1 research outputs found
Dise帽o y Construcci贸n de un Simulador de Conducci贸n.
Partiendo del ser humano, principal interventor en el proceso de conducci贸n y de las alarmantes cifras de accidentes. Se ha Dise帽ado y Construido un Simulador de Conducci贸n, herramienta valiosa en el proceso de capacitaci贸n. Se ha construido un habit谩culo para el conductor basado en ergonom铆a y par谩metros de resistencia. Sobre dicho habit谩culo se ha instalado una computadora con el Software de Simulaci贸n de Conducci贸n Driver Test (Dise帽ado para capacitaci贸n de futuros conductores). El resultado es un Simulador de Conducci贸n que ofrece una experiencia bastante real. Permitiendo al aprendiz de conducci贸n realizar su proceso de aprendizaje sin poner en riesgo su seguridad ni la del entorno. Disminuyendo adem谩s la contaminaci贸n y los costos de dicha capacitaci贸n, generados por gasto de combustible y mantenimiento vehicular. Al simulador de Conducci贸n se le adaptaron perif茅ricos para su manejo, como, volante, pedales, palanca de cambio. Para otorgarle mayor realismo se le adaptaron dispositivos importantes del veh铆culo, como cintur贸n de seguridad, freno de mano, switch de arranque y direccionales. El Simulador de Conducci贸n deber铆a ser utilizado por las Escuelas de Conducci贸n en los procesos de capacitaci贸n y evaluaci贸n previa obtenci贸n de la licencia de conductor.From the point of view of the human being, principal actor in the driving process and the alarming data of accidents a Driving Simulator has been designed and constructed being a valuable tool in the training process. A room for the driver based on ergonomy and realism at driving has been constructed. In that room a computer with the Driver Test Driving Simulation Software (Designed to teach and evaluate according to the student麓s level) has been installed. The result is a Driving Simulation offering a rather real experience, permitting the driving learner to carry out the learning process without risking security and the environment, diminishing, moreover, pollution and the cost of such a training generated by fuel and vehicle maintenance. The driver麓s room is based on ergonomy, comfort and the required resistance parameters and security factor which offer a close-to-real experience which will permit the student to easily grasp driving a real vehicle. The computer with the driving simulation software is provided with peripherals for its driving to give it a major realism suach as, driving wheel, pedals, steering gear, security belt, hand brake, starting switch and directions lights; the latter devices have been implemented to give it a major feeling of realism at using the equipment. The Driving Simulator should be used by the Driving Schools in the capacitation and avaluation process previous to the driver麓s licence obtainment