1,895 research outputs found

    Impact of Direct Income Payments on Productive Efficiency of Korean Rice Farms

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    This paper examines the impact of direct income payments on productive efficiency of Korean rice farms, using farm-level cross sectional data in 2006. For representation of efficiency and its determinants, this paper uses a model that estimates the deviations of farms from a translog distance function and the determinants of these deviations. This paper especially estimates a stochastic frontier production function to explain deviations from best-practice productivity with a two-part error term including statistical noise from measurement error and technical inefficiency arising from farms not reaching the production frontier boundary. The empirical evidence finds that farms that get a higher share of direct payments in farm revenue are less efficient than others. This inefficiency is reduced by increases in farm size. Another result indicates that farms received greater direct payments on aggregate are more efficient than other farms since fixed payment, one part of rice direct payment, is tied to the amount of a farm's cropland that has been enrolled in programs, as well as yield histories.direct income payments, productive efficiency, stochastic frontier production function, Korea, Agribusiness, Agricultural and Food Policy, Crop Production/Industries,

    Effects of LGBT Nursing Education Using Simulation

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    PURPOSE: As health care needs for Lesbian, Gay, Bisexual and Transgender (LGBT) are becoming increasingly important, it has become imperative for the nurses to be attentive towards their health problems and provide nursing care with an open-minded attitude. Due to limited opportunity to provide direct nursing care to LGBT patients, it is hypothesized that simulation would provide good opportunity for students to experience LGBT nursing care in a safe environment. This study was conducted to develop and apply simulation of LGBT nursing care to ultimately provide unbiased nursing care for LGBT population and prepare basic data for LGBT nursing education. METHODS: This study was a single-group pre-post experimental design study for 57 senior nursing students based on the comparison of existing LGBT knowledge, general attitude towards LGBT, and nursing attitude towards LGBT before and after simulation. The scenario content included discussion of coming out issue, providing sexual health information, and supportive nursing care for LGBT population. Data were analyzed with descriptive statistics and Wilcoxon signed rank. RESULTS: Simulation education-led to a significant increase in LGBT knowledge and nursing attitude. However, there was no change in the general attitude towards LGBT. CONCLUSION: The results of this study suggest that LGBT education using simulation may be effective for nursing students and nurses from the point of concern for LGBT population. It is hypothesized that future LGBT educational programs might need more detailed information from both care recipients and nurses. Finally, LGBT education needs to be included in the nursing education curriculum