56 research outputs found

    Biodegradable Metallic Glass for Stretchable Transient Electronics

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    Biodegradable electronics are disposable green devices whose constituents decompose into harmless byproducts, leaving no residual waste and minimally invasive medical implants requiring no removal surgery. Stretchable and flexible form factors are essential in biointegrated electronic applications for conformal integration with soft and expandable skins, tissues, and organs. Here a fully biodegradable MgZnCa metallic glass (MG) film is proposed for intrinsically stretchable electrodes with a high yield limit exploiting the advantages of amorphous phases with no crystalline defects. The irregular dissolution behavior of this amorphous alloy regarding electrical conductivity and morphology is investigated in aqueous solutions with different ion species. The MgZnCa MG nanofilm shows high elastic strain (approximate to 2.6% in the nano-tensile test) and offers enhanced stretchability (approximate to 115% when combined with serpentine geometry). The fatigue resistance in repeatable stretching also improves owing to the wide range of the elastic strain limit. Electronic components including the capacitor, inductor, diode, and transistor using the MgZnCa MG electrode support its integrability to transient electronic devices. The biodegradable triboelectric nanogenerator of MgZnCa MG operates stably over 50 000 cycles and its fatigue resistant applications in mechanical energy harvesting are verified. In vitro cell toxicity and in vivo inflammation tests demonstrate the biocompatibility in biointegrated use

    Marked Individual Variation in Isoflavone Metabolism After a Soy Challenge Can Modulate the Skeletal Effect of Isoflavones in Premenopausal Women

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    Soy-isoflavones may act as estrogenic agonists or antagonists depending on the endogenous hormone status. These clinical effects can be exerted variably in individuals by the metabolic ability to produce a more potent metabolite than precursors. The objective of this randomized, double-blind, placebo-controlled study was to investigate the skeletal effect of isoflavones according to their metabolic variability in premenopausal women. Volunteers were randomly assigned to receive either soy-extract isoflavones (n=32) or lactose (n=21) once a day for three menstrual cycles. After intervention, the urinary excretions of isoflavones and their metabolites were significantly higher in the soy group than in the placebo group and showed a large inter-individual variation. Women in the soy group were divided into subgroups according to their ability to excrete more potent metabolites. Serum osteocalcin and urine deoxypyridinoline showed a tendency to increase after a challenge in equol high-excretors. Serum osteocalcin concentration in the genistein high-excretors increased significantly after a challenge (P=0.04) but did not increase in either the placebo or genistein low-excretors. An estrogenic antagonistic effect of isoflavones on bone turnover was observed in premenopausal women who are able to produce more potent metabolites

    Clinical effectiveness of the sequential 4-channel NMES compared with that of the conventional 2-channel NMES for the treatment of dysphagia in a prospective double-blind randomized controlled study

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    Background To date, conventional swallowing therapies and 2-channel neuromuscular electrical stimulation (NMES) are standard treatments for dysphagia. The precise mechanism of 2-channel NMES treatment has not been determined, and there are controversies regarding the efficacy of this therapy. The sequential 4-channel NMES was recently developed and its action is based on the normal contractile sequence of swallowing-related muscles. Objective To evaluate and compare the rehabilitative effectiveness of the sequential 4-channel NMES with that of conventional 2-channel NMES. Methods In this prospective randomized caseโ€“control study, 26 subjects with dysphagia were enrolled. All participants received 2- or 4-channel NMES for 2โ€“3weeks (minimal session: 7 times, treatment duration: 300โ€“800min). Twelve subjects in the 4-channel NMES group and eleven subjects in the 2-channel NMES group completed the intervention. Initial and follow-up evaluations were performed using the videofluoroscopic dysphagia scale (VDS), the penetration-aspiration scale (PAS), the MD Anderson dysphagia inventory (MDADI), the functional oral intake scale (FOIS), and the Likert scale. Results The sequential 4-channel NMES group experienced significant improvement in their VDS (oral, pharyngeal, and total), PAS, FOIS, and MDADI (emotional, functional, and physical subsets) scores, based on their pretreatment data. VDS (oral, pharyngeal, and total) and MDADI (emotional and physical subsets) scores, but not PAS and FOIS scores, significantly improved in the 2-channel NMES group posttreatment. When the two groups were directly compared, the 4-channel NMES group showed significant improvement in oral and total VDS scores. Conclusions The sequential 4-channel NMES, through its activation of the suprahyoid and thyrohyoid muscles, and other infrahyoid muscles mimicking physiological activation, may be a new effective treatment for dysphagia. Trial registration: clinicaltrial.gov, registration number: NCT03670498, registered 13 September 2018, https://clinicaltrials.gov/ct2/show/NCT03670498?term=NCT03670498&draw=2&rank=1 .This research was supported by a grant of the Korea Health Technology R&D Project through the Korea Health Industry Development Institute (KHIDI), funded by the Ministry of Health & Welfare, Republic of Korea (Grant Number: HI18C1169). This research was supported by Basic Science Research Program through the National Research Foundation of Korea (NRF) funded by the Minโ€‘ istry of Science, ICT and Future Planning (NRF- NRF-2016R1D1A1B03935130)

    Correlation between formability of dual and complex phase steels and hardness of constituent phases

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