2,624 research outputs found

    Cohomological Hall algebra of a symmetric quiver

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    In the paper \cite{KS}, Kontsevich and Soibelman in particular associate to each finite quiver QQ with a set of vertices II the so-called Cohomological Hall algebra \cH, which is Z0I\Z_{\geq 0}^I-graded. Its graded component \cH_{\gamma} is defined as cohomology of Artin moduli stack of representations with dimension vector γ.\gamma. The product comes from natural correspondences which parameterize extensions of representations. In the case of symmetric quiver, one can refine the grading to Z0I×Z,\Z_{\geq 0}^I\times\Z, and modify the product by a sign to get a super-commutative algebra (\cH,\star) (with parity induced by Z\Z-grading). It is conjectured in \cite{KS} that in this case the algebra (\cH\otimes\Q,\star) is free super-commutative generated by a Z0I×Z\Z_{\geq 0}^I\times\Z-graded vector space of the form V=V^{prim}\otimes\Q[x], where xx is a variable of bidegree (0,2)Z0I×Z,(0,2)\in\Z_{\geq 0}^I\times\Z, and all the spaces kZVγ,kprim,\bigoplus\limits_{k\in\Z}V^{prim}_{\gamma,k}, γZ0I.\gamma\in\Z_{\geq 0}^I. are finite-dimensional. In this paper we prove this conjecture (Theorem 1.1). We also prove some explicit bounds on pairs (γ,k)(\gamma,k) for which Vγ,kprim0V^{prim}_{\gamma,k}\ne 0 (Theorem 1.2). Passing to generating functions, we obtain the positivity result for quantum Donaldson-Thomas invariants, which was used by S. Mozgovoy to prove Kac's conjecture for quivers with sufficiently many loops \cite{M}. Finally, we mention a connection with the paper of Reineke \cite{R}.Comment: 16 pages, no figures; a reference adde

    Condensates of Strongly-interacting Atoms and Dynamically Generated Dimers

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    In a system of atoms with large positive scattering length, weakly-bound diatomic molecules (dimers) are generated dynamically by the strong interactions between the atoms. If the atoms are modeled by a quantum field theory with an atom field only, condensates of dimers cannot be described by the mean-field approximation because there is no field associated with the dimers. We develop a method for describing dimer condensates in such a model based on the one-particle-irreducible (1PI) effective action. We construct an equivalent 1PI effective action that depends not only on the classical atom field but also on a classical dimer field. The method is illustrated by applying it to the many-body behavior of bosonic atoms with large scattering length at zero temperature using an approximation in which the 2-atom amplitude is treated exactly but irreducible NN-atom amplitudes for N3N \ge 3 are neglected. The two 1PI effective actions give identical results for the atom superfluid phase, but the one with a classical dimer field is much more convenient for describing the dimer superfluid phase. The results are also compared with previous work on the Bose gas near a Feshbach resonance.Comment: 10 figure