1,094 research outputs found

    Quantitative embedded contact homology

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    Define a "Liouville domain" to be a compact exact symplectic manifold with contact-type boundary. We use embedded contact homology to assign to each four-dimensional Liouville domain (or subset thereof) a sequence of real numbers, which we call "ECH capacities". The ECH capacities of a Liouville domain are defined in terms of the "ECH spectrum" of its boundary, which measures the amount of symplectic action needed to represent certain classes in embedded contact homology. Using cobordism maps on embedded contact homology (defined in joint work with Taubes), we show that the ECH capacities are monotone with respect to symplectic embeddings. We compute the ECH capacities of ellipsoids, polydisks, certain subsets of the cotangent bundle of T2, and disjoint unions of examples for which the ECH capacities are known. The resulting symplectic embedding obstructions are sharp in some interesting cases, for example for the problem of embedding an ellipsoid into a ball (as shown by work of McDuff-Schlenk) or embedding a disjoint union of balls into a ball. We also state and present evidence for a conjecture under which the asymptotics of the ECH capacities of a Liouville domain recover its symplectic volume.Comment: 39 pages, v3 has minor correction

    Beyond ECH capacities

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    ECH (embedded contact homology) capacities give obstructions to symplectically embedding one four-dimensional symplectic manifold with boundary into another. These obstructions are known to be sharp when the domain and target are ellipsoids (proved by McDuff), and more generally when the domain is a "concave toric domain" and the target is a "convex toric domain" (proved by Cristofaro-Gardiner). However ECH capacities often do not give sharp obstructions, for example in many cases when the domain is a polydisk. This paper uses more refined information from ECH to give stronger symplectic embedding obstructions when the domain is a polydisk, or more generally a convex toric domain. We use these new obstructions to reprove a result of Hind-Lisi on symplectic embeddings of a polydisk into a ball, and generalize this to obstruct some symplectic embeddings of a polydisk into an ellipsoid. We also obtain a new obstruction to symplectically embedding one polydisk into another, in particular proving the four-dimensional case of a conjecture of Schlenk.Comment: 41 pages; v4: a couple of minor corrections and clarification

    An index inequality for embedded pseudoholomorphic curves in symplectizations

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    Let Σ\Sigma be a surface with a symplectic form, let ϕ\phi be a symplectomorphism of Σ\Sigma, and let YY be the mapping torus of ϕ\phi. We show that the dimensions of moduli spaces of embedded pseudoholomorphic curves in R×Y\R\times Y, with cylindrical ends asymptotic to periodic orbits of ϕ\phi or multiple covers thereof, are bounded from above by an additive relative index. We deduce some compactness results for these moduli spaces. This paper establishes some of the foundations for a program with Michael Thaddeus, to understand the Seiberg-Witten Floer homology of YY in terms of such pseudoholomorphic curves. Analogues of our results should also hold in three dimensional contact homology.Comment: 60 pages, LaTeX 2

    Reidemeister torsion in generalized Morse theory

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    In two previous papers with Yi-Jen Lee, we defined and computed a notion of Reidemeister torsion for the Morse theory of closed 1-forms on a finite dimensional manifold. The present paper gives an a priori proof that this Morse theory invariant is a topological invariant. It is hoped that this will provide a model for possible generalizations to Floer theory.Comment: 42 pages, LateX2e; some corrections, improved expositio

    Embedded contact homology and its applications

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    Embedded contact homology (ECH) is a kind of Floer homology for contact three-manifolds. Taubes has shown that ECH is isomorphic to a version of Seiberg-Witten Floer homology (and both are conjecturally isomorphic to a version of Heegaard Floer homology). This isomorphism allows information to be transferred between topology and contact geometry in three dimensions. In this article we first give an overview of the definition of embedded contact homology. We then outline its applications to generalizations of the Weinstein conjecture, the Arnold chord conjecture, and obstructions to symplectic embeddings in four dimensions.Comment: expository article to accompany invited talk at 2010 IC

    Mean action and the Calabi invariant

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    Given an area-preserving diffeomorphism of the closed unit disk which is a rotation near the boundary, one can naturally define an "action" function on the disk which agrees with the rotation number on the boundary. The Calabi invariant of the diffeomorphism is the average of the action function over the disk. Given a periodic orbit of the diffeomorphism, its "mean action" is defined to be the average of the action function over the orbit. We show that if the Calabi invariant is less than the boundary rotation number, then the infimum over periodic orbits of the mean action is less than or equal to the Calabi invariant. The proof uses a new filtration on embedded contact homology determined by a transverse knot, which might be of independent interest. (An analogue of this filtration can be defined for any other version of contact homology in three dimensions that counts holomorphic curves.)Comment: 34 pages; v2 has minor corrections and clarifications and an additional reference; v3 has minor corrections following referee's suggestion

    Rounding corners of polygons and the embedded contact homology of T^3

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    The embedded contact homology (ECH) of a 3-manifold with a contact form is a variant of Eliashberg-Givental-Hofer's symplectic field theory, which counts certain embedded J-holomorphic curves in the symplectization. We show that the ECH of T^3 is computed by a combinatorial chain complex which is generated by labeled convex polygons in the plane with vertices at lattice points, and whose differential involves `rounding corners'. We compute the homology of this combinatorial chain complex. The answer agrees with the Ozsvath--Szabo Floer homology HF^+(T^3).Comment: This is the version published by Geometry & Topology on 26 March 200

    Axiomatic S^1 Morse-Bott theory

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    In various situations in Floer theory, one extracts homological invariants from "Morse-Bott" data in which the "critical set" is a union of manifolds, and the moduli spaces of "flow lines" have evaluation maps taking values in the critical set. This requires a mix of analytic arguments (establishing properties of the moduli spaces and evaluation maps) and formal arguments (defining or computing invariants from the analytic data). The goal of this paper is to isolate the formal arguments, in the case when the critical set is a union of circles. Namely, we state axioms for moduli spaces and evaluation maps (encoding a minimal amount of analytical information that one needs to verify in any given Floer-theoretic situation), and using these axioms we define homological invariants. More precisely, we define a (almost) category of "Morse-Bott systems". We construct a "cascade homology" functor on this category, based on ideas of Bourgeois and Frauenfelder, which is "homotopy invariant". This machinery is used in our work on cylindrical contact homology.Comment: 48 pages (v3 has minor clarifications, mainly at the end, following referee's suggestions

    Cylindrical contact homology for dynamically convex contact forms in three dimensions

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    We show that for dynamically convex contact forms in three dimensions, the cylindrical contact homology differential d can be defined by directly counting holomorphic cylinders for a generic almost complex structure, without any abstract perturbation of the Cauchy-Riemann equation. We also prove that d^2 = 0. Invariance of cylindrical contact homology in this case can be proved using S^1-dependent almost complex structures, similarly to work of Bourgeois-Oancea; this will be explained in another paper.Comment: v3: corrected Lemma 2.5(b), to appear in Journal of Symplectic Geometr

    Gluing pseudoholomorphic curves along branched covered cylinders II

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    This paper and its prequel ("Part I") prove a generalization of the usual gluing theorem for two index 1 pseudoholomorphic curves U_+ and U_- in the symplectization of a contact 3-manifold. We assume that for each embedded Reeb orbit gamma, the total multiplicity of the negative ends of U_+ at covers of gamma agrees with the total multiplicity of the positive ends of U_- at covers of gamma. However, unlike in the usual gluing story, here the individual multiplicities are allowed to differ. In this situation, one can often glue U_+ and U_- to an index 2 curve by inserting genus zero branched covers of R-invariant cylinders between them. This paper shows that the signed count of such gluings equals a signed count of zeroes of a certain section of an obstruction bundle over the moduli space of branched covers of the cylinder. Part I obtained a combinatorial formula for the latter count and, assuming the result of the present paper, deduced that the differential d in embedded contact homology satisfies d^2=0. The present paper completes all of the analysis that was needed in Part I. The gluing technique explained here is in principle applicable to more gluing problems. We also prove some lemmas concerning the generic behavior of pseudoholomorphic curves in symplectizations, which may be of independent interest.Comment: 123 pages; some corrections following referee's suggestions, to appear in Journal of Symplectic Geometr
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