391 research outputs found

    Finite Dimensional Hopf Actions on Central Division Algebras

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    Let k be an algebraically closed field of characteristic zero. Let D be a division algebra of degree d over its center Z(D). Assume that k. Z(D). We show that a finite group G faithfully grades D if and only if G contains a normal abelian subgroup of index dividing d. We also prove that if a finite dimensional Hopf algebra coacts on D defining a Hopf-Galois extension, then its PI degree is at most d². Finally, we construct Hopf-Galois actions on division algebras of twisted group algebras attached to bijective cocycles

    Estudio de mercado para proyecto de hotel ecoturístico en la playa Los Cocos, Lago Cocibolca, Granada, Nicaragua

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    Tesis (Licenciatura en Turismo y Administracion Hotelera)--Universidad Americana, Managua, 2004El presente estudio tiene la finalidad de conocer los atractivos turisticos que posee la ciudad de Granada para asi diagnosticar la demanda vs. la oferta demostrando la viabilidad de ofertar y promocionar un hotel Ecoturistico en la costa del Gran Lago Cocibolca

    Estudio sobre simplificación de la enseñanza ortográfica

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    En artículo precedente insistíamos en que la enseñanza de la ortografía castellana es fundamental para el avance cultural y económico de nuestra Patria, e indicábamos las consecuencias prácticas que los criterios que establecíamos para medir la eficacia en la enseñanza de la ortografía, pueden tener en la reforma de los métodos empleados en nuestras escuelas. Respecto a la conveniencia de que el alumno aprenda de memoria un crecido número de reglas, pusimos de relieve que la frecuencia del uso de unas y otras palabras en el idioma castellano, nos indicaba que debe aprenderse sin ninguna clase de reglas la correcta grafía de las pocas palabras dudosas que existen en el centenar de términos gramaticales verdaderamente esenciales en el idioma. Pero en las restantes palabras no puede decirse "a priori" que sea o no más conveniente el método de enseñarlas todas "aisladamente y prescindiendo de toda regla". Para resolver con cierta exactitud hasta qué punto conviene o no el aprendizaje de las reglas ortográficas, no nos bastará considerar únicamente, como hacíamos en el artículo anterior, el número de veces que pueda ser útil una regla ortográfica cuando el alumno la domine ; porque es evidente que hay que pesar y valorar también el esfuerzo que supondrá conseguir que sea aplicable: hay un cierto "coste de aprendizaje" o "sacrificio inicial fijo" para asimilr y retener cada regla ortográfica, y otro "coste y esfuerzo variable", que se produce cada vez que la regla ha de ser aplicada. Y ambos coste "fijo inicial" y "variable, o de aplicación directa de dicha regla", vienen afectados, sin duda, por el número de excepciones que presente esa regla

    Dermatitis crónica por sensibilización al níquel en un paciente con fractura del astrágalo tratada mediante osteosíntesis

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    Se presenta un varón de 25 años, con fractura del astrágalo izquierdo tratada mediante osteosíntesis con 2 tornillos de acero inoxidable con un contenido en níquel del 12-14%. A los 4 meses de la intervención, el paciente desarrolló una dermatitis pruriginosa en cara lateral externa del pie, en la zona cutánea supra-adyacente al lugar de la osteosíntesis. La lesión no cedió con el tratamiento tópico convencional a base de corticoides. Las pruebas epicutáneas realizadas con la batería estándar del Grupo Español de Investigación en Dermatitis de Contacto revelaron un parche positivo vesiculoso (+ +) al sulfato de níquel al 2,5% y al cloruro de cobalto al 1%, ambos aplicados en vaselina, en la lectura a las 48 y 96 horas. En vista de que las lesiones permanecían estables al mes de tratamiento con un potente corticoide en cura oclusiva y antihistamínicos sistémicos, se procedió a retirar los tornillos de osteosíntesis. A los pocos días de la intervención comenzó a desaparecer el prurito y, en el curso de 2 semanas, se produjo la curación completa de la dermatitisSe presenta un varón de 25 años, con fractura del astrágalo izquierdo tratada mediante osteosíntesis con 2 tornillos de acero inoxidable con un contenido en níquel del 12-14%. A los 4 meses de la intervención, el paciente desarrolló una dermatitis pruriginosa en cara lateral externa del pie, en la zona cutánea supra-adyacente al lugar de la osteosíntesis. La lesión no cedió con el tratamiento tópico convencional a base de corticoides. Las pruebas epicutáneas realizadas con la batería estándar del Grupo Español de Investigación en Dermatitis de Contacto revelaron un parche positivo vesiculoso (+ +) al sulfato de níquel al 2,5% y al cloruro de cobalto al 1%, ambos aplicados en vaselina, en la lectura a las 48 y 96 horas. En vista de que las lesiones permanecían estables al mes de tratamiento con un potente corticoide en cura oclusiva y antihistamínicos sistémicos, se procedió a retirar los tornillos de osteosíntesis. A los pocos días de la intervención comenzó a desaparecer el prurito y, en el curso de 2 semanas, se produjo la curación completa de la dermatitis

    Energy dissipation via acoustic emission in ductile crack initiation

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    This article presents a modeling approach to estimate the energy release due to ductile crack initiation in conjunction to the energy dissipation associated with the formation and propagation of transient stress waves typically referred to as acoustic emission. To achieve this goal, a ductile fracture problem is investigated computationally using the finite element method based on a compact tension geometry under Mode I loading conditions. To quantify the energy dissipation associated with acoustic emission, a crack increment is produced given a pre-determined notch size in a 3D cohesive-based extended finite element model. The computational modeling methodology consists of defining a damage initiation state from static simulations and linking such state to a dynamic formulation used to evaluate wave propagation and related energy redistribution effects. The model relies on a custom traction separation law constructed using full field deformation measurements obtained experimentally using the digital image correlation method. The amount of energy release due to the investigated first crack increment is evaluated through three different approaches both for verification purposes and to produce an estimate of the portion of the energy that radiates away from the crack source in the form of transient waves. The results presented herein propose an upper bound for the energy dissipation associated to acoustic emission, which could assist the interpretation and implementation of relevant nondestructive evaluation methods and the further enrichment of the understanding of effects associated with fracture

    3D-printed concrete footbridges: an approach to assess the sustainability performance

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    Digital fabrication with concrete (DFC) is fast becoming an attractive alternative for components (i.e., façades, urban furniture) and structural typologies (i.e., short-span footbridges, columns, floor systems) for which complex geometries derived from particular aesthetical criteria and/or construction time constrictions are governing parameters. Additionally, some authors claim that this process allows improving the sustainability of structures, as less material is necessary compared to traditional concrete solutions, thus reducing greenhouse gas emissions linked to material consumption. Nonetheless, the environmental implications of DFC are still under scrutiny and remain objectively unquantified. In this study, a sustainability assessment model to allow decision-makers to evaluate and compare concrete footbridge alternatives—from the sustainability perspective—including those constructed by means of 3D printed concrete (3DPC) techniques, is presented. The proposed approach is based on the MIVES method. For this purpose, the most representative criteria and indicators of sustainability identified are measured and weighted-aggregated in a decision-making tree. The sustainability index (SI) of each alternative is the outcome derived from the application of the model, and the SI was used as reference for evaluating the alternatives. The sustainability of 3D-printed footbridges is quantified and compared to other concrete-based solutions: traditional reinforced cast-in-place and precast concrete, as traditional solutions, and ultra-high performance precast concrete and textile-reinforced concrete, as innovative alternatives. The results of the analysis lead to conclude that 3D-printed footbridges have positive impacts on environmental and social indicators, but economic indicators still need to be improved to attain a competitive solution. The approach proposed herein to assess the sustainability of footbridges can be extended to other cases and stakeholders' preferences by adapting the components of the method to sensitivities and particular boundary conditions of other scenarios.The authors want to acknowledge ACCIONA, S.A. for the economic funds and information provided. This study was also financially supported by the Spanish Ministry of Sci-ence and Innovation under the scope of project CREEF (PID2019-108978RB-C32/AEI/10.13039/501100011033). A. Monserrat was supported by the Ministerio de Uni-versidades (Spain) with the Recovery, Transformation and Resilience Plan (RD 289/2021 and order UNI/551/ 2021) of NextGenerationEU; Postdoctoral Margarita Salas Fellowship funded by Universitat Politècnica de València.Peer ReviewedPostprint (published version

    Disruption of a Proto-Planetary Disk by the Black Hole at the Milky Way Centre

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    Recently, an ionized cloud of gas was discovered plunging toward the supermassive black hole, SgrA*, at the centre of the Milky Way. The cloud is being tidally disrupted along its path to closest approach at ~3100 Schwarzschild radii from the black hole. Here, we show that the observed properties of this cloud of gas can naturally be produced by a proto-planetary disk surrounding a low-mass star, which was scattered from the observed ring of young stars orbiting SgrA*. As the young star approaches the black hole, its disk experiences both photo-evaporation and tidal disruption, producing a cloud. Our model implies that planets form in the Galactic centre, and that tidal debris from proto-planetary disks can flag low mass stars which are otherwise too faint to be detected.Comment: Accepted to Nature Communications; new Figure 4b provides predicted Br-gamma emission as a function of tim

    Spherically Symmetric Accretion Flows: Minimal Model with MHD Turbulence

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    The first spherical accretion model was developed 55 years ago, but the theory is yet far from being complete. The real accretion flow was found to be time-dependent and turbulent. This paper presents the minimal MHD spherical accretion model that separately deals with turbulence. Treatment of turbulence is based on simulations of several regimes of collisional MHD. The effects of freezing-in amplification, dissipation, dynamo action, isotropization, and constant magnetic helicity are self-consistently included. The assumptions of equipartition and magnetic field isotropy are released. Correct dynamics of magnetized flow is calculated. Diffusion, convection, and radiation are not accounted for. Two different types of Radiatively Inefficient accretion flows are found: a transonic non-rotating flow (I), a flow with effective transport of angular momentum outward (II). Non-rotating flow has an accretion rate several times smaller than Bondi rate, because turbulence inhibits accretion. Flow with angular momentum transport has accretion rate about 10-100 times smaller than Bondi rate. The effects of highly helical turbulence, states of outer magnetization, and different equations of state are discussed. The flows were found to be convectively stable on average, despite gas entropy increases inward. The proposed model has a small number of free parameters and the following attractive property. Inner density in the non-rotating magnetized flow was found to be several times lower than density in a non-magnetized accretion. Still several times lower density is required to explain the observed low IR luminosity and low Faraday rotation measure of accretion onto Sgr A*.Comment: Accepted for publication in ApJS. 52 pages, 7 figure

    Gender equity in education. Analysis and description of best educational practices

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    Este artículo presenta resultados derivados de un proyecto de investigación de excelencia subvencionado por la Junta de Andalucía en convocatoria pública (BOJA 11/04/2007), cuyo propósito ha sido el diagnóstico de la cultura de género en los centros educativos y el estudio de buenas prácticas en esta materia. El propósito de este artículo es describir y analizar una variedad de buenas prácticas coeducativas desarrolladas en diferentes contextos escolares de Andalucía. Además, se pretende presentar un sistema de indicadores que sirva para el análisis de las buenas prácticas coeducativas. Para ello, utilizamos una metodología cualitativa de corte etnográfico, aplicando entrevistas, grupos de discusión y observación. Dicha metodología está fundamentada en las propuestas teóricas del doing gender (Crawford y Chaffin, 1997) y en las aportaciones sobre el análisis de buenas prácticas (Epper y Bates, 2004; Escudero, 2009). Aquí analizamos cinco prácticas coeducativas desarrolladas en sendos centros educativos de Andalucía. Los resultados muestran una rica variedad de prácticas vinculadas a líneas prioritarias del Plan de Igualdad en Educación de Andalucía, que se manifiestan en diferentes contenidos (sexualidad, lenguaje, corresponsabilidad…) así como en entornos sociales y educativos diversos. El análisis nos descubre dos factores de gran relevancia en el éxito y sostenibilidad de las prácticas: la implicación positiva de la comunidad educativa (profesorado, familia, equipos directivos) y la sinergia entre el centro y otras instituciones del entorno social en actividades conjuntas. Estos resultados revelan el papel clave que el Plan de Igualdad está desempeñando en Andalucía en la promoción de buenas prácticas gracias a la creación de la figura de profesorado responsable de igualdad como dinamizador de dichas prácticas. Además, destacamos como factores que condicionan el desarrollo y la sostenibilidad de las prácticas a lo largo del tiempo la coordinación entre niveles y ciclos educativos para dar continuidad al trabajo, la estabilidad del profesorado y el trabajo coordinado en toda la comunidad.This paper reports the results of a research project subsidized by the Andalusian government under a public call for research proposals (boja 11/04/2007) aimed at designing virtual resources for coeducation and analyzing good practices for coeducation. The paper describes and analyzes a variety of the best coeducational practices used in different school contexts in Andalusia. A system of indicators is also presented that is useful for analyzing best coeducational practices. A qualitative methodology of the ethnographic type is used, in which interviews, group discussions and observation are applied. The methodology is based on the theoretical proposals of doing gender (Crawford and Chaffin, 1997) and contributions to the analysis of best practices (Epper and Bates, 2004; Escudero, 2009). Five coeducational practices implemented in five Andalusian schools are analyzed. The results show a rich variety of educational practices linked to the main thrusts of the Andalusian Plan for Equal Opportunities in Education. This variety is expressed in different types of contents (e.g., sexuality, language, co-responsibility) and diverse social and educational environments. In-depth analysis reveals two factors of special relevance for the success and sustainability of practices: positive involvement by the educational community (teachers, parents and school administrators) and synergy between the school and other institutions in the same social environment in joint activities. Therefore, these findings emphasize the key role that the Plan for Equal Opportunities is playing in Andalusia to promote best practices through the teachers in charge of coeducation in schools, who encourage the use of best practices. Some factors are also highlighted that affect the development and sustainability of practices over time: coordination between educational stages and cycles to enable work to be continued, teaching staff stability and work coordinated throughout the educational community.Consejería de Innovación, Ciencia y Empresa de la Junta de Andalucía P06- HUM-0140