7 research outputs found

    Growth rate and behaviour in separated, partially separated or non-separated kids and the corresponding milk production of their mothers

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    We address the hypothesis that keeping kids and mothers together would have positive effects on the milk composition of the mother and the behaviour of the kids. Kids were either permanently separated (SEP), daily separated between 7.30 and 15 h (DAY-SEP) or kept with mothers 24 h/d (NON-SEP). The NON-SEP kids were only allowed to suckle one teat. All kids had similar growth rate throughout the study (lactation days 5–70). DAY-SEP kids spent 24% of their time with their mother at both ages. NON-SEP spent only 15% of the time with their mothers at 2 weeks of age and this increased to 28% at 2 months of age. NON-SEP kids showed more hiding behaviour at 2 weeks and SEP were more active alone, at both 2 weeks and 2 months, compared to the other treatments. The mean available milk yield and fat concentration were higher in DAY-SEP goats (2420 g ± 119 g and 4.9 ± 0.1%) compared with NON-SEP goats (2149 ± 79 g and 4.4 ± 0.1%). There were no differences between DAY-SEP and NON-SEP goats in total protein, lactose, or casein concentrations. Based on these data it was estimated that 7.1 kg milk was needed to produce 1 kg semi-hard cheese in DAY-SEP goats and 7.5 kg in NON-SEP goats, respectively. When comparing milk yield and composition between udder halves, the milk yield was, as expected, higher from the machine milked teat than from the suckled one in the NON-SEP goats but there was no difference between right and left udder halves in DAY-SEP goats. Milk fat concentration varied between teats at morning and afternoon milkings in NON-SEP goats, but there was no difference in milk fat between udder-halves in DAY-SEP goats. In conclusion, the kid growth rate was similar in all treatments, however, an altered behaviour was seen in permanently separated kids (SEP). The results show that it is possible to have a high milk yield and fat concentration with one kid together with the dam

    Cardiovascular, endocrine and behavioural responses to suckling and permanent separation in goats

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    <p>Abstract</p> <p>Background</p> <p>Suckling can be a peaceful or vulnerable event for goats and kids, whereas, separation is suggested as stressful. The aim of this study was to investigate physiology and behaviour in these two different situations in dairy goats.</p> <p>Methods</p> <p>Four studies were performed with seven goats kept with their first-born kid in individual boxes. The goats were videotaped and heart rate and arterial blood pressure were recorded every minute by telemetry from parturition until 24 hours after separation. One to two days after parturition, Study 1 was performed with analyses of heart rate and blood pressure around a suckling. In Study 2, performed 3-5 days after parturition, blood sampling was done before, during and after suckling. Study 3 was performed 4-6 days post partum, with blood sampling before and after a permanent goat and kid separation. In addition, vocalisations were recorded after separation. Blood samples were obtained from a jugular vein catheter and analysed for plasma cortisol, ÎČ-endorphin, oxytocin, and vasopressin concentrations. Study 4 was performed during the first (N1) and second nights (N2) after parturition and the nights after Study 2 (N3) and 3 (N4). Heart rate, blood pressure and time spent lying down were recorded.</p> <p>Results</p> <p>The kids suckled 2 ± 0.2 times per hour and each suckling bout lasted 43 ± 15 s. In Study 1, heart rate and blood pressure did not change significantly during undisturbed suckling. In Study 2, plasma cortisol (P ≀ 0.05 during suckling and P ≀ 0.01 five minutes after suckling) and ÎČ-endorphin (P ≀ 0.05) concentrations increased during suckling, but oxytocin and vasopressin concentrations did not change. In Study 3, the goats and kids vocalised intensively during the first 20 minutes after separation, but the physiological variables were not affected. In Study 4, heart rate and arterial blood pressure declined gradually after parturition and were lowest during N4 (P ≀ 0.05) when the goats spent longer time lying down than during earlier nights (P ≀ 0.01 during N1 and N3 and P ≀ 0.05 during N2).</p> <p>Conclusions</p> <p>Suckling elevated plasma cortisol and ÎČ-endorphin concentrations in the goats. The intensive vocalisation in the goats after separation, earlier suggested to indicate stress, was not accompanied by cardiovascular or endocrine responses.</p

    GrÀvlingars lidande vid grytanlagsprov med levande grÀvling

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    GrĂ€vlingar i Sverige jagas idag med flera olika jaktmetoder sĂ„som fĂ€llor, vakjakt, jakt med stĂ€llande hund ovan jord och jakt med grythund under jord. Grythundar anvĂ€nds för jakt, skyddsjakt och eftersök pĂ„ rĂ€v, grĂ€vling och mĂ„rdhund vilket stĂ€ller krav pĂ„ grythundarnas mentala och fysiska förmĂ„gor. Hundarna fĂ„r inte visa ett uppenbart aggressivt beteende. Olika jaktprov anvĂ€nds för att utvĂ€rdera hundens mentala och fysiska egenskaper som grythund. DĂ€rutöver medger de olika proven en vĂ€rdering av hundens vĂ€rde som avelsdjur. Grytanlagsprovens syfte Ă€r att bedöma hundars lĂ€mplighet vid grytjakt. Provet sker med en levande grĂ€vling i ett konstgjort gryt med tre olika gĂ„ngar som leder fram till en sĂ„ kallad kittel, dĂ€r grĂ€vlingen Ă€r placerad. Kitteln Ă€r oftast en rund konstruktion med galler mellan hund och grĂ€vling för att undvika fysisk kontakt mellan djuren, kitteln kan vridas för att exponera grĂ€vlingen Ă„t rĂ€tt hĂ„ll, mot hunden. Domaren vrider sĂ„ledes kitteln för att kunna bedöma hundens arbete med grĂ€vlingen. GrĂ€vlingar beskrivs som försiktiga djur som ytterst sĂ€llan reagerar aggressivt mot mĂ€nniskor och som ofta blir skrĂ€mda redan vid lukten av en mĂ€nniska. Att vara instĂ€ngd utan att kunna kontrollera eller undkomma situationen kan vara nĂ„got av det mest stressande som ett vilt djur kan utsĂ€ttas för. Det finns fĂ„ vetenskapliga studier pĂ„ grĂ€vling, men studier som publicerats som rapporter och examensarbeten avseende grĂ€vling i konstgryt har tillsammans med en vetenskaplig publikation pĂ„ fĂ€llfĂ„ngst av grĂ€vling visat att grĂ€vlingar gjort utfall mot hundar i provgryt, och att grĂ€vlingar som fĂ„ngats i fĂ€llor har reagerat med flyktförsök. Djur som saknar möjlighet att kontrollera eller undkomma en stressande situation, kan bli passiva eller till och med uppvisa s.k. inlĂ€rd hjĂ€lplöshet varvid djuret ger upp och blir apatiskt. Studierna visade ocksĂ„ att grĂ€vlingar som hade ett passivt beteende i samband med att de hölls instĂ€ngda i gryt eller fĂ€lla ofta hade förhöjd hjĂ€rtfrekvens och förĂ€ndrad kortisolkoncentration i trĂ€ck, vilket kan tyda pĂ„ att de upplevde stress. FastĂ€n antalet djur i studierna Ă€r litet Ă€r detta en indikation pĂ„ att Ă€ven till synes lugna grĂ€vlingar kan vara stressade. Även om grĂ€vlingen vid grytanlagsprovet numera separeras frĂ„n hunden med ett galler saknar grĂ€vlingen möjlighet att komma undan eller kontrollera situationen. Hunden uppfattas ocksĂ„ sannolikt som predator av grĂ€vlingen. Även en tam eller inte helt vild grĂ€vling kan vara rĂ€dd för hundar. GrĂ€vlingens hundvana eller rĂ€dsla för hundar kan vara svĂ„r att bedöma eftersom Ă€ven en till synes lugn grĂ€vling kan ha ett stresspĂ„slag. GrĂ€vlingens situation och lidande mĂ„ste bedömas inte bara under sjĂ€lva grytanlagsprovet och trĂ€ningstillfĂ€llena utan under hela grĂ€vlingens liv, dĂ„ den oftast tillbringar 8-10 Ă„r i hĂ€gn. VĂ€lfĂ€rden för grĂ€vlingen Ă€r dĂ€rför Ă€ven beroende av hĂ€gnets utformning och den dagliga skötseln. InfĂ„ngande i hĂ€gnet liksom transport till provplatsen kan pĂ„verka 6 grĂ€vlingens vĂ€lfĂ€rd i olika hög grad beroende pĂ„ faktorer som grĂ€vlingens tamhet och tillvĂ€njning, tidigare erfarenhet och förvĂ€ntan, samt kompetensen hos de personer som hanterar och transporterar djuren. En grĂ€vling som Ă€r ovan och mindre tam stressas sannolikt mer Ă€n en tillvand och tamare individ. Förutom att anvĂ€ndas vid grytanlagsprov anvĂ€nds grĂ€vlingen Ă€ven nĂ€r unga hundar ska lĂ€ra sig jaga. Omfattningen av denna trĂ€ning Ă€r inte reglerad enligt Svenska kennelklubbens reglemente men enligt uppgift ska samma regler följas som vid grytanlagsprov. Det rĂ„der brist pĂ„ vetenskapligt granskade studier pĂ„ grĂ€vlingar och grytanlagsprov och det har inte tillkommit nya studier inom omrĂ„det sedan Ă„r 2006. Graden av lidandet för grĂ€vlingen beror frĂ€mst pĂ„ riskfaktorer som grĂ€vlingens oförmĂ„ga att kontrollera eller komma undan situationen, grĂ€vlingens tidigare erfarenheter, bristande tillvĂ€njning, samt hundens agerande i provgrytet. Beroende pĂ„ djurets subjektiva upplevelse av hĂ„llandet och av de olika ingĂ„ende momenten kan graden och varaktigheten av lidande skilja sig Ă„t mellan olika individer. För vissa individer kan lidandet röra sig om enstaka men upprepade moment, t.ex. enbart tiden i provgrytet. För andra individer kan lidandet ha en lĂ€ngre varaktighet samt en adderad effekt som ökar graden av lidande om exempelvis hĂ€gnets utformning inte möjliggör naturligt beteende och grĂ€vlingarna inte Ă€r tama vilket kan addera stress under infĂ„ngande och transport. Sammantaget föreligger en pĂ„taglig risk för lidande, som inte Ă€r obetydligt, för grĂ€vlingar som anvĂ€nds för grytanlagsprov. Det kan pĂ„ grund av individuella variationer i grĂ€vlingarnas beteende under grytanlagsprovet föreligga svĂ„righeter att standardisera proven. Det kan ocksĂ„ ifrĂ„gasĂ€ttas om grĂ€vlingens beteende vid grytanlagsprov motsvarar ett möte med vild grĂ€vling. Hundar kan dessutom fĂ„ utföra ett slutligt grytjaktprov pĂ„ vild grĂ€vling i naturgryt utan att först ha gjort ett grytanlagsprov. Eventuella negativa effekter av ett icke utfört grytanlagsprov med levande grĂ€vling Ă€r oklara vid jaktprov pĂ„ grĂ€vling i ett naturgryt. Ett alternativ till prov pĂ„ levande grĂ€vling Ă€r att anvĂ€nda en attrapp. AnvĂ€ndning av grĂ€vlingsattrapp möjliggör en standardisering av grytanlagsproven, samt kan ge ökade och mer lĂ€ttillgĂ€ngliga trĂ€nings- och testmöjligheter för hundarna. Detta förutsĂ€tter dock att attrappen Ă€r av tillrĂ€ckligt hög kvalitet. I Danmark anvĂ€nds idag rĂ€vattrapper, och det finns attrapp för grĂ€vling i Sverige, men utfallet av prov med sĂ„dana Ă€r oklar. Förutom att grĂ€vlingar inte skulle behöva hĂ„llas i fĂ„ngenskap och riskera att utsĂ€ttas för lidande skulle en vĂ€l fungerande och mer lĂ€ttillgĂ€nglig attrapp kunna minska risken för att olĂ€mpliga eller otillrĂ€ckligt trĂ€nade hundar utsĂ€tter sig sjĂ€lva eller viltet för lidande

    The Effect of Mother Goat Presence during Rearing on Kids' Response to Isolation and to an Arena Test

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    Simple SummaryThe early permanent separation of mother and young in dairy production is the subject of much consumer concern. The aim of this study was to examine how early permanent separation, separation during the day only, or full-time access to their mother over two months affected goat kids, as measured by heart rate, saliva cortisol, and behavior during social isolation and exposure to a novel test situation. Our study shows that goat kids separated early permanent, separated daytime, or kept full-time with their mothers showed different responses to a challenge. However, it is difficult to say which of the treatments resulted in most fear and stress for goat kids during the tests. It seems that kids permanently separated from their mothers adapted to live in a group with other goat kids by the age of two months, while those separated daytime from their mothers demonstrated the strongest stress response. The reaction of goat kids kept full-time with mother fell between those of the other two treatments. In conclusion, the evaluation of stress responses is complicated, and our study pinpoints the importance of combining physiological with behavioral measurements.The aim of the study was to examine how early permanent separation, separation during the day only, or full-time access to the mother goat affected goat kids during social isolation with a sudden sound of a dog bark at two weeks and two months, and a novel arena test with a novel object at two months. Kids permanently separated reduced their vocalization earlier and had a higher heart rate before and after dog bark during isolation at two weeks, no effect was found on the daytime separated kids. Daytime separated kids bleated more at two weeks and decreased heart rate after dog barking at two months. Daytime separated kids showed the strongest fear reaction in the arena test, no effect was found on the permanently separated kids. Kids separated early vocalized more before novel object and showed more explorative behavior afterwards. Our study shows different responses in goat kids separated early permanent, daytime separated, or kept full-time with mother, which demonstrates the importance of if and how the mother is present, and the impact of using a wide variety of physiological and behavioral measures when evaluating stress in animal welfare research