosis area was significantly reduced for 7.30G. Higher energy doses are more efficacious than lower energy doses for modulating TNF-α expression. PBM with an energy dose of 7.30 J was effective in reducing the expression of TNF-α and increase skin flap viability
Uma alternativa mecùnica com emprego de forças magnéticas para a desimpactação dentåria A mechanical alternative with employment of magnetic force for the tooth desimpactation
OBJETIVO: o presente trabalho teve como finalidade avaliar clinicamente uma nova alternativa mecĂąnica para a erupção guiada ao plano oclusal de um dente prĂ©-molar impactado empregando magnetos atrativos da liga samĂĄrio-cobalto. METODOLOGIA: o tratamento cirĂșrgico-ortodĂŽntico foi realizado em uma paciente jovem de 11 anos portadora de oclusĂŁo de Classe I de Angle, com impactação do segundo prĂ©-molar inferior direito. O sistema magnĂ©tico empregado consistiu de um magneto colado com resina fotopolimerizĂĄvel sobre a superfĂcie vestibular do dente impactado e um outro pĂłlo magnĂ©tico rĂgido incrustado em um aparelho banda alça. Previamente Ă instalação do sistema magnĂ©tico no meio bucal, os magnetos foram caracterizados atravĂ©s de anĂĄlise de fluorescĂȘncia, difração de raios X e nĂvel de magnetização. A relação força/distĂąncia empregada foi quantificada, os magnetos foram medidos e a geometria magnĂ©tica bucal estabelecida. RESULTADOS: o tempo empregado na desimpactação foi de 40 dias e foram necessĂĄrias duas ativaçÔes magnĂ©ticas por aproximação dos magnetos neste intervalo. A opção magnĂ©tica neste caso clĂnico foi bastante eficaz tanto em relação ao tempo de tratamento quanto em relação ao conforto proporcionado ao paciente. Os magnetos empregados geraram um campo de força contĂnuo e autĂŽnomo nĂŁo sendo necessĂĄria a utilização de fios metĂĄlicos como guias de orientação na erupção e nem elĂĄsticos de tracionamento. CONCLUSĂO: esta possibilidade terapĂȘutica poderĂĄ ser Ăștil em desimpactaçÔes mais profundas tais como os caninos ectĂłpicos, cuja ocorrĂȘncia Ă© freqĂŒente.<br>AIM: the present work evaluated a new mechanical alternative to guide the eruption to the oclusal plan of a impacted bicuspid tooth using attractive cobalt-samarium magnets. METHODS: the treatment was accomplished in a 11 years old Class I young patient, with a impacted right inferior second premolar. The magnetic system consisted of magnets bonded to the vestibular surface of the impacted tooth and a rigid magnetic pole incrusted in a band and loop container. Previously to the installation of the magnetic system, the magnets were characterized through fluorescence analysis, X rays diffraction and magnetization level. The force/distance relationship used was quantified, the magnets were measured and the buccal magnetic geometry established. RESULTS: the time used in the desimpactation was of 40 days and were necessary two magnetic activations to approach the magnets in this interval. The magnetic option in this clinical case was quite effective so much in relation to the time of treatment as in regard to the comfort proportionated to the patient. The magnets generated a continuous and autonomous force field, not being necessary to use metallic threads as orientation guides in the eruption and nor elastic. CONCLUSION: this therapeutic possibility will frequently be useful in such deeper desimpactation as the canine teeth ectopics, seen in the daily activity