63 research outputs found

    Usulan Konseptual Sistem Distribusi Cross Docking untuk Meminimumkan Biaya Distribusi pada Industri Retail

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    For retail industry, the distribution system is the main challenge that must be faced by the company. Choosing the right strategy will save unnecessary costs and reduce distribution time. The distribution time is needed to get products to the warehouse and to get them ready for shipping at the distribution centre. If the distribution time is felt to be too long, it might add costs. The objective of the study was to design a conceptual cross docking distribution system to minimize distribution costs and reduce distribution time by focusing on the product distribution inside the distribution center until the products are delivered to each outlet. Designing a conceptual cross docking distribution system consists of transportation costs, retain costs, the amoun to truck necessities, truck schedules, and the safety stock planning. Results from our calculation showed that the company's distribution costs werereduced. That is, the distribution costs were down by 62% compared to the current distribution costs. Based on the result, it is concluded that the conceptual cross docking distribution system designed in the present research successfully answered the existing problems. Kata kunci : Cross Docking, Truck Scheduling, Simulatio

    Perancangan Kios Buku Online dengan Menerapkan Algoritma MD5 dalam Pengamanan Record Login

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    Online book stall is one form of e-commerce in cyberspace, all the time the sale and purchase transactions of books can be done at any time, but along with the development of online transactions, data controls should also be improved. To avoid data from damage caused by irresponsible people, it is necessary to secure data by applying cryptography to the data. In modern times there are many methods or algorithms that can be used to protect and control data from various attacks, but each of these algorithms certainly has its own weaknesses and strengths. The need for long-distance transactions and the importance of data security caused developers to continue to develop cryptography. MD5 algorithm is a one-way hash function that is often used in cryptography, especially in web-based transactions. The MD5 algorithm encodes data in a constant form of 32 bits. All processes from sales and purchase transactions in online bookstores will be safe and durable when the bookstore database is designed in such a way. The book stall database records are encoded with the MD5 algorithm, especially for logging records as a gateway for hackers or hackers to infiltrate. All transactions in the online book kiosk system are detected by the database, the resilience of the database from all attacks is the control of the system from all kinds of damage

    Analisis Efisiensi USAhatani Padi Sawah pada Kondisi Irigasi Semi Teknis di Kabupaten Merangin

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    Penelitian ini merupakan penelitian survey yang bertujuan untuk mengetahui efisiensi ekonomi dan kombinasi optimal penggunaan faktor produksi pada USAhatani padi sawah pada kondisi irigasi semi teknispada musim tanam tahun 2012 di Kabupaten Merangin. Penelitian ini dilakukan mulai dari bulan September sampai bulan Oktober 2012. Data diperoleh dari 30 orang petani per kondisi irigasi semi teknis . Data diolah dan dianalisis dengan metode fungsi produksi Cobb Douglas. Dari hasil analisis efisiensi ekonomi pada irigasi semi teknis rata – rata efisiensi harga/alokatif sebesar 1,873, rata – rata efisiensi teknik sebesar 0,66, dan efisiensi ekonomi sebesar 1,237. Secara keseluruhan faktor produksi yang belum efisien secara ekonomi dan perlu ditambah penggunaanya pada irigasi semi teknis adalahfaktorbenih, pupuk urea, dan pupuk TSP. Sedangkan faktor produksi yang tidak efisien adalah lahan, tenaga kerja dan pupuk KCl yang berarti perlu pengurangan penggunaan faktor produksi tersebut.Secara ekonomi dengan harga input dan produksi yang konstan, maka kombinasi penggunaan faktor produksi yang optimal yang dapat memberikan keuntungan maksimum dengan produksi yang optimum pada irigasi semi teknis produksi diproyeksikan sebesar 3684,76 kg/ha dengan keuntungan maksimum sebesar Rp. 3.251.560,93/ha

    Sosialisasi dan Workshop Penyusunan Roadmap Kajian SNI Meja dan Kursi Sekolah Tahun 2022-2024

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    This activity aimed to develop roadmap for the future study of national standard of chair and desk to be used by both researchers in the Pusat Riset Teknologi Pengujian dan Standar, Badan Riset dan Inovasi Nasional (PRTPS – BRIN) and Industrial Engineering Department, Atma Jaya Catholic University. Prior to developing roadmap, a workshop has been conducted to provide researchers with the basic knowledge of anthropometry, standardization of measurements, measurement illustrations and how to apply such data for design, in particular for school furniture design and evaluation. The roadmap could be used as guideline to conduct future research topics related to the national standard of school furniture for all level. &nbsp

    Upaya Meningkatkan Kemampuan Siswa Dalam Menyelesaikan Soal Cerita Melalui Pembelajaran Think Pair Share (Tps)

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    The purpose of this study is to describe Think Pair Share (TPS) learning, which can improve students\u27 ability in mathematic story problems probability material. According to the purpose of the research, the type of the research is descriptive qualitative. The subjects of the research is 30 students of SMK Telkom Malang. The learning phases in this research is (1) Think, (2) Pair, (3) Share. Student\u27s ability to solve story problems include (1) understanding the problem, (2) change the problem to mathematic model form, (3) making solution, (4) write the final answer accurately. The results of the research is the level of students have the ability to solve mathematic story problem at probability material is 80%.Tujuan penelitian ini adalah untuk mendeskripsikan pembelajaran Think Pair Share (TPS) yang dapat meningkatkan kemampuan siswa dalam menyelesaikan soal cerita matematika pada materi peluang.Berdasarkan tujuan penelitian tersebut maka jenis penelitian ini adalah deskriptif kualitatif. Adapun subyek penelitiannya adalah siswa SMK Malang dengan banyak siswa 30 orang. Tahap pembelajaran dalam penelitian ini adalah (1) Think, (2) Pair, (3) Share. Kemampuan siswa dalam menyelesaikan soal cerita meliputi (1) memahami soal, (2) mengubah soal ke bentuk model matematika, (3) membuat penyelesaian, (4) menulis jawaban akhir dengan tepat. Hasil dari penelitian ini adalah tingkat kemampuan siswa dalam menyelesaikan soal cerita matematika pada materi Peluang adalah sebesar 80%

    Condition and the Affecting Factors of Tanjung Jumlai Patch Reef in North Penajam Paser Regency East Kalimantan

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    Patch reef of Tanjung Jumlai which located in North Penajam Paser Regency, East Kalimantan Province has being suffered from stress and degradation, less studied and managed. Thus, this research was conducted to obtain data concerning on the reef condition and the affecting factors. The research was carried out from December 10 – 14, 2013. There were eight observation stations that surveyed using life form line intercept transect method to obtain data related with coral reef condition based on percent cover of live coral (LC) and coral mortality index (MI). The result showed that the lowest LC was 5% at ST 7 (poor/bad coral condition) and the highest LC was 78% (excellent condition), and the average LC was 42.5% (fair/moderate condition). The average coral mortality index was 0.34 with the lowest MI was 0.06 at ST 6 and the highest MI was 0.78 at ST 7. This study also found that anthropogenic factors (mainly from Balikpapan Bay) were more influential toward the reef condition of Tanjung Jumlai patch reef rather than non-anthropogenic factors

    Model Regresi Cox Proportional Hazards Pada Data Lama Studi Mahasiswa (Studi Kasus Di Fakultas Sains Dan Matematika Universitas Diponegoro Semarang Mahasiswa Angkatan 2009)

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    High education has important role to increase the intellectual life of the nation and the development of natural sciences and technology by producing the quality graduates. The quality graduates just need 48 month to finish the study. There are many factors that will affect time of study students as Grade Point Average(GPA), Bustle student level, etc. Hence, need to know what factors affecting time of study students. One method that can be used is Survival analysis. Survival Analysis is analysis of survival data from the beginning of time research until certain events occurred. One of the methods of survival analysis is Cox Proportional Hazards Regression. Cox Proportional Hazards Regression is a regression which used data of intervals of time an event. The case which is discussed in this research is factors that affect time of study students of Faculty of Science and Mathematics started 2009 Diponegoro of University with the second type of censoring. From the research give conclusion that factors affecting time of study students is Department, GPA, and Organizatio

    Analisis Longsoran Ruas Jalan Cening Kecamatan Singorojo Kabupaten Kendal Jawa Tengah

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    This Final Project contained about land stability and it countermeasures on roads Cening Sub-district of Singorojo District of Kendal Central Java. This road crosses the hills with unstable soil conditon. Based on the soil drilling test result, it's contain of clay, clay stone ( splinter ), and clay stone ( clay shale ) layers. This Final Project analyzes value of the slope safety factor that included a condition when occured of the movement of soil slopes which is caused by instability on slopes due to degdradation of soil layers, manual calculation of slope stability using Fellenius method and Plaxis V.8.2 computer program. Based on the to manual calculation of slope stability using Fellenius method,it's obtained value of the slope safety factor equal to 1,074 and use Plaxis software obtained value of the slope safety factor equal to 1,081. Those values of the slope safety factor are still less than slope stability regulation equal to 1,5, with the result that the slope condition is prone to landslide. The Analysis result indicate that reinforcement slope with bored pile with diameter of 0,55 m in depth of five meters which is placed at the bottom of the slope, it's the alternative handling had increased the value of the safety factor with the factor of safety of the existing condition which is from 1,081 become 1,812

    Keragaan dan Analisis Komoditas Unggulan Perikanan Umum Berdasarkan Zona Agroekologi di Kabupaten Buol, Sulawesi Tengah

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    The purpose of this research is giving data of information potency, biophysic condition, and social economy.To specify the pre-eminent commodity of fishery in Buol regency, Central Sulawesi based on agro ecology zone.Verification arrangement of agro ecology zone derived from expert system concept which is developed by Center ofResearch of Land and Agro Climate. The implementation of agro ecology zone is divided into four activities such as :preparation, data interpretation into expert system, overlay between administrating and land resource map, andverification on farm. The analysis result shows agro ecology zone for fishery development is zone VI (covers 25.083ha or 6,32%) from the total of Buol regency spread out in every subdistrict. The pre-eminent commodity of fishery isshrimp pond located in Momunu sub district.Key words : fisheries development, resource management, ponds, Central Sulawesi Tujuan penelitian ini untuk memberikan data dan informasi tentang potensi, kondisi biofisik dan sosialekonomi serta menetapkan komoditas unggulan perikanan Kabupaten Buol, Provinsi Sulawesi Tengah berdasarkanzona agroekologi. Penyusunan keragaaan zona agroekologi mengacu pada konsep Sistem Pakar (Expert System), yangdikembangkan oleh Pusat Penelitian Tanah dan Agroklimat. Pelaksanaan penyusunan peta zona agroekologi terbagiatas empat tahapan kegiatan yaitu : persiapan, interpretasi data ke dalam sistem pakar, tumpang tepat (overlay) antarpeta administrasi dan peta sumberdaya lahan serta verifikasi lapang. Dari hasil analisis terlihat bahwa zonasiagroekologi yang berpotensi untuk pengembangan komoditas perikanan berada pada zona VI dengan luas wilayah25.083 ha (6,32%) dari total luas seluruh wilayah Kabupaten Buol yang tersebar di tiap kecamatan. Komoditasunggulan perikanan yaitu tambak udang, berada di wilayah Kecamatan Momunu
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