276 research outputs found

    Nuclear Spirals as Signatures of Supermassive Black Holes

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    Recent high resolution images of spiral galaxies show wide varieties of features including nuclear spirals in the central parts. Some of the galaxies show grand-design nuclear spirals. The morphology of grand-design spirals can be further divided by the openness of the arms: tightly wound ones with winding angle of around 3π\pi radian and open spirals with winding angle of around π\pi radian. Based on hydrodynamical simulations, we have investigated the mechanism responsible for the openness of nuclear spirals. Since the gas flow in the nuclear region is mainly governed by the central mass concentration near the nuclei and the sound speed of the gas, we have examined various models with different mass concentration represented by the mass of the central black hole and different sound speeds. We found that the tightly wound spirals can be formed when the mass of the black hole is large enough to remove the inner-inner Lindblad resonances and sound speeds lie between 15 - 20 km/sec. Thus, the presence of the tightly wound nuclear spiral could imply the presence of relatively massive black hole in the center.Comment: 6 pages, 4 figure

    Supersonic Collisions between Two Gas Streams

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    A star around a massive black hole can be disrupted tidally by the gravity of the black hole. Then, its debris may form a precessing stream which may even collide with itself. In order to understand the dynamical effects of the stream-stream collision on the eventual accretion of the stellar debris onto the black hole, we have studied how gas flow behaves when the outgoing stream collides supersonically with the incoming stream. We have investigated the problem analytically with one-dimensional plane-parallel streams and numerically with more realistic three-dimensional streams. A shock formed around the contact surface converts the bulk of the orbital streaming kinetic energy into thermal energy. In three-dimensional simulations, the accumulated hot post-shock gas then expands adiabatically and drives another shock into the low density ambient region. Through this expansion, thermal energy is converted back to the kinetic energy associated with the expanding motion. Thus, in the end, only a small fraction of the orbital kinetic energy is actually converted to the thermal energy, while most of it is transferred to the kinetic energy of the expanding gas. Nevertheless the collision is effective in circularizing the debris orbit, because the shock efficiently transforms the ordered motion of the streams into the expanding motion in directions perpendicular to the streams. The circularization efficiency decreases, if two colliding streams have a large ratio of cross sections and a large density contrast. But even in such cases, the main shock extends beyond the overlapping contact surface and the high pressure region behind the shock keeps the stream of the larger cross section from passing freely. Thus the stream-stream collisions are still expected to circularize the stellar debris rather efficiently, unless the ratioComment: ApJ accepted, 14 pages with 9 figures, uuencoded, gzipped, tarred postscript files, or available upon request to [email protected]

    P-Cygni Type Lya from Starburst Galaxies

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    P-Cygni type Lya profiles exhibited in nearly half of starburst galaxies, both nearby and high-z, are believed to be formed by an expanding supershell surrounding a star-forming region. We apply the Monte Carlo code which was developed previously for static and plane-parallel medium to calculate the Lya line transfer in a supershell of neutral hydrogen which are expanding radially in a spherical bulk flow. We consider typical cases that the supershell has the Lya line-centre optical depth of τ0=105−107\tau_0=10^5-10^7, a radial expansion velocity of Vexp=300km/s,andtheturbulenceofb=40km/s.Wefindthatthereappearafewemissionpeaksatthefrequenciescorrespondingto(2N−1)Vexp,wheretheorderofbackscatteringsN>1.AsVexp−>b,theemergentprofilesbecomesimilartothoseforthestaticmediumandthepeaksarelessprominent.WealsoinvestigatetheeffectsofcolumndensityofthesupershellontheemergentLyaprofiles.WefindthatthenumberandthefluxratiosofemissionpeaksaredeterminedbyinterplayofV_exp = 300 km/s, and the turbulence of b=40 km/s. We find that there appear a few emission peaks at the frequencies corresponding to (2N-1) V_exp, where the order of back scatterings N > 1. As V_exp -> b, the emergent profiles become similar to those for the static medium and the peaks are less prominent. We also investigate the effects of column density of the supershell on the emergent Lya profiles. We find that the number and the flux ratios of emission peaks are determined by interplay of \tau_0$ and V_exp of the supershell. We discuss the effects of dust extinction and the implication of our works in relation to recent spectroscopic observations of starburst galaxies.Comment: 15 pages, 6 figures, submitted to MNRA
