12 research outputs found

    Comprehensive assessment and analysis of the oil and gas potential of Meso-Cenozoic sediments in the North Caucasus

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    At the present stage, the development of the oil and gas industry in the Russian Federation is impossible without replenishing the raw material base, so the urgent task is to conduct investigations, prospecting and evaluation of oil and gas bearing capacity prospects in undiscovered areas. The purpose of the investigations is to analyze facies and thicknesses, choose the methodology of prospecting and exploration in reservoirs, make a comprehensive assessment of oil and gas bearing capacity prospects based on experimental investigations and construct a map of oil and gas bearing capacity prospects of the studied sediment structure. The methodology of the conducted investigations was to identify and trace zones of increased fracturing by qualitative interpretation of time seismic sections. Methods for qualitative interpretation of time seismic sections, the model of physical, chemical and geochemical criteria developed by I.A.Burlakov, gas and geochemical surveying and correlation analysis were used in the investigations. A number of prospecting criteria, established based on the analysis of reference seismic materials on well-studied areas in comparison with the results of well tests, were also used. Structural plan for forecast prospects of oil and gas bearing capacity in the studied area was made; zonal and local objects with prospects for oil and gas were identified. Graphical plotting of Eh and pH concentrations distribution and various gas and geochemical indicators allowed identifying zones of possible oil and gas accumulations and starting their detailed survey. Processing of gas and geochemical materials by means of software allowed efficient assessment of prospects for oil and gas bearing capacity of the investigated objects

    Comprehensive assessment of hydraulic fracturing technology efficiency for well construction during hydrocarbon production

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    The oil and gas industry has been an integral and fundamental sector of the Russian economy for the past few years. The main problems of this industry have traditionally been the deteriorating structure of oil reserves; depreciation of main assets; slowdown and decline in oil production. Recently these have been complicated by a number of new negative trends related to underinvestment, limited financial resources, deteriorating access to new equipment and technologies. The task of the research is to make a comprehensive assessment of hydraulic fracturing technology during well construction and to increase the recovery and intensification of hydrocarbons production. In this research, modeling techniques were used to assess the productivity of each fracture. Geophysical methods (seismic survey) were used to determine the geomechanical properties of the formation. Comprehensive assessment of hydraulic fracturing technology during well construction was carried out, which allowed to increase vertical permeability and unite disparate parts of the reservoir in practice, and to determine the development efficiency of the hydrocarbon field

    Estimation of multistage hydraulic fracturing parameters using 4D simulation

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    At the present stage, most oil and gas condensate fields in the southern part of the East Siberian oil and gas province are characterized by an increasing proportion of difficult oil reserves in tight reservoirs. Multistage hydraulic fracturing (MHF) is proposed for the offshore Challenger Sea field (Southeast Dome). The implementation of this technique at a shelf will be a source of additional risks. For example, the properties of the RR-2 overlying seal have not been unambiguously assessed, and there are a number of geological uncertainties, such as the tectonic regime. However, there are a number of arguments in favor of MHF: heterogeneity of the reservoir; low permeability; low water cut of the field; sufficient thickness of the pay zone; and the overlying seal. One more positive factor is that sand ingress is not observed in the process of oil production. The selection of a principal well completion scheme on the eastern side of the RR-7 formation is aimed at effectively recovering the remaining reserves. The objectives of the study performed are: to create a geological and hydrodynamic model of the Challenger Sea (Southeast Dome); develop 1D and 3D geomechanical models; evaluate oil production forecasts based on fundamentally different well completion schemes; and determine the optimum parameters for multistage hydraulic fracturing. The research methods included: petrophysical methods; logging methods; core studies; drilling reports and formation testing data; and 3D, 4D geomechanical simulation. Other geophysical methods included acoustic logging, density logging, and gamma-ray logging. After building a geomechanical model of the reservoir at the beginning of drilling, a hydrodynamic calculation was performed. This established the reservoir pressures and saturations at certain points in time. The results made it possible for the principal stress directions, the values of effective and principal stresses, and the values of elastic strains to be determined. In order to assess MGF process efficiency, production forecasts were made using a hydrodynamic model for an exploration well with conventional completion (perforated liner) and with five-stage MGF. In the first case, the accumulated production was 144 kt over 15 years, and in the second case, 125 kt over 17 years. The difference in cumulative production is due to different initial well flow rates, as well as the rate of oil withdrawal during the first few years of development. Thereafter, the production and daily flow rate curves showed similar behavior. In order to select the most effective option, an economic analysis of the efficiency was performed

    Forecasting planned electricity consumption for the united power system using machine learning

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    The paper presents the results of studies of the predictive models development based on retrospective data on planned electricity consumption in the region with a significant share of enterprises in the mineral resource complex. Since the energy intensity of the industry remains quite high, the task of rationalizing the consumption of electricity is relevant. One of the ways to improve control accuracy when planning energy costs is to forecast electrical loads. Despite the large number of scientific papers on the topic of electricity consumption forecasting, this problem remains relevant due to the changing requirements of the wholesale electricity and power market to the accuracy of forecasts. Therefore, the purpose of this study is to support management decisions in the process of planning the volume of electricity consumption. To realize this, it is necessary to create a predictive model and determine the prospective power consumption of the power system. For this purpose, the collection and analysis of initial data, their preprocessing, selection of features, creation of models, and their optimization were carried out. The created models are based on historical data on planned power consumption, power system performance (frequency), as well as meteorological data. The research methods were: ensemble methods of machine learning (random forest, gradient boosting algorithms, such as XGBoost and CatBoost) and a long short-term memory recurrent neural network model (LSTM). The models obtained as a result of the conducted studies allow creating short-term forecasts of power consumption with a fairly high precision (for a period from one day to a week). The use of models based on gradient boosting algorithms and neural network models made it possible to obtain a forecast with an error of less than 1 %, which makes it possible to recommend the models described in the paper for use in forecasting the planned electricity power consumption of united power systems

    Differences in behavior and distribution of permafrost-related lakes in Central Yakutia and their response to climatic drivers

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    The Central Yakutian permafrost landscape is rapidly being modified by land use and global warming, but small-scale thermokarst process variability and hydrological conditions are poorly understood. We analyze lake-area changes and thaw subsidence of young thermokarst lakes on ice-complex deposits (yedoma lakes) in comparison to residual lakes in alas basins during the last 70 years for a local study site and we record regional lake size and distribution on different ice-rich permafrost terraces using satellite and historical airborne imagery. Statistical analysis of climatic and ground-temperature data identified driving factors of yedoma- and alas-lake changes. Overall, lake area is larger today than in 1944 but alas-lake levels have oscillated greatly over 70 years, with a mean alas-lake-radius change rate of 1.663.0 m/yr. Anthropogenic disturbance and forest degradation initiated, and climate forced rapid, continuous yedoma-lake growth. The mean yedoma lake-radius change rate equals 1.261.0 m/yr over the whole observation period. Mean thaw subsidence below yedoma lakes is 6.261.4 cm/yr. Multiple regression analysis suggests that winter precipitation, winter temperature, and active-layer properties are primary controllers of area changes in both lake types; summer weather and permafrost conditions additionally influence yedoma-lake growth rates. The main controlling factors of alas-lake changes are unclear due to larger catchment areas and subsurface hydrological conditions. Increasing thermokarst activity is currently linked to older terraces with higher ground-ice contents, but thermokarst activity will likely stay high and wet conditions will persist within the near future in Central Yakutian alas basins

    Improving the efficiency of relay protection at a mining and processing plant

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    The paper presents the results of constructing effective relay protection in the power supply system of a mining and processing plant (MPP). A brief description of the MPP is given, the power supply and substitution circuits used to calculate the short-circuit currents are given. A statistical analysis of failures in the electric network of the MPP has been carried out, which makes it possible to draw conclusions about the nature of failures ranges. Analysis of the registered faults shows that a significant part of them are line-to-earth faults, which in most cases turn into multiphase short circuits, which are interrupted by overcurrent protection. In order to improve the efficiency and reliability of the relay protection, the power supply scheme of the MPP was refined and analyzed. The calculation of the short-circuit currents was made, which made it possible to calculate the settings of the relay protection and give recommendations on the place of its installation and adjustment in order to ensure the normal operation of electricity consumers. To reduce the number of failures to the cable insert on the line leaving the administrative and household complex (AHC), and to increase the reliability of power supply to consumers, it is advisable to divide the capacities of the existing 10 kV line into two parallel ones by laying a second line. It is recommended to install a current cut-off on the line outgoing to the AHC, the feasibility of the installation of which was shown by calculations. This will reduce the chance of failures to the cable gland. Data on the setting currents of overcurrent protection and current cut-off are given on the selectivity card

    Study of the object of the natural-technical system and determination of the static characteristics of ventilation

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    The article describes the analysis of the operation of existing production facilities for the extraction and processing of deposits. The study of the effective functioning of the natural-technical system in the extraction of a useful component of deposits is an extremely urgent and promising task. The purpose of the research is to study the object of the natural-technical system and determine the type of static ventilation characteristics. The tasks will be solved on the basis of a comprehensive study of the object of the natural-technical system. Experimental data necessary for constructing static characteristics associated with conducting a special experiment on the production site that violates the normal mode of ventilation is obtained. The research and development of a method for determining the static characteristics of ventilation objects, according to normal operation, which are obtained without interrupting the technological process of extracting the useful component

    Study of the object of the natural-technical system and determination of the static characteristics of ventilation

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    The article describes the analysis of the operation of existing production facilities for the extraction and processing of deposits. The study of the effective functioning of the natural-technical system in the extraction of a useful component of deposits is an extremely urgent and promising task. The purpose of the research is to study the object of the natural-technical system and determine the type of static ventilation characteristics. The tasks will be solved on the basis of a comprehensive study of the object of the natural-technical system. Experimental data necessary for constructing static characteristics associated with conducting a special experiment on the production site that violates the normal mode of ventilation is obtained. The research and development of a method for determining the static characteristics of ventilation objects, according to normal operation, which are obtained without interrupting the technological process of extracting the useful component

    System analysis of power consumption by nonferrous metallurgy enterprises on the basis of rank modeling of individual technocenosis castes

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    To increase energy efficiency at non-ferrous metallurgy enterprises, an integrated system approach for estimation of electricity consumption is needed. The paper presents the results of a rank analysis of the power consumption of individual castes of process equipment on the basis of an integrated energy survey of the enterprise. A methodology for constructing mathematical models for calculating and predicting electric power consumption for all castes of the ranked H-distribution of technocenosis has been developed. For the first time, according to the established regularity of the H-distribution, a mathematical model for predicting power consumption has been developed, including a quantitative analysis of the energy characteristics of consumers by individual castes of technocenosis. A retrospective check of the relative error in the prediction of electricity consumption showed that for the model it does not exceed 2%, which is significantly lower than the relative error of the prediction for a number of models of other types. The received model is recommended for use in the automated system of dispatching control of power consumption for the purposes of short-term forecasting of electric power consumption at industrial enterprises of non-ferrous metallurgy