9,162 research outputs found

    Two-pion-exchange parity-violating potential and npdγ\vec{n} p \to d \gamma

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    We calculate the parity-violating nucleon-nucleon potential in heavy-baryon chiral perturbation theory up to the next-to-next-to-leading order. The one-pion exchange comes in the leading order and the next-to-next-to-leading order consists of two-pion-exchange and the two-nucleon contact terms. In order to investigate the effect of the higher order contributions, we calculate the parity-violating asymmetry in npdγ\vec{n} p \to d \gamma at the threshold. The one-pion dominates the physical observable and the two-pion contribution is about or less than 10% of the one-pion contribution.Comment: 3 pages, contribution to the workshop PAVI06 held in Milos island, Greece, May 16-20, 200

    Lie algebra cohomology and group structure of gauge theories

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    We explicitly construct the adjoint operator of coboundary operator and obtain the Hodge decomposition theorem and the Poincar\'e duality for the Lie algebra cohomology of the infinite-dimensional gauge transformation group. We show that the adjoint of the coboundary operator can be identified with the BRST adjoint generator QQ^{\dagger} for the Lie algebra cohomology induced by BRST generator QQ. We also point out an interesting duality relation - Poincar\'e duality - with respect to gauge anomalies and Wess-Zumino-Witten topological terms. We consider the consistent embedding of the BRST adjoint generator QQ^{\dagger} into the relativistic phase space and identify the noncovariant symmetry recently discovered in QED with the BRST adjoint N\"other charge QQ^{\dagger}.Comment: 24 pages, RevTex, Revised version submitted to J. Math. Phy

    Neutron Stars with Bose-Einstein Condensation of Antikaons as MIT Bags

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    We investigate the properties of an antikaon in medium, regarding itas a MIT bag. We first construct the MIT bag model for a kaon withσ\sigma^* and ϕ\phi in order to describe the interaction ofss-quarks in hyperonic matter in the framework of the modifiedquark-meson coupling model. The coupling constant gσBKg'^{B_K}_\sigmain the density-dependent bag constant B(σ)B(\sigma) is treated as afree parameter to reproduce the optical potential of a kaon in asymmetric matter and all other couplings are determined by usingSU(6) symmetry and the quark counting rule. With various values ofthe kaon potential, we calculate the effective mass of a kaon inmedium to compare it with that of a point-like kaon. We thencalculate the population of octet baryons, leptons and KK^- and theequation of state for neutron star matter. The results show thatkaon condensation in hyperonic matter is sensitive to the ss-quarkinteraction and also to the way of treating the kaon. The mass andthe radius of a neutron star are obtained by solving theTolmann-Oppenheimer-Volkoff equation.Comment: 14 figure

    Parity-violating nucleon-nucleon interaction from different approaches

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    Two-pion exchange parity-violating nucleon-nucleon interactions from recent effective field theories and earlier fully covariant approaches are investigated. The potentials are compared with the idea to obtain better insight on the role of low-energy constants appearing in the effective field theory approach and the convergence of this one in terms of a perturbative series. The results are illustrated by considering the longitudinal asymmetry of polarized protons scattering off protons, p+p>p+p\vec{p}+p -> p+p, and the asymmetry of the photon emission in radiative capture of polarized neutrons by protons, n+p>d+γ\vec{n}+p -> d+\gamma.Comment: 31 page

    Parity-violating asymmetry in γdnp\gamma d \to \vec{n}p with a pionless effective theory

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    Nuclear parity violation is studied with polarized neutrons in the photodisintegration of the deuteron at low energies. A pionless effective field theory with di-baryon fields is used for the investigation. Hadronic weak interactions are treated by parity-violating di-baryon-nucleon-nucleon vertices, which have undetermined coupling contants. A parity-violating asymmetry in the process is calculated for the incident photon energy up to 30 MeV. If experimental data for the parity-violating asymmetry become available in the future, we will be able to determine the unknown coupling contants in the parity-violating vertices.Comment: 4 pages. A contribution to APFB2011, August 22-26, 2011, Seoul, Kore

    Emergent Geometry and Quantum Gravity

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    We explain how quantum gravity can be defined by quantizing spacetime itself. A pinpoint is that the gravitational constant G = L_P^2 whose physical dimension is of (length)^2 in natural unit introduces a symplectic structure of spacetime which causes a noncommutative spacetime at the Planck scale L_P. The symplectic structure of spacetime M leads to an isomorphism between symplectic geometry (M, \omega) and Riemannian geometry (M, g) where the deformations of symplectic structure \omega in terms of electromagnetic fields F=dA are transformed into those of Riemannian metric g. This approach for quantum gravity allows a background independent formulation where spacetime as well as matter fields is equally emergent from a universal vacuum of quantum gravity which is thus dubbed as the quantum equivalence principle.Comment: Invited Review for Mod. Phys. Lett. A, 17 page