5 research outputs found

    Complex decision making processes: their modelling under uncertainty

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    Podejmowanie decyzji jest zasadniczym elementem proces贸w zarz膮dczych organizacji. Sie膰 czynnik贸w je determinuj膮cych, ich niepewno艣膰 i niestabilno艣膰 sta艂y si臋 immanentnymi cechami tego procesu. Wyb贸r optymalnych rozwi膮za艅 spo艣r贸d istniej膮cych alternatyw wymaga stosowania metod przystaj膮cych do tych warunk贸w. Jedn膮 z nich jest model Cynefin, wywodz膮cy si臋 z teorii system贸w adaptacyjnych i kognitywistyki. W artykule zaprezentowano za艂o偶enia modelu Cynefin w kontek艣cie mo偶liwo艣ci kszta艂towania proces贸w decyzyjnych w warunkach niepewno艣ci.Decision making is an essential part of management processes. Network factors, their uncertainty and instability have become inherent features of these processes. Selection of optimal solutions of existing alternatives require use methods which have agreed to these conditions. The paper presents the basic assumptions and possibilities of using Cynefin framework for modeling complex decision making processes under uncertainty

    Wielofunkcyjny charakter zagadnie艅 zarz膮dzania wiekiem

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    Age management is a broad concept, presented in various contexts and related to many issues such as: population ageing, medicine, active ageing, diversity management or anti-discrimination. As a result, the significance of demographic processes is increasingly recognised by numerous researchers in various scientific disciplines. In the context of management studies, we can see a growing popularity of the concept of age management as one of the instruments to mitigate the effects of ageing and shrinking of potential workforce. The aim of this publication was to present research and development activity in the area of age management based on the use of bibliometrics to conduct quantitative analyses of scientific publications on the issues addressed in the research. The authors concentrated on publications indexed in the Scopus database. The studies revealed multifaceted character of this issue.Zarz膮dzanie wiekiem to szeroka koncepcja, przedstawiona w r贸偶nych kontekstach i zwi膮zana z wieloma kwestiami, takimi jak: starzenie si臋 spo艂ecze艅stwa, medycyna, aktywne starzenie si臋, zarz膮dzanie r贸偶norodno艣ci膮 czy przeciwdzia艂anie dyskryminacji. W rezultacie znaczenie proces贸w demograficznych jest coraz cz臋艣ciej uznawane przez licznych badaczy z r贸偶nych dyscyplin naukowych jako niezwykle istotne. W kontek艣cie studi贸w nad zarz膮dzaniem widzimy rosn膮c膮 popularno艣膰 koncepcji zarz膮dzania wiekiem, jako jednego z instrument贸w 艂agodzenia skutk贸w starzenia si臋 i kurczenia si臋 potencjalnej si艂y roboczej. Celem niniejszej publikacji by艂o przedstawienie dzia艂alno艣ci badawczo-rozwojowej w zakresie zarz膮dzania wiekiem opartej na wykorzystaniu bibliometrii do przeprowadzania analiz ilo艣ciowych publikacji naukowych dotycz膮cych zagadnie艅 poruszanych w badaniach. Autorzy skoncentrowali si臋 na publikacjach indeksowanych w bazie Scopus. Badania ujawni艂y wieloaspektowy charakter tej kwestii


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    Human risk in agriculture: problems and perspectives

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    Eurasian Studies in Business and Economics book series (EBES, volume 13/1) Series Print ISSN 2364-5067, Series Online ISSN 2364-5075Agriculture is an economic sector facing large risk, mainly from natural factors and despite of relatively low price responsiveness to supply and demand causes output volatility in general. It is a risky business, and risk assessment and management tools have become increasingly important in recent years. Risk assessment and management is a complex process, since the risk arises from different sources. Typically, literature analyzes financial, business, credit, or currency risk. There is lack of research of human risk, especially in agriculture sector. It is important to identify knowledge, attitudes, behaviors, and priorities among farmers regarding safety, health, and risk management. This research focuses on identifying main human risk factors, identifying vulnerable populations in agriculture, including immigrants, migrants, refugees, young and older persons, women, persons with disabilities, and minority workers. The research explores human risk assessment and management problems in agriculture. Only then is it possible to increase safety and health for agriculture workers and decrease human risk manifestation in agriculture and to make the agriculture sector socially beneficial for its nationBioekonomikos pl臈tros fakultetasVytauto Did啪iojo universiteta