27 research outputs found

    Diverting the Legislature: Executive–Legislative Relations, the Economy, and US Uses of Force

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    Given distinct partisan macroeconomic preferences, the partisanship of the president or majority in Congress should influence presidential decisions to use force in the face of poor economic conditions—the diversionary use of force. But previous research posits contradictory accounts of the influence of partisanship. We seek to resolve this debate by developing a game theory model, which predicts that leaders divert when government is divided and economic conditions hurt the opposition party's constituency. Leaders seek to divert the legislature from the economy in order to prevent the legislature from passing a remedial economic bill. Analyzing US conflict behavior since World War II, we examine the conditional influence of presidential partisanship and the president's cohesive partisan support in Congress on the effects of inflation and unemployment. Consistent with the model's predictions, we find that as their cohesive partisan support in Congress declines, Democratic presidents tend to use force in response to inflation and Republican presidents tend to use force in response to unemployment

    Does Official Development Assistance Promote Foreign Policy Cooperation from its Recipients? The Case of South Korea

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    This paper examines whether South Korea's official development assistance (ODA) has promoted foreign policy cooperation from its recipients. To this end, vote congruence between South Korea and its ODA recipients over important issues in the UN General Assembly is analyzed. The results show that, as the size of South Korea's ODA increases, its recipients are likely to vote alongside South Korea on issues important to South Korea, such as nuclear issues, human rights, and resolutions on human rights abuses in North Korea, in the UN General Assembly

    Government and Opposition in the Argentine Congress, 1989-2007: Understanding Inter-Party Dynamics through Roll Call Vote Analysis

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    This article employs roll call vote data and Bayesian ideal point estimation to examine inter-party dynamics in the Argentine Chamber of Deputies between 1989 and 2007. It highlights the presence in the Argentine Congress of a strong government vs. opposition dimension as well as identifies the relative position on this dimension, vis-à-vis the governing party, of the most prominent non-governing parties. Special attention is paid to the evolution of inter-party legislative dynamics during Argentina’s brief experience with coalition government (1999-2001) and to party behavior in the Chamber during the final two years of President Néstor Kirchner’s term in office (2005-07)Political Parties; Relations between Government and Parliament

    Gobierno y oposición en el Congreso Argentino, 1989-2007: Entender la dinámica interpartidaria mediante el análisis de votaciones nominales

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    This article employs roll call vote data and Bayesian ideal point estimation to examine inter-party dynamics in the Argentine Chamber of Deputies between 1989 and 2007. It highlights the presence in the Argentine Congress of a strong government vs. opposition dimension as well as identifies the relative position on this dimension, vis-à-vis the governing party, of the most prominent non-governing parties. Special attention is paid to the evolution of inter-party legislative dynamics during Argentina’s brief experience with coalition government (1999-2001) and to party behavior in the Chamber during the final two years of President Néstor Kirchner’s term in office (2005-07)El presente artículo analiza la dinámica interpartidaria en la Cámara de Diputados argentina entre 1999 y 2007 utilizando votaciones nominales y técnicas Bayesianas de estimación de puntos ideales. El análisis destaca la presencia de una fuerte dimensión gobierno-oposición en la arena legislativa, así como la posición relativa que adoptan los principales partidos opositores respecto del partido de gobierno. El trabajo explora con particular atención la evolución de la dinámica interpartidaria durante la breve experiencia de gobierno de coalición (1999-2001) y la performance partidaria en el Congreso durante los últimos dos años del mandato presidencial de Néstor Kirchner (2005-07)

    Gobierno y oposición en el Congreso Argentino, 1989-2007: Entender la dinámica interpartidaria mediante el análisis de votaciones nominales

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    This article employs roll call vote data and Bayesian ideal point estimation to examine inter-party dynamics in the Argentine Chamber of Deputies between 1989 and 2007. It highlights the presence in the Argentine Congress of a strong government vs. opposition dimension as well as identifies the relative position on this dimension, vis-à-vis the governing party, of the most prominent non-governing parties. Special attention is paid to the evolution of inter-party legislative dynamics during Argentina’s brief experience with coalition government (1999-2001) and to party behavior in the Chamber during the final two years of President Néstor Kirchner’s term in office (2005-07)El presente artículo analiza la dinámica interpartidaria en la Cámara de Diputados argentina entre 1999 y 2007 utilizando votaciones nominales y técnicas Bayesianas de estimación de puntos ideales. El análisis destaca la presencia de una fuerte dimensión gobierno-oposición en la arena legislativa, así como la posición relativa que adoptan los principales partidos opositores respecto del partido de gobierno. El trabajo explora con particular atención la evolución de la dinámica interpartidaria durante la breve experiencia de gobierno de coalición (1999-2001) y la performance partidaria en el Congreso durante los últimos dos años del mandato presidencial de Néstor Kirchner (2005-07)

    Government and Opposition in the Argentine Congress, 1989-2007: Understanding Inter-Party Dynamics through Roll Call Vote Analysis Gobierno y oposición en el Congreso Argentino, 1989-2007: Entender la dinámica interpartidaria mediante el análisis de votaciones nominales

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    This article employs roll call vote data and Bayesian ideal point estimation to examine inter-party dynamics in the Argentine Chamber of Deputies between 1989 and 2007. It highlights the presence in the Argentine Congress of a strong government vs. opposition dimension as well as identifies the relative position on this dimension, vis-à-vis the governing party, of the most prominent non-governing parties. Special attention is paid to the evolution of inter-party legislative dynamics during Argentina’s brief experience with coalition government (1999-2001) and to party behavior in the Chamber during the final two years of President Néstor Kirchner’s term in office (2005-07) El presente artículo analiza la dinámica interpartidaria en la Cámara de Diputados argentina entre 1999 y 2007 utilizando votaciones nominales y técnicas Bayesianas de estimación de puntos ideales. El análisis destaca la presencia de una fuerte dimensión gobierno-oposición en la arena legislativa, así como la posición relativa que adoptan los principales partidos opositores respecto del partido de gobierno. El trabajo explora con particular atención la evolución de la dinámica interpartidaria durante la breve experiencia de gobierno de coalición (1999-2001) y la performance partidaria en el Congreso durante los últimos dos años del mandato presidencial de Néstor Kirchner (2005-07)

    Government and opposition in the Argentine Congress, 1989-2007: understanding inter-party dynamics through roll call vote analysis

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    This article employs roll call vote data and Bayesian ideal point estimation to examine inter-party dynamics in the Argentine Chamber of Deputies between 1989 and 2007. It highlights the presence in the Argentine Congress of a strong government vs. opposition dimension as well as identifies the relative position on this dimension, vis-à-vis the governing party, of the most prominent non-governing parties. Special attention is paid to the evolution of inter-party legislative dynamics during Argentina's brief experience with coalition government (1999-2001) and to party behavior in the Chamber during the final two years of President Néstor Kirchner's term in office (2005-07)El presente artículo analiza la dinámica interpartidaria en la Cámara de Diputados argentina entre 1999 y 2007 utilizando votaciones nominales y técnicas Bayesianas de estimación de puntos ideales. El análisis destaca la presencia de una fuerte dimensión gobierno-oposición en la arena legislativa, así como la posición relativa que adoptan los principales partidos opositores respecto del partido de gobierno. El trabajo explora con particular atención la evolución de la dinámica interpartidaria durante la breve experiencia de gobierno de coalición (1999-2001) y la performance partidaria en el Congreso durante los últimos dos años del mandato presidencial de Néstor Kirchner (2005-07)

    Enhanced discrimination of normal oocytes using optically induced pulling-up dielectrophoretic force

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    We present a method to discriminate normal oocytes in an optoelectrofluidic platform based on the optically induced positive dielectrophoresis (DEP) for in vitro fertilization. By combining the gravity with a pulling-up DEP force that is induced by dynamic image projected from a liquid crystal display, the discrimination performance could be enhanced due to the reduction in friction force acting on the oocytes that are relatively large and heavy cells being affected by the gravity field. The voltage condition of 10 V bias at 1 MHz was applied for moving normal oocytes. The increased difference of moving velocity between normal and starved abnormal oocytes allows us to discriminate the normal ones spontaneously under the moving image pattern. This approach can be useful to develop an automatic and interactive selection tool of fertilizable oocytes