11 research outputs found

    Generation COVID: Young adult substance use

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    Opposing theories posited that young adult substance use during the COVID-19 pandemic would decline due to restricted access and social engagement or increase due to efforts to cope with rising distress, loneliness, and isolation. Peer-reviewed global longitudinal studies found (a) overall declines in commonly used substances in 2020 with some rebounding in 2021; (b) individual differences in this pattern, with declines linked to factors limiting access and increases to pre-existing risk; and (c) under-developed evidence to evaluate increased coping-related use. Given potential links between surging mental health disorders and substance use, further surveillance and wider dissemination of substance use programming is needed, particularly for vulnerable individuals and settings

    COVID-19 Life Events Spill-Over on Family Functioning and Adolescent Adjustment

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    We examined US parent and youth perceptions of how life events, both positive and negative, associated with COVID-19 resulted in changes in family and youth functioning. Families (n = 105, 80% white, 48% male, and 87% mothers) completed surveys during the pandemic (May to July 2020) and 3 years prior (for youth ages M = 10.6, SD = 1.17 and M = 13.6, SD = 1.19). Declines in youth, though not parent, report of open family communication, parental support, and family satisfaction were found. Declines were associated with various domains of pandemic-related stress in parent report, though positive life events served as buffers. Pre-pandemic family functioning also predicted pandemic stress. Spillover effects in turn impacted youth functioning. The current findings shed light on how experiences of the pandemic are linked with family functioning and have implications for how to support families during this time

    Incontinence and sleep disturbances in young children: A population-based study

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    Aims Nocturnal enuresis (NE), daytime urinary incontinence (DUI), fecal incontinence (FI), as well as sleep and behavioral problems are common in young children. The aim of this study was to analyze the association of sleep and psychological parameters for all types of incontinence in a representative sample of young children. Methods Six hundred thirty eight (of 1161) children with a mean age of 5.9 years (50.9% boys) were assessed during their mandatory school entry examination. The participation rate was 55%. Instruments included the Strengths and Difficulties Questionnaire, the Children's Sleep Habits Questionnaire and other clinical questions. Incontinence was diagnosed according to ICCS standards. Constipation was assessed by two questions. Results 17.1% of children had at least one type of incontinence, 14.8% had NE, 5.0% DUI, 2.1% FI, and 4.8% were constipated. 6.7% of children had clinically relevant psychological problems. 22.7% of children had sleep problems regularly (5-7 times/week). A wide variety of sleep problems were reported. Children with incontinence were not affected by a higher rate of sleep problems. Children with NE had fewer night wakings and those with constipation fewer parasomnias. Sleep and psychological problems were significantly associated, especially in children with DUI and FI. Conclusions Sleep and behavioral problems are common in young children. Psychological problems have a clear impact on sleep. Young children with incontinence do not have more sleep problems than continent children. Therefore, both sleep and psychological problems should be addressed in young children with incontinence

    A trifactor model for integrating ratings across multiple informants

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    Psychologists often obtain ratings for target individuals from multiple informants such as parents or peers. In this article we propose a trifactor model for multiple informant data that separates target-level variability from informant-level variability and item-level variability. By leveraging item-level data, the trifactor model allows for examination of a single trait rated on a single target. In contrast to many psychometric models developed for multitrait-multimethod data, the trifactor model is predominantly a measurement model. It is used to evaluate item quality in scale development, test hypotheses about sources of target variability (e.g., sources of trait differences) versus informant variability (e.g., sources of rater bias), and generate integrative scores that are purged of the subjective biases of single informants

    Approaching the Treatment of AML from a Biological Perspective

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    New Molecular Therapy Targets in Acute Myeloid Leukemia

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