1 research outputs found

    Correlation Between Body Composition with After Recovery Respiratory Rate Post-Harvard Step Test on Medical Student

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    Abstrak Mewujudkan kebugaran jasmani menjadi tantangan mengingat pembatasan mobilitas akibat pandemi Covid-19 yang semakin meningkatkan gaya hidup pasif. Jika hal tersebut tidak ditangani akan berisiko mudah terkena obesitas dan penyakit kardiorespirasi. Untuk mencegahnya, sangat penting untuk mengetahui hubungan antara komposisi tubuh terhadap kemampuan recovery laju pernapasan seseorang. Penelitian ini dilakukan untuk mengetahui hubungan antara komposisi tubuh dengan laju pernapasan setelah recovery pada mahasiswa kedokteran yang melakukan Harvard Step Test. Metode yang digunakan adalah analisis korelatif dengan desain cross-sectional. Populasi penelitian adalah mahasiswa Fakultas Kedokteran dan Ilmu Kesehatan Universitas Warmadewa (FKIK Unwar) angkatan 2021 pemilih Tim Bantuan Medis Baswara Prada (TBM-BP). Responden diambil melalui metode total sampling dengan merekrut 61 orang responden. Hasil analisis univariat menggunakan SPSS version 18 menunjukkan proporsi tertinggi komposisi tubuh berada di kategori ‘cukup’ (55,7%). Untuk laju pernapasan sebelum perlakuan, terdapat 8 responden (13,1%) dengan laju pernapasan di atas normal sementara untuk laju pernapasan setelah perlakuan, proporsi tertinggi berada di rentang 21-30 kali/menit (80,3%). Hasil analisis bivariat menggunakan uji korelasi Spearman menunjukkan korelasi searah namun lemah dan tidak signifikan antara komposisi tubuh dengan laju pernapasan setelah recovery (p = 0,097 dan r = +0,215). Disimpulkan bahwa komposisi tubuh dapat berpengaruh terhadap kebugaran jasmani kendati bukan faktor utama. Mahasiswa, masyarakat, serta institusi terkait diharapkan dapat memahami pentingnya latihan fisik untuk mewujudkan kebugaran jasmani dan penelitian selanjutnya diharapkan dapat lebih komprehensif dalam mencari hubungan berbagai variabel terkait komposisi tubuh dan laju pernapasan setelah recovery.   Kata Kunci: kebugaran jasmani, komposisi tubuh, recovery laju pernapasanAbstract Empowering physical fitness becomes a challenge considering mobility restriction because Covid-19 pandemic situation which impacting the increasing of passive lifestyle. If such situation is not well handled, it could risk for obesity and cardiorespiratory disease. To prevent that, it’s crucial to find out the correlation between body composition towards someone respiratory rate recovery ability. This research was held to find out the correlation between body composition with after recovery respiratory rate on medical student that taking Harvard Step Test.  This research was using correlative analysis method with cross-sectional design. Population from this research is Warmadewa Faculty of Medicine and Health Student (FKIK Unwar) that choosing Baswara Prada Medical Assistance Team (TBM-BP). The respondent was taken by total sampling method and recruiting 61 respondents. The results of univariate analysis using SPSS version 18 shows the highest proportion of body composition is in ‘fair’ category (55.7%). For initial respiratory rate, there is 8 people (13.1%) that having respiratory rate above normal range while for final respiratory rate the highest proportion is in 21-30 times/minute range (80.3%). The bivariate analysis result using Spearman correlation test shows positive but weak and insignificant correlation between body composition with after recovery respiratory rate (p = 0.097 and r = +0.215). It’s concluded that body composition could influencing physical fitness although it’s not the main factor. The students, public, and related institutions are expected to understand the important of physical  exercise to empowering physical fitness and the next study also expected to more comprehensive to correlating various variable related to body composition and after recovery respiratory rate.   Keywords: physical fitness, body composition, recovery of respiratory rat