41 research outputs found

    Shifting Scarcities? The Energy Intensity of Water Supply Alternatives in the Mass Tourist Resort of Benidorm, Spain

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    The energy intensity of water—‘energy (electricity)-for-water’—is calculated for Benidorm, a mass tourism resort in the Spanish Mediterranean coast, where the urban water cycle has evolved in response to a series of episodes of water stress. The analysis is based on primary data compiled from various actors involved in the urban water cycle encompassing water extraction, end uses, and wastewater treatment, including tertiary treatment. The results provide one of the first analyses of the relations between energy and water in a mass tourist center, which may be of potential interest for other tourist areas. It is estimated that a total of 109 GWh/year of electricity is required to operate the water cycle of Benidorm. About 4% of total energy use in Benidorm is dedicated to extracting, transporting, and treating water. The most energy-intensive stage is represented by end uses, which accounts for 20% of the total energy use in Benidorm when the energy required for water pumping and hot water use is considered. Additionally, energy intensity for water extraction was estimated for normal, wet, and two dry year scenarios. In comparison with the normal scenario, energy intensity is six times larger when desalinated water is incorporated during a dry year, whereas the emergency interbasin water transfer resulted in a more moderate increase in energy intensity. While treated wastewater and emergency water transfers appear to be a more convenient solution in energy terms, the strong impulse given to desalination in Spain is forcing local water authorities towards the use of a resource that is much more energy intensive, although, on the other hand, much less dependent on the vagaries of climate. In light of recent technological and managerial developments, the Benidorm case illuminates the challenges appearing in the analysis of the water-energy nexus, especially the fact that scarcity may be transferred from water to energy.This work was supported by the Spanish Ministry of Economy, Industry, and Competitiveness under the Grants BES-2013-066420 (to Hyerim Yoon) and CSO2015-65182-C2-1-P (Research project “Uso de recursos hidricos no convencionales y adaptacion a las sequias en el litoral mediterraneo: realidades y propuestas para una planificacion resiliente del agua”)

    Application of the Khorana score for cancer-associated thrombosis prediction in patients of East Asian ethnicity undergoing ambulatory chemotherapy

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    Background The Khorana score (KS) has not been well studied in East Asian cancer patients, who have different genetic backgrounds for inherited thrombophilia, body metabolism, and cancer epidemiology. Methods By using the Common Data Model, we retrospectively collected deidentified data from 11,714 consecutive newly diagnosed cancer patients who underwent first-line chemotherapy from December 2015 to December 2021 at a single institution in Korea, and we applied the KS for cancer-associated thrombosis (CAT) prediction. Age at diagnosis, sex, and use of highly thrombogenic chemotherapeutics were additionally investigated as potential risk factors for CAT development. Results By 6 months after chemotherapy initiation, 207 patients (1.77%) experienced CAT. Only 0.4% had a body mass index (BMI) ≥ 35 kg/m2 and changing the cutoff to 25 kg/m2 improved the prediction of CAT. Age ≥ 65 years and the use of highly thrombogenic chemotherapeutics were independently associated with CAT development. KS values of 1 ~ 2 and ≥ 3 accounted for 52.3% and 7.6% of all patients, respectively, and the incidence of CAT in these groups was 2.16% and 4.16%, respectively, suggesting a lower incidence of CAT in the study population than in Westerners. The KS component regarding the site of cancer showed a good association with CAT development but needed some improvement. Conclusion The KS was partially validated to predict CAT in Korean cancer patients undergoing modern chemotherapy. Modifying the BMI cutoff, adding other risk variables, and refining the use of cancer-site data for CAT risk prediction may improve the performance of the KS for CAT prediction in East Asian patients.This work was supported by the Technology Innovation Program (or Industrial Strategic Technology Development Program) (20004927, Upgrade of CDM based Distributed Biohealth Data Platform and Development of Verification Technology), funded by the Ministry of Trade, Industry & Energy (MOTIE, Korea). The funder was not involved in any stage of the current study, including the design, data gathering, data analysis and interpretation, and decision to submit this work for publication

    Efficacy of fermented grain using Bacillus coagulans in reducing visceral fat among people with obesity: a randomized controlled trial

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    BackgroundObesity is a socioeconomic problem, and visceral obesity, in particular, is related to cardiovascular diseases or metabolic syndrome. Fermented grains and various microorganisms are known to help with anti-obesity effects and weight management. Studies on the relationship between Bacillus coagulans and anti-obesity effects are not well known, and studies on the application of fermented grains and microorganisms to the human body are also insufficient.ObjectivesThis study aimed to evaluate the efficacy of Curezyme–LAC, an ingredient mixed with six-grain types fermented by B. coagulans, in reducing fat mass in adults with obesity.MethodsIn this randomized double-blinded placebo-controlled study, 100 participants [aged 40–65 years; body mass index (BMI) ≥ 25 to ≤ 33 kg/m2) were randomly allocated to two groups: 4 g/day Curezyme–LAC administered as a granulated powder or placebo (steamed grain powder mixture).ResultsAfter 12 weeks, visceral adipose tissue decreased significantly in the Curezyme–LAC group compared with that in the placebo group (mean ± standard error, SE of −9.3 cm2 ± 5.1) vs. (6.8 cm2 ± 3.4; p = 0.008). Compared to the placebo group, the Curezyme–LAC group also showed significant reductions in total fat mass (−0.43 ± 0.24 kg vs. 0.31 ± 0.19 kg, p = 0.011), body weight (−0.4 ± 0.3 kg vs. 0.3 ± 0.2 kg, p = 0.021), BMI (−0.14 ± 0.12 vs. 0.10 ± 0.07, p = 0.028), and waist circumference (−0.6 ± 0.2 cm vs. −0.1 ± 0.2 cm, p = 0.018) without a change in dietary intake and physical activity.ConclusionCurezyme–LAC supplementation for 12 weeks may benefit individuals with obesity by reducing visceral fat mass

    Exploring the water-energy nexus in urban and tourist areas of the western mediterranean. Empirical findings from Benidorm and Barcelona

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    La tesi analitza el Nexe Aigua-Energia (WEN) a través d'una metodologia mixta centrant-se en el metabolisme urbà de l'aigua a Benidorm i Barcelona. El cas de Benidorm examina el subministrament d'aigua a escala municipal i en els sectors hoteler i recreatiu, mentre que el cas de Barcelona el WEN s'explora a nivell de llar. La tesi quantifica l'energia per a l'aigua (intensitat energètica de l’energia de l'aigua, energy for water) per avaluar les diferents proporcions d'energia en el del subministrament i 'ús final de l’aigua. Per la seva part, l’'anàlisi qualitativa justifica el WEN com un concepte dinàmic i en evolució, que interactua dins i entre les escales. Seguint l'enfocament d'ecologia política urbana, les troballes empíriques dels estudis de cas manifesten la complexitat i les desigualtats en les relacions socio-naturals al voltant del WEN urbà, que estan influenciades per les condicions socio-tècniques i els processos ecològics, socials i polítics que ocorren entre diversos actors i institucions. A Benidorm, un epítom del turisme de masses, l'energia per a l'aigua varia considerablement depenent dels escenaris climàtics. Complexos acords socials i relacions de poder es donen a conèixer en el cicle urbà de l'aigua, considerat com l'eix del desenvolupament del turisme. L'aigua dessalada de la planta de Mutxamel augmenta significativament l'energia per a l'aigua del cicle d'aigua. En canvi, les aigües residuals tractades i els transvasaments interconques d'emergència semblen ser una solució més convenient des del punt de vista energètic. La forta pressió governamental en favor de la dessalinització a Espanya està obligant a l'autoritat local d'aigua de la Marina Baixa a utilitzar un recurs molt més intensiu en energia. Així, Benidorm ens un exemple d'interessos polítics a nivell nacional que interfereixen amb solucions en principi més òptimes a nivell local. A la llum dels recents desenvolupaments tecnològics i de gestió, el cas de Benidorm demostra els desafiaments en el nexe aigua-energia, especialment quan l'escassetat es transfereix de l'aigua a l'energia. A escala micro, els hotels i activitats recreatives destaquen com l'ús d'energia i aigua és essencial per a activitats clau com l'escalfament d'aigua, les piscines i la bugaderia. La combinació de diferents fonts energètiques dels hotels enquestats es va basar en diversos vectors energètics que causen les variacions de l'energia per a l'aigua. L'ús d'energia renovable i.e. panells solars tèrmics, biomassa i sistemes de bomba de calor d'origen terrestre, i l'aigua regenerada s'observen com una nova tendència. Tot i destacar una baixa conscienciació sobre WEN, suggereixo que l'ús de l'energia per a l'aigua, juntament amb la intensitat de l'ús d'aigua i energia, podria ser un indicador valuós per identificar pèrdues i guanys associades a guanys i pèrdues associades al WEN. L'estudi de cas de Barcelona enfoca el WEN a nivell de llar, agregant una perspectiva social. Examina les llars que pateixen pobresa energètica i hídrica, o la vulnerabilitat, traduïda en les eficiències experimentades en el flux d'aigua i energia en el metabolisme domèstic per a les funcions de suport, cura i reproducció. A escala metropolitana, un nombre considerable de llars està pagant factures d'aigua i energia desproporcionades en comparació als seus ingressos. La perspectiva de WEN crida l'atenció sobre per comprendre els augments del preu de l'aigua en relació amb l'energia, ja que l'escassetat afecta els requeriments d'energia per al tractament i la producció d'aigua. A més, les existències d'habitatges antics i la baixa presència de la calefacció central proporcionen condicions socio-tècniques poc adequades per a les llars vulnerables. Finalment, la tesi destaca el paper del moviment social, Aliança Contra la Pobresa Energètica (APE) que, a Barcelona, ha canviat el discurs sobre la vulnerabilitat aigua-energia. Utilitzo el concepte de coproducció de la natura i el coneixement per explicar com APE va transformar el discurs al voltant de la fallides de les polítiques institucionals i de governança de les empreses. Sostinc que el tractament conjunt de l'energia i l'aigua demostra amb major efectivitat la realitat que amb les s'enfronten les llars vulnerables. Empíricament, també proporciona lliçons comparatives per a millorar la comprensió de les diferents normes institucionals que són pròpies de l'anomenat ambientalisme de mercat.La tesis analiza el Nexo Agua-Energía (WEN) a través de una metodología mixta y centrándose en el metabolismo urbano del agua en Benidorm y Barcelona. El caso de Benidorm examina el suministro de agua a escala municipal y en los sectores hotelero y recreativo, mientras que el caso de Barcelona el WEN se explora a nivel de hogar. La tesis cuantifica la energía para el agua (intensidad energética del agua, energy for water) para evaluar las diferentes proporciones de energía en el suministro de agua y el uso final. Además, el análisis cualitativo justifica el WEN como un concepto dinámico y en evolución, que interactúa dentro y entre las escalas. Siguiendo el enfoque de ecología política urbana, los hallazgos empíricos de los estudios de caso manifiestan la complejidad y las desigualdades en las relaciones socio-naturales alrededor del WEN, que están influenciadas por las condiciones socio-técnicas y los procesos ecológicos, sociales y políticos que ocurren entre varios actores e instituciones. En Benidorm, un epítome del turismo de masas, la energía para el agua varía considerablemente según los escenarios climáticos. Complejos acuerdos sociales y relaciones de poder se manifiestan en el ciclo urbano del agua, considerado como el eje del desarrollo del turismo. El agua desalada de la planta de Muchamiel aumenta significativamente la energía para el agua del ciclo de agua. En cambio, las aguas residuales tratadas y los trasvases intercuencas de emergencia parecen ser una solución más conveniente desde el punto de vista energético. La fuerte presión gubernamental en favor de la desalinización en España está obligando a la autoridad local de agua a utilizar un recurso mucho más intensivo en energía. Benidorm proporciona un ejemplo de intereses políticos a nivel nacional que interfieren con soluciones en principio más óptimas a nivel local. A la luz de los recientes desarrollos tecnológicos y de gestión, el caso de Benidorm demuestra los desafíos en el nexo agua-energía, especialmente cuando la escasez se transfiere del agua a la energía. A escala micro, los hoteles y actividades recreativas destacan como el uso de energía y agua es esencial para actividades clave como el calentamiento de agua y el vapor, las piscinas y la lavandería. La combinación de distintas fuentes energéticas en los hoteles encuestados se basó en diversos vectores que causan las variaciones de la energía para el agua. El uso de energía renovable i.e. paneles solares térmicos, biomasa y sistemas de bomba de calor de origen terrestre, y el agua regenerada se observan como una nueva tendencia. A pesar de destacar una baja concienciación sobre WEN, sugiero que el uso de la energía para el agua, junto con la intensidad del uso de agua y energía, podría ser un indicador valioso para identificar pérdidas y ganancias asociadas al WEN. El estudio de Barcelona aproxima el WEN a nivel de hogar, agregando una perspectiva social. Examina los hogares que sufren la pobreza energética e hídrica, o la vulnerabilidad, traducida en deficiencias en el flujo de agua y energía en el metabolismo doméstico para las funciones de sustento, cuidado y reproducción. A escala metropolitana, un número considerable de hogares está pagando facturas de agua y energía desproporcionadas en comparación con sus ingresos. La perspectiva de WEN llama la atención sobre aumentos del precio del agua en relación con la energía, ya que la escasez afecta a los requerimientos de energía para el tratamiento y la producción de agua. Además, las existencias de viviendas antiguas y la baja presencia de calefacción central proporcionan condiciones socio-técnicas poco adecuadas para los hogares vulnerables. Por último, la tesis destaca el papel del movimiento social Alianza Contra la Pobreza Energética (APE) que, en Barcelona, cambió el discurso sobre la vulnerabilidad agua-energía. Utilizo el concepto de coproducción de la naturaleza y el conocimiento para explicar cómo APE transformó el discurso en torno a los fallos políticos, institucionales y de gobernanza de las empresas comercializadoras. Sostengo que el tratamiento conjunto de la energía y el agua demuestra con mayor efectividad la realidad que con la que se encuentran los hogares vulnerables. Empíricamente, también proporciona lecciones comparativas para mejorar la comprensión de las diferentes normas institucionales que son propias del denominado ambientalismo de mercado.The thesis analyzes the Water-Energy Nexus (WEN) by applying mixed methodology and focusing on the urban water metabolism in Benidorm and Barcelona. The case of Benidorm examines water supply at the municipal scale and the hotel and recreational sector, while the case of Barcelona explores the WEN at the household-level. The thesis quantifies energy for water (energy intensity for water) to evaluate different energy requirements for water supply and end-use. In addition, qualitative analyses are needed to apprehend the WEN as being dynamic and relying on evolving relationships; it interacts within and across scales. Following the urban political ecology approach, the empirical findings from the case studies manifest the complex and inequitable socio-natural relations involving the WEN in the urban area, which are influenced by socio-technical conditions as well as ecological, social and political processes manifested through various actors and institutions. In Benidorm, an epitome of mass tourism, energy for water varies considerably according to different precipitation scenarios. Complex social arrangements and power relationships are unveiled in the urban water cycle, which is considered the backbone of tourism development. Desalinated water from the Muchamiel desalination plant increases energy for water significantly. While treated wastewater and emergency interbasin water transfer appear to be a more convenient solution energy-wise and in social terms, the strong governmental push for desalination in Spain forces the local water authority towards the use of a much more energy-intensive resource. It provides an example of political interests at the national level that interferes with probably more optimal solutions at the local level. In light of recent technological and managerial developments, the Benidorm case demonstrates the challenges in the water-energy nexus, whereby scarcity is transferred from water to energy. At the microscale, Benidorm’s hotels and recreational facilities highlight that the use of both energy and water are essential for key activities, such as water heating and steam generation, swimming pool and laundry. The energy-mix of hotels that was surveyed relied on varied energy-carriers, which cause the diversification of energy for water. The use of reclaimed water and renewable energy, i.e. solar thermal panels, biomass and ground source heat pump systems, is observed as a new trend. Despite acknowledging low awareness on the WEN, I suggest that the use of energy for water, along with water- and energy-use intensity, could be a valuable indicator to identify the WEN trade-offs. The Barcelona case study focuses on the WEN at the household-level by adding the social perspective. It examines households suffering from water and energy poverty – or vulnerability, namely those who experience insufficient water and energy flows required in their respective domestic metabolisms for sustenance, care and reproductive functions. At the metropolitan scale, a substantial number of households are paying disproportionately larger water and energy bills compared to their income. The WEN perspective calls attention to understanding water price increases in relation to energy as scarcity affects the energy requirement for water treatment and production. In addition, old housing stocks and the low infiltration rate of central heating provides hostile socio-technical conditions for vulnerable households. Lastly, the thesis highlights the role of a social movement ‘Aliança contra pobresa energètica’ (English: ‘Alliance against Energy Poverty’, APE) in Barcelona in changing the discourse on water-energy vulnerability. I borrow the concept of the co-production of nature and knowledge to explain how APE transformed the discourse on politics, institutional and governance failure concerning commodified utilities. I argue that addressing energy and water issues together more effectively demonstrates the reality faced by vulnerable households. Empirically, it also provides comparative lessons for enhancing the understanding of different institutional norms under market environmentalism.Vegeu resum-corea-hyyo1de1.pd

    The water-energy nexus in hotels and recreational activities of a mass tourism resort: the case of Benidorm

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    This paper analyses the water-energy nexus (WEN) in hotels and recreational activities of Benidorm, a mass tourism resort on the Spanish Mediterranean coast. A survey was administered to a sample of three- and four-star hotels to estimate (1) water and energy consumption; (2) energy consumption for water uses, and (3) trade-offs between water and energy. Quantitative data was complemented with selected interviews with hotel managers and staff. A strong correlation was found between water and non-renewable energy consumption despite the presence of solar panels in hotels. Hotels with large restaurants (>250 seats) had higher water and energy consumption while spa facilities and lawn areas were positively correlated with energy consumption per guest night. Energy used for water increased according to hotel category. We estimate energy used for water oscillating approximately between 104 and 368 kWh/m3 for hotels and between 21 and 63 kWh/m3 for a waterpark. The interviewees revealed little familiarity with WEN despite its potential to achieve water and energy savings. Unsustainable trade-offs between energy and water were found in salty groundwater extraction and disposal for several hotels and for the waterpark. On the positive side, the use of biomass boilers proved to be highly efficient.This work was supported by Ministerio de Economía, Industria y Competitividad, Gobierno de España [grant numbers BES-2013-066420, CSO2015-65182-C2-1-P]

    Alternative Projection of the World Energy Consumption-in Comparison with the 2010 International Energy Outlook

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    A projection of future energy consumption is a vital input to many analyses of economic, energy, and environmental policies. We provide a benchmark projection which can be used to evaluate any other projection. Specifically, we base our projection of future energy consumption on its historical trend, which can be identified by an experience model. We compare our projection with forecasts by the U.S. Energy Information Administration (EIA) for eight countries-U.S., China, India, Brazil, Japan, South Korea, Canada, and Mexico. We find that the EIA's projections are lower than ours in the case of China, the U.S., India, Japan, and Mexico. This indicates that for these five countries, the EIA uses assumptions which cannot be rationalized by historical data. (C) 2012 Elsevier Ltd. All rights reserved.1