84 research outputs found
Kerangka Kerja Pemilihan Free and Open Source Software (Foss) Menggunakan Metode Analytical Hierarchy Process
Banyaknya pilihan Free Open Source Software (FOSS) dengan beraneka ragam kualitas menyulitkan kita memilih FOSS yang tepat untuk memenuhi kebutuhan kita. Oleh karena itu, dibutuhkan suatu metode untuk membantu dalam memilih FOSS yang tepat. Paper ini bertujuan untuk mengemukakan suatu kerangka kerja (framework) yang dapat memberikan tuntunan atau bantuan dalam memilih FOSS. Kerangka kerja yang diajukan ini menggunakan metode Analytical Hierarchy Process untuk membantu proses pemilihan solusi
The mangrove ecosystem in Subang Coastal is potentially effected due to oil spills. The oil spill in this area can be caused by an accident of petroleum exploitation. Therefore, it needs to anticipate and plan comprehensively for environmental protection from oil spills. Environmental sensitivity index (ESI) analysis can be used to classify the level of sensitivity of the mangrove ecosystem to the oil spill. This study aims to calculate the ESI for mangrove ecosystems in Subang coastal areas. ESI was formed by combining the Vulnerability Index (VI), Ecological Index (EI), and Socio-economic Index (SI). Secondary data was collected by study literature. The primary data was conducted from 13 locations. The parameters in VI are coastal slope, tidal type, tidal range, wave height, substrate type, and mangrove distance from the coastline. The parameters in EI are mangrove zonation, mangrove density mangrove diversity, age of mangrove, protected species, and mangrove conservation status. The parameter in SI consists of social and economic components. The result showed that the mangrove ecosystem of the Subang coastal area has a sensitivity status from moderate to sensitive. Among 13 locations, only three locations were classification sensitive to the oil spill. The locations were Tegal Tike, Anggaranu, and Tanjung. Although the study areas are dominated by the moderate sensitivity category, however, the protection of the mangrove ecosystem from oil spills should be prioritized.Ekosistem mangrove di daerah pesisir Subang berpotensi terdampak oleh tumpahan minyak. Tumpahan minyak di daerah tersebut bisa bersumber dari kecelakaan pada kegiatan eksploitasi minyak bumi. Oleh karena itu, diperlukan antisipasi dan rencana yang komprehensif untuk melindungi lingkungan dari tumpahan minyak. Indeks Kepekaan Lingkungan (IKL) dapat digunakan untuk mengklasifikasi tingkat kepekaan ekosistem mangrove terhadap tumpahan minyak. Penelitian ini bertujuan untuk menghitung IKL ekosistem mangrove di daerah pesisir Subang. IKL dibentuk dari gabungan Indeks Kerentanan (IK), Indeks Ekologi (IE) dan Indeks Sosial ekonomi (IS). Data sekunder diperoleh dengan cara studi literatur, sedangkan pengambilan data primer dilakukan di 13 lokasi pengamatan. Parameter IK terdiri dari kemiringan pantai, tipe pasang surut, rentang pasang surut, tinggi gelombang, tipe substrat dan jarak mangrove dari bibir pantai. Parameter IE terdiri dari zonasi mangrove, kepadatan mangrove, keragaman mangrove, umur mangrove, keberadaan spesies dilindungi dan status konservasi mangrove. Parameter IS terdiri dari komponen sosial dan komponen ekonomi. Hasil penelitian menunjukkan bahwa ekosistem mangrove di pesisir Subang memiliki tingkat kepekaan dari cukup peka hingga peka. Dari 13 lokasi pengamatan, hanya 3 lokasi yang memiliki status peka terhadap tumpahan minyak. Daerah tersebut adalah Tegal Tike, Anggaranu, dan Tanjung. Walaupun tingkat kepekaan daerah pengamatan didominasi oleh kategori cukup peka, namun perlindungan ekosistem mangrove dari tumpahan minyak harus menjadi prioritas
Physical Effects on the Behavior of Littorina Littorea (L)
Gastropoda, Uttorina littorea (l.) dipelihara pada salinitas antara 9-33"'- . Hewan tidak dapat berlahan hidup pada salinitas kurang dari 8%.. Pada salinitas antara 15.6-19.4"'- hewan tampak lebih aktif dalam kondisi dengan atau tanpa cahaya. Penurunan tingkat aktifitas umumnya terjadi dengan menurunnya salinitas media.Kata-kat. kunci: Littorina littorea, tingkah laku, salinitas, cahay
Assessing the Effectiveness of Comic- Style Illustrations for Promoting Environmental Sustainability
Environment and lives are interconnected. The environment is currently faced with many challenges such as climate change, which has been due to effects of harmful human activities on the environment. In order to stay alive and healthy, the environment has to be properly cared for, as such, activities causing environmental degradation are to be drastically reduced. This study adopted a pamphlet design as a visual communication tool in order to address and increase awareness on environmental issues, using comic-style illustration to educate the public. Additionally, assessments were made on the effectiveness of the visual design created. Primary data were collected through structured questionnaire administered to a sample of 323 respondents which were randomly selected within business district in Akure. Questionnaire were administered to elicit data on the effectiveness of the design created which were analyzed using Chi-square. The result of the findings revealed that there were positive changes in the disposal habit of the people. Keywords:Graphic Design, Sustainability, Visual Communication, Environment, Wastes Disposal, Indiscriminate waste disposal, Illustration. Publication date:September 30th 2020 DOI: 10.7176/ADS/85-0
Real Time Face Recognition Based on Face Descriptor and Its Application
This paper presents a real time face recognition based on face descriptor and its application for door locking. The face descriptor is represented by both local and global information. The local information, which is the dominant frequency content of sub-face, is extracted by zoned discrete cosine transforms (DCT). While the global information, which also is the dominant frequency content and shape information of the whole face, is extracted by DCT and by Hu-moment. Therefore, face descriptor has rich information about a face image which tends to provide good performance for real time face recognition. To decrease the dimensional size of face descriptor, the predictive linear discriminant analysis (PDLDA) is employed and the face classification is done by kNN. The experimental results show that the proposed real time face recognition provides good performances which indicated by 98.30%, 21.99%, and 1.8% of accuracy, FPR, and FNR respectively. In addition, it also needs short computational time (1 second)
Struktur Komunitas Fitoplankton Pada Ekosistem Padang Lamun Di Perairan Pantai Prawean Bandengan, Jepara
Fitoplankton merupakan salah satu mikroorganisme autotrop yang hidup di perairan dan memiliki fungsi sebagai produsen primer. Tujuan dari penelitian ini adalah untuk mengetahui struktur komunitas fitoplankton pada ekosistem padang lamun di kawasan pantai Prawean Bandengan Jepara yang meliputi pengukuran kelimpahan, keanekaragaman, keseragaman, dominansi dan kesamaan komunitas fitoplankton. Penelitian ini di laksanakan pada bulan Juli sampai September 2012 pada padang lamun alami dan buatan yang meliputi studi literatur, observasi awal lokasi penelitian, pengambilan sampel dan analisis data. Metode yang digunakan dalam penelitian ini adalah studi kasus dengan sifat eksploratif. Pengumpulan data menggunakan sampel survey method dan penentuan lokasi dengan metode purposif. Komposisi fitoplankton yang ditemukan pada Ekosistem Padang Lamun Alami dan Buatan di Perairan Pantai Prawean Jepara, terdiri dari 44 genera yang termasuk dalam 3 kelas yaitu kelas Bacillariophyceae, Cyanophyceae, dan Dinophyceae. Hasil Kelimpahan fitoplankton tertinggi ditemukan pada stasiun IV yaitu 220530 sel/m³. Kelimpahan fitoplankton terendah ditemukan pada stasiun II yaitu 170829 sel/m³. Hasil Indeks Keanekaragaman fitoplankton tertinggi terdapat pada stasiun IV bernilai rata-rata 2,15. Kisaran tersebut tergolong sedang. Dan terendah ada pada stasiun II bernilai rata-rata 2,05. Hasil Indeks Keseragaman fitoplankton tertinggi terdapat pada stasiun IV bernilai rata-rata 0,57 dan terendah ada pada stasiun II bernilai rata-rata 0,54 yang berarti keseragaman sedang. Hasil Indeks Dominansi tertinggi ada pada stasiun II bernilai rata-rata 0,46. Stasiun IV bernilai terendah yaitu 0,43 menunjukkan tidak ada dominasi diperairan tersebut. Indeks Kesamaan Komunitas fitoplankton tertinggi terjadi pada stasiun III dan IV sebesar 73,44 % yang menunjukkan kesamaan atau hampir mirip
Optimalisasi Ruang Dalam Pada Pusat Komunitas Film Indie Di Kota Malang
Sebuah pusat komunitas film indie memiliki karakter sendiri baik dari film indie maupun komunitasnya. Dengan memiliki karakter tersendiri maka sebuah pusat komunitas film indie yang memiliki studio bioskop memiliki konsep yang berbeda dengan bioskop komersial. Dengan menggunakan karakter film inide dan komunitasnya ini bangunan ini akan memaksimalkan tingkat Kenyamanan di dalamnya. Walaupun memiliki karakter yang berbeda, studio pada pusat komunitas film indie ini dirancang sesuai dengan standar akustik dan sudut pandang pada bioskop, sehingga selain menambah tingkat Kenyamanan dengan menyesuaikan karakter ruangan dengan penggunanya, tingkat Kenyamanan ini ditambah dengan sudut pandang dan akustik yang sesuai standar.Studi utama yang dilakukan adalah studi karakter film indie dan komunitasnya. Dengan mengamati dan menganalisa film indie akan didapatkan sifat-sifatnya dan dengan mengamati dan menganalisa komunitasnya ini akan mendapatkan macam-macam aktifitas yang dilakukan dalam sekaligus sifatnya. Berdasarkan hasil analisa dan pengamatan itu maka dihasilkan kebutuhan ruang yang sesuai dengan kegiatan komunitas film indie dan sifat-sifatnya.Hasil dari studi tersebut berupa desain sebuah pusat komunitas film indie dengan ruang-ruang yang diperlukan untuk aktifitas komunitas film indie dan karakter-karakter ruang yang sesuai dengan karakter komunitas film indie dan film indie itu sendiri. Harapannya pusat komunitas film indie ini akan menjadi sebuah percontohan bagi kota-kota lainnya untuk membuat bangunan serup
Combination of Acupuncture Therapy and Turmericliquorice Herbs for Chronic Coughing Case
Background: Coughing is a defense mechanism of the lung against several stimulants as well as to protecting the lung from any trauma. A long period of coughing about more than 8 weeks considered as Chronic coughing. Based on TCM, coughing is a manifestation of the lung which caused by an exogenous factor (such as cold wind and warm wind); and endogenous factor. It is classified as “ke” (coughing with loud sound without producing sputum) and “sou” (coughing with weak sound, however, producing sputum). Purpose: To know the effect of acupuncture therapy (Hegu LI4, Lieque LU7, Chize LU5) combined with herbs therapy (Curcuma domestica Val. and Glycyrrhiza Glabra L.) to reduce the Chronic coughing period. Methods: Acupuncture points were given 12 times within once per 2 days. The herbal therapy was given for 30 days in the form of tea drink twice per day, with a dose of each containing 4gr (1 tea bag). Result: The period of coughing were deteriorating, as well as improving the immune condition which was shown in hematological data of white blood cells. Conclusion: The combined therapy showed to diminish the chronic coughing within 30 day
Evaluasi Kinerja Operasional Angkutan Kereta Api Kamandaka Jurusan Semarang – Purwokerto
PT. Kereta Api Indonesia (Persero) DAOP 5 Purwokerto has been operating Kamandaka train in Purwokerto - Semarang railway track since February 2015. Highway users prefer to use the train for reasons of time efficiency, as evidenced by the addition of the number of trips KA Kamandaka that initially only one trip into three trips a day to meet the high demand. To determine the performance of the train in accordance with the Certificate of Director General of Land No. 687 of 2002, needs to be reviewed in terms of load factor, the number of passengers carried, the waiting time of passengers, punctuality of arrival and departure of trains and passenger comfort as well as the calculation of income from the operation of the Kamandaka train and identification of the characteristics of rail infrastructure. From the analysis the greatest travel time to the direction of Semarang for 5 hours 20 minutes and to the direction of Purwokerto for 4 hours 39 minutes. The trains stop time by 25 minutes of Semarang direction at Weleri Station, the smallest downtime for 2 minutes of Purwokerto direction at Bumiayu Station. The value of the time delay arriving and departing to the direction of Purwokerto 25 minutes. As for the direction of Semarang time delay arriving and departing by 33 minutes. The difference of stop time in both directions due to train crossing with business and executive trains between Weleri station and Tegal station. Figures 0.485 m2 the comfort of the sitting room / space. Train capacity for 636 passengers. The highest value of the load factor is 88% in Purwokerto direction and the direction of Semarang by 79%. The highest load factor per segment of Purwokerto direction contained in Semarang Poncol - Weleri by 52%, while the lowest was 23% in Tegal - Slawi towards Purwokerto. With three trips operating costs amounted Rp.110.214.840 and income per day Rp. 162 070 000, - PT. KAI makes a profit of Rp. 51.855.160,- per day. Zone SMT-PWT or PWT-SMT is a zone that contribute most to incomes of around 70% - 80% with Rp 90,000, - per passenger rate, while the zones which contribute least 2% - 12% with rate of Rp 45,000, - per passenger is SMT-PKL or PWT-TG. At the operating of Kamandaka 235 the income comparison operational cost is 0.96 where the load factor average of 0.23. The Break Even Point achieved when the train load factor about 0,24. The efficiency of travel time is the reason people choose train than road transport modes
Morphoregression and Length-weight Relationship of Bali Sardinella, Sardinella Lemuru Bleeker 1853 in Bali Strait Waters
Bali Sardinella, Sardinella lemuru Bleeker 1853, included in small pelagic groups which have an important economic value. The production of Bali Sardinella was the highest among the other small pelagic fish in Bali Strait waters. The morphoregression and length-weight relationship are important to be known to facilitate the conversion between a length measurement to another type of length measurement and the weight. The aims of this research were to reveal the relationship between total length (TL) and standard length (SL), total length and fork length (FL), fork length and standard length, and the length-weight. The research was held in Bali Strait waters from March 2017 – Mei 2018. The morphoregression was analyzed using simple linear regression, whereas the length-weight relationship using power regression. A total of 470 individuals of Bali sardinella were collected during the study period. The fish that analyzed have a length range 9.7 –20.2 cm TL. The average length of Bali sardinella was13.7 cm. The relationship between total length (TL) and standard length (SL); total length (TL) and fork length (FL); fork length (FL) and standard length (SL) for Bali sardinella respectively were TL = 1.1038SL + 0.9313; TL = 1.0861FL + 0.2967; and FL = 1.0068SL + 0.6936, respectively. The value of b which were generated from the length-weight relationship of Bali Sardinella was 3.22 with the growth patterns were positive allometric
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