729 research outputs found

    A numerical study of scale effects on performance of a tractor type podded propeller

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    ABSTRACTIn this study, the scale effect on the performance of the podded propeller of tractor type is investigated. Turbulent flow computations are carried out for Reynolds numbers increasing progressively from model scale to full scale using the CFD analysis. The result of the flow calculation for model scale Reynolds numbers agrees well with that of the experiment of a large cavitation tunnel. The existing numerical analysis indicates that the performance of the podded propeller blades is mainly influenced by the advance coefficient and relatively little by the Reynolds number. However, the drag of pod housing with propeller in operation is different from that of pod housing without propeller due to the acceleration and swirl of propeller slipstream which is altered by propeller loading as well as the pressure recovery and friction according to Reynolds number, which suggests that the pod housing drag under the condition of propeller in operation is the key factor of the scale effect on the performance between model and full scale podded propellers. The so called ‘drag ratio’, which is the ratio of pod housing drag to total thrust of podded propeller, increases as the advance coefficient increases due to accelerated flow in the slipstream of the podded propeller. However, the increasing rate of the drag ratio reduces continuously as the Reynolds number increases from model to full scale progressively. The contribution of hydrodynamic forces, which acts on the parts composed of the pod housing with propeller operating in various loading conditions, to the thrust and the torque of the total propeller unit are presented for a range of Reynolds numbers from model to full scales

    Učinci gama-zračenja na folikule jajnika

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    In order to observe the morphological and endocrinological changes of the rat and mouse ovarian follicles by gamma-radiation, rats were whole-body irradiated with doses of 3.2 Gy and 8.0 Gy and mice with 2.9 Gy and 7.2 Gy. Sections of ovaria were examined by light microscopy. Concentrations of progesterone, testosterone, and estradiol in ovarian homogenate were determined by radioimmunoassay techniques. Gamma-radiation resulted in the increased percentage of atretic follicles in the groups killed on day 0, day 4, and day 8 after irradiation. The decrease in granulosa cell viability was found in animals killed on day 4 after irradiation. The finding of the high ratio of testosterone to estradiol compared to that of progesterone to testosterone suggests that aromatase activity — steroid biosynthesis from testosterone to estradiol — in granulosa cell could be affected by gamma-radiation.U radu su procjenjivane strukture i endokrinološke promjene u folikulima jajnika štakorica i mišica izazvane gama-zračenjem. Štakorice su bile izložene zračenju od 3,2 Gy ili 8,0 Gy, a mišice od 2,9 Gy ili 7,2 Gy. Životinje su usmrćene dana 0, dana 4, odnosno dana 8 nakon ozračenja. Rezovi debljine 7 µm pripremljeni su za mikroskopiranje. Koncentracije progesterona, testosterona i estradiola u homogenatu jajnika određene su specifičnim radioimunoesejem. Gama-zračenje uzrokovalo je povećanje broja atretičnih folikula u obje skupine životinja usmrćenih 4 odnosno 8 dana nakon ozračivanja. Gama-zračenje također je smanjilo životni vijek granuloza stanica u skupinama usmrćenim 4. dan nakon ozračivanja. Utvrđeno povećanje omjera testosterona prema estradiolu u usporedbi s omjerom progesterona prema testosteronu upućuje na to da gama-zračenje utječe na aktivnost aromataze u steroidnoj biosintezi testosterona u estradiol u granuloza stanicama

    A Unified Compression Framework for Efficient Speech-Driven Talking-Face Generation

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    Virtual humans have gained considerable attention in numerous industries, e.g., entertainment and e-commerce. As a core technology, synthesizing photorealistic face frames from target speech and facial identity has been actively studied with generative adversarial networks. Despite remarkable results of modern talking-face generation models, they often entail high computational burdens, which limit their efficient deployment. This study aims to develop a lightweight model for speech-driven talking-face synthesis. We build a compact generator by removing the residual blocks and reducing the channel width from Wav2Lip, a popular talking-face generator. We also present a knowledge distillation scheme to stably yet effectively train the small-capacity generator without adversarial learning. We reduce the number of parameters and MACs by 28×\times while retaining the performance of the original model. Moreover, to alleviate a severe performance drop when converting the whole generator to INT8 precision, we adopt a selective quantization method that uses FP16 for the quantization-sensitive layers and INT8 for the other layers. Using this mixed precision, we achieve up to a 19×\times speedup on edge GPUs without noticeably compromising the generation quality.Comment: MLSys Workshop on On-Device Intelligence, 2023; Demo: https://huggingface.co/spaces/nota-ai/compressed_wav2li

    Adjacent Segment Pathology after Anterior Cervical Fusion

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    Anterior cervical fusion has become a standard of care for numerous pathologic conditions of the cervical spine. However, subsequent development of clinically significant disc disease at levels adjacent to fused discs is a serious long-term complication of this procedure. As more patients live longer after surgery, it is foreseeable that adjacent segment pathology (ASP) will develop in increasing numbers of patients. Also, ASP has been studied more intensively with the recent popularity of motion preservation technologies like total disc arthroplasty. The true nature and scope of ASP remains poorly understood. The etiology of ASP is most likely multifactorial. Various factors including altered biomechanical stresses, surgical disruption of soft tissue and the natural history of cervical disc disease contribute to the development of ASP. General factors associated with disc degeneration including gender, age, smoking and sports may play a role in the development of ASP. Postoperative sagittal alignment and type of surgery are also considered potential causes of ASP. Therefore, a spine surgeon must be particularly careful to avoid unnecessary disruption of the musculoligamentous structures, reduced risk of direct injury to the disc during dissection and maintain a safe margin between the plate edge and adjacent vertebrae during anterior cervical fusion

    In vivo genome editing with a small Cas9 orthologue derived from Campylobacter jejuni

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    Several CRISPR-Cas9 orthologues have been used for genome editing. Here, we present the smallest Cas9 orthologue characterized to date, derived from Campylobacter jejuni (CjCas9), for efficient genome editing in vivo. After determining protospacer-adjacent motif (PAM) sequences and optimizing single-guide RNA (sgRNA) length, we package the CjCas9 gene, its sgRNA sequence, and a marker gene in an all-in-one adeno-associated virus (AAV) vector and produce the resulting virus at a high titer. CjCas9 is highly specific, cleaving only a limited number of sites in the human or mouse genome. CjCas9, delivered via AAV, induces targeted mutations at high frequencies in mouse muscle cells or retinal pigment epithelium (RPE) cells. Furthermore, CjCas9 targeted to the Vegfa or Hif1a gene in RPE cells reduces the size of laser-induced choroidal neovascularization, suggesting that in vivo genome editing with CjCas9 is a new option for the treatment of age-related macular degeneration.