1,778 research outputs found

    Development of Customer Services Web-Based System

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    The main objective in this study is to design web-based system for Plaza Low Yat Mall in Kuala Lumpur (KL) - Malaysia to serve the customers and help them to find suitable sales locations and offering best choices available, all through accessing a database designed for the mall since this system will have search options to find what they want. Also this system will explain and give other information about Plaza Low Yat Mall, as the Mall offer a huge variety of goods, its not easy for costumer always to find the best offer that fulfill their needs, otherwise, it would cost them long time to search, more efforts. This system will make the process much easier and give the best offer with less effort via browsing the database and search into it

    Epidemiology of acute diarrheal diseases among Children under five in Gaza Strip: Post war community based study

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    Diarrhoeal disease is the second leading cause of death in children under five years old, and is responsible for killing around 760 000 children every year. To study the determinants and the magnitude of acute diarrheal diseases one month after the cessation of the third Israeli aggression against Gaza Strip and to assess its burden among the children under five. This is cross sectional design study. Data has been collected throughout Gaza Strip. The sample size included 705 women from three governorates were surveyed out of five. Eligible women were interviewed using a pre designed, pre tested interview questionnaire. The period (last month) and the point (24 hours) prevalence rates of diarrheal diseases among children under five years were 46.1% and 17.7% respectively. The Sex of the child had no significant effect on both point and period prevalence of diarrhea. More than sixty percent (63.3%) of period prevalence of diarrhea was recorded among children that have no exclusive breastfeeding before. There are no significant differences for the point prevalence as a result of introducing the complementary feeding. Period and point prevalence rates of diarrhea were not significantly related to the room number. Both rates were higher for children in homes without refrigerators but only significant for point prevalence. It was found that 62.1% of the mother increased fluid intake, 54% of them used ORS. Drugs like anti diarrhea and herbal drugs were used by (61.4% and 40.3%) respectively of the participating mothers. Cleaning of drinking water tanks and the domestic tanks have played a role in reducing the occurrence of diarrhea among

    MatchGUI: A Graphical MATLAB-Based Tool for Automatic Image Co-Registration

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    MatchGUI software, based on MATLAB, automatically matches two images and displays the match result by superimposing one image on the other. A slider bar allows focus to shift between the two images. There are tools for zoom, auto-crop to overlap region, and basic image markup. Given a pair of ortho-rectified images (focused primarily on Mars orbital imagery for now), this software automatically co-registers the imagery so that corresponding image pixels are aligned. MatchGUI requires minimal user input, and performs a registration over scale and inplane rotation fully automaticall

    Pelaksanaan Remedial pada Siswa yang Mengalami Kesulitan Membaca Teknis di Kelas Rendah SD Negeri Lamreung Kabupaten Aceh Besar

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    Dalam kontek interaksi belajar- mengajar di kelas, salah satu ragam bahasa adalah membaca. Penelitian ini berupaya mengungkapkan pelaksanaan remedial pada siswa yang mengalami kesulitan membaca teknis di kelas rendah SD Negeri Lamreung Kabupaten Aceh Besar. Secara khusu penelitian ini bertujuan mendeskripsikan pelaksanaan remedial pada siswa yang mengalami kesulitan membaca teknis di kelas rendah SD Negeri Lamreung Kabupaten Aceh Besar.Pendekatan yang digunakan dalam penelitian ini adalah kualitatif dengan jenis penelitiannya yaitu deskriptif. Subjek dari penelitian ini adalah 6 orang guru kelas. Data diperoleh melalui wawancara, dan dokumentasi. Data yang diperoleh melalui wawancara dilakukan dengan menggunakan instrumen yang berisi sepuluh pertanyaan sebagaimana terlampir.data diolah dengan tahapan analisis data kualitatif yaitu reduksi data, penyajian data, menarik kesimpulan dan verifikasi data. Dalam melakukan pengamatan, peneliti tidak bertindak sebagai pengamat penuh tanpa terlibat interaksi belajar mengajar. Agar data hasil pengamatan dapat terpercaya, peneliti menggunakan alat bantu perekam berupa alat tulis dan media elektronik tape recorder.Berdasarkan hasil analisis data, temuan penelitian ini dapat dikemukakan sebagai berikut. Pertama guru menganalisi masalah tiap- tiap siswa kemudian guru membimbing siswa secara individual dan stelah itu guru melaksnakan remedial dan melakukan evaluasi.Simpulan penelitian ini adalah pelaksanan remedial pada siswa yang mengalami kesulitan membaca teknis di kelas rendah, guru telah melaksanakan remedial sesuai dengan prosedur yang telah ditentukan. Guru juga sudah mengidentifikasi kesulitan belajar siswa dan mencari alternatif bantuan. Guru sudah mengidentifikasi faktor kesulitan belajar siswa. Namun faktor lingkungan dan kurangnya perhatian orang tua membuat siswa masih kurang dalam membaca. Guru yang menetapkan dan melaksanakan remedial. Semua siswa mendapatkan perlakuan yang sama

    Cerebral Venous Engorgement in Hydrops Fetalis

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    A 34-year-old gravida was diagnosed with hydrops fetalis, hydrothorax with cardiac compression, hygroma, ascites, and subcutaneous edema at 20 weeks of gestation..

    Application of Project Time Management Tools and Techniques to the Construction Industry in the Gaza Strip

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    The objective of this paper is to investigate the level of applying theproject time management tools and techniques by public ownersand construction contractors in the Gaza Strip. This study hasbeen conducted by means of a survey questionnaire. Seventythreequestionnaires were distributed to target constructioncontractors and twenty-five questionnaires to public owners. Sixtycompleted questionnaires from contractors and twenty-threequestionnaires from public owners were received and analysed. The survey results indicated that contemporary project timemanagement tools and techniques are not widely used amonglocal contractors and owners. Lack of subcontractor’s knowledgeand awareness of the importance of project time managementtools and techniques are still major obstacles toward the efficientutilisation of such tools. This study recommended that there is anurgent need to establish a professional industry body such as anInstitute of Building to review and evaluate existing local projectmanagement practices. This professional body may be establishedby the government through the Ministry of Housing and PublicWorks or by the local university in cooperation with a similarinternational professional industry body. Current training effortshould be tailored to encourage owners and contractors to usework breakdown structures, resource optimisation, and networkscheduling

    Occurrence of gastrointestinal helminths in commercial and free-range chickens in Gaza Strip, Palestine

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    The present study compared the prevalence of helminthes parasites in two chicken breeds in Gaza strip, the commercial and the freerange indigenous. Gastrointestinal tracts of 100 commercial growers and 90 free-range indigenous chickens collected from Gaza city were examined for helminthes during 2007–2008. The commercial chickens were free of helminthes while the indigenous chickens were encountered five helminthes, three nematodes and two cestodes. The nematodes identified were Ascaridia galli (75.6%), Heterakis gallinarum (68.9%) and Capillaria spp.(2.2%). The cestodes were, Raillietina echinobothrida (57.8%) and Choanotaenia infundibulum (26.7%). No trematode was found. The intensity of parasites was low except for H. gallinarum. It was concluded that the indigenous chickens were infected with some types of cestodes and nematodes in Gaza markets. Sanitations and public health should be of concerned for both health authorities, consumers and farmers owners

    Anaemia among school children aged 6-11 years old in Gaza Strip, Palestine

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    The objective of the study was to determine the prevalence of anaemia among children aged 6-11 old years due to causes other than parasitic infections. The present study was a cross-sectional study that included 1446 school children of both sexes, distributed in three localities (Khanyounis, Gaza and Beit-lahia) of Gaza strip. The cut-off point for anaemia was determined according to the mean of haemoglobin for all studied school age children, which was (12 g/dl) in accordance to WHO criteria. The observed mean level of Hb was 12 g/dl; standard deviation was 0.915 while the normal value is ranged between 8.9-15.2. Anaemia was found slightly higher in girls (36.3%) than boys (34%). The results showed that anaemia constitute a health problem in Gaza with a prevalence of 35.3%. No variation in the prevalence of anaemia among the three studies areas. It is concluded that anaemia still constitutes a health problem among schoolchildren with a present prevalence among school–age children of 35.3%. It is expected that the prevalence of anaemia may be higher than that reported by this study due to Israeli siege to Gaza Strip
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