16 research outputs found

    Construction Logistics Safety Measures

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    — Construction logistics plays as one of the important enablers to support rapid development and economy in Malaysia. Heavy trucks used in construction logistics provide the ability to move more and bigger materials for development and manufacturing. However, it caused many problems, particularly in safety aspects, to the community. Hence, it is crucial to investigate more on the safety measures practised in construction logistics activities to adopt the right safety guideline. Three objectives were established. Firstly, to investigate current state of construction logistics in Malaysia. The second objective is to determine the safety measures practised for construction logistics activities by using five indicators from construction safety and health programs: rules and regulations, communications, accident investigation, training and evaluation. Lastly, the objective is to recommend suggestion to improve current situation of construction logistics activities that possessed danger to communities. With extensive data collection, this study has succeeded in stipulating evidence to show: (1) lack of sterner enforcement to combat wrongdoings in construction logistics activities, (2) lack of communication and information sharing among stakeholders, from the authorities, industry players to the communities and (3) insufficient training for employees, particularly drivers. This research has also contributed to future safety performances in logistics company by providing a guideline to measure safety performance

    Determinant factors towards the intention to adopt halal logistics services

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    Halal logistics is a notion that supports the wholesomeness of halal supply chain. This new area of study is still scarcely researched, particularly studies that provide empirical evidence on adoption of Halal logistics. Thus, this study aims to understand the internal and external factors that influence the intention of Malaysian small medium enterprises (SME) to adopt halal logistics services (HLS). This research employed a quantitative research design using survey research method. Three objectives were established. Firstly, to investigate the current state of halal logistics adoption among SMEs that was achieved through literature reviews and preliminary study. There were 13 factors found with four internal and seven external factors which were reduced to seven after pilot study and reliability test were conducted. The hypotheses derived were based on seven factors acquired: the presence of familiarity with innovation, status characteristics and position in social network as internal factors; and benefits, geographical setting, societal culture and political condition as external factors. The second objective is to determine the significant factors that influence SMEs intention to adopt HLS. Online questionnaires made available to 1642 enterprise decision makers of halal SMEs listed in Halal Industry Development Corporation (HDC) Halal Directory and 176 valid responses were received. Correlation coefficient was used to test the hypotheses. Four of seven hypotheses were supported. Finally, the final objective was achieved by the proposal of an adoption intention model which Structural Equation Modeling was used to evaluate the fitness of the model. The proposed model showed that both internal and external factors have strong predictive power on the adoption intention of HLS among Malaysian SMEs. Therefore, this study has succeeded in stipulating evidence to show that being in the same social group HLS players and being familiar on HLS will significantly influence SMEs to adopt HLS. Being positioned in the same group of HLS actors will result in higher accessibility to information on HLS. Understanding of HLS benefits versus cost and with good support from the government are the necessary enablers of adoption of HLS among Malaysian SMEs. This study has also made major contribution to future research in service innovation adoption by providing an instrument to measure intention adoption service innovation model

    Customer satisfaction on public bus network system on Malacca, Malaysia

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    Customer satisfaction is one of the main considerations when operating a successful city bus service. An increased number of private vehicles in the city causes traffic congestion resulted from low level of usage for public transportation. Unattractive public bus system might be the reason why the usage of public bus in Malacca is subdued. Four bus 4 routes in case study area with a total of 143 respondent participated in the survey. The results indicate that the performance of the bus network on those selected routes mostly at moderate level of service where frequency and timetable are the most significant factors that affect the passenger’s satisfaction level. Findings of this study can help the bus operator and the state authority to retain the current ridership and the same time to attract new passengers to utilize the public bus service in Malacca

    Technology facilitation assessment for Malaysia halal quality assurance for food and beverages, consumer goods, logistics, and cosmetics industry

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    This study aimed to identify the appropriate characteristics of assistive technology to facilitate the quality control process in halal industry segments, namely, food and beverages, consumer goods, logistics, and cosmetics. For this purpose, four separate research projects were conducted to cover these four different industry segments. This paper combined the findings and provided a compilation of all the results. Questionnaire surveys were distributed during the 13th Malaysian International Halal Showcase (MIHAS 2016) as the pilot study. Main data collection was done on the industry in Johor in the southern part of Malaysia. The seven elements of technology characteristics selected for this study are speed, convenience, integration, auto-report, customizable, cost, and data accessibility. Findings of this study show that each industry segments have different technology characteristics preference. Nevertheless, the majority of respondents agreed that technological assistance in halal quality control is vital in helping companies to ensure the halal integrity of their products and services

    The Needs of halal transportation control in Malaysia: a multiple case study approach

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    Halal is a compulsory element in choosing consumable product for a Muslim. It Is a duty for a Muslim to only use or consumed goods that is halal according to Syariah Law. With the remarkable market segment and with majority of food and other product producer are non-muslims, the assurance in maintaining the halal integrity becomes more important and ever. Transportation as one of main component of halal supply chain plays a key role in facilitating the manufacturing, logistics and trade of halal products throughout the world. However, lack of study on halal transportation has hampered the progress of research in this area. This study was done to investigate whether the integrity of halal products can be maintained during it is being transported and try to explore the need of halal control in transportation activities. In order to have a deeper understanding of the problems, an literature review were done on various important concepts such as, halal concept, the muslim consumer’s duty and concern on halal product, halal industry in Malaysia, the concept of halal logistics and halal transportation and how it is being applied. In order to provide the evidence to support the study, profound details and explanations from the different stakeholders need to be gathered which can only be obtained through interview sessions. Therefore, a qualitative study and multiple case study approach have been employed. Interview session has been done with halal authorities such as JAKIM, IHIA and HDC as well as the Malaysian Islamic consumer association (PPIM) representative. Collected data has been transcript, coded and interpreted into results and findings. The results from study show that there is a clear need for halal control in handling halal food or product particularly during transportation process. Two standards initiatives on halal product handling which also catered transportation have been uncovered during data collection. These initiatives were done by YES and IHIA. To date, these initiatives are the only program in the world so far that provides a clear and concise guideline on how halal product should be managed from the perspective of logistics operations. This proves that not only there is a need for halal control during transportation but there already standards are being drafted to be used as a guideline to implement the halal control in transportation

    Factors influencing customers satisfaction on mass rapid transit feeder bus electronic payment system

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    This paper introduces the current trend of the electronic payment system implementation on feeder bus in Malaysia. Smart card technology has been implemented in many countries around the world as a substitute for cash transaction. Rapid Bus Sdn Bhd was responsible for introducing electronic payment system for all Mass Rapid Transit feeder bus across all the 57 routes in February 2019. By using the Pearson correlation coefficient, the analysis stated that the significant level is 0.05. Furthermore, it used to identify the hypothesis should be acceptance or rejected. When relationship for both variables is significant, it’s required to resolve on the level of the acceptance. The development of this e-payment system is an effort to support the cashless payment system parallel with the government aspiration to increase the efficiency of the national payment system. The aim of this study is to identify the factors that influence customers’ satisfaction of Mass Rapid Transit feeder bus electronic payment system. This study not only reveals the factors that influence customers’ satisfaction which are e-pay reliability, e-pay miles coverage, staff technical competencies and smart card functionality, but identified the significant ones among them

    The adoption of halal transportations technologies for halal logistics service providers in Malaysia

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    The purpose of this study is i) to investigate the driving factors and barriers of the adoption of Information and Communication Technology (ICT) in Halal logistic and ii) to develop an ICT adoption framework for Halal logistic service provider. The Halal LSPs selected for the study currently used ICT service platforms, such as accounting and management system for Halal logistic business. The study categorizes the factors influencing the adoption decision and process by LSPs into four groups: technology related factors, organizational and environmental factors, Halal assurance related factors, and government related factors. The major contribution in this study is the discovery that technology related factors (ICT compatibility with Halal requirement) and Halal assurance related factors are the most crucial factors among the Halal LSPs applying ICT for Halal control in transportation’s operation. Among the government related factors, ICT requirement for monitoring Halal included in Halal Logistic Standard on Transportation (MS2400:2010) are the most influencing factors in the adoption of ICT with the support of the government. In addition, the government related factors are very important in the reducing the main barriers and the creation of the atmosphere of ICT adoption in Halal LSP secto

    Signal sensing on heavy goods vehicle (Hgv) blind spot area for construction logistics

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    This paper will explore the issues and the causes of accidents contributed by heavy goods vehicles (HGV) specifically instigated by blind spot. A blind spot is an area or zone that cannot be directly observe by the truck driver on their side mirror. Unfortunately, due to this, high number of accidents had happened because of HGV drivers were not alert or aware of another road user or pedestrian hidden in the blind spot area. This often occurred to heavy goods vehicle drivers. The aim of this paper is to understand the issue of HGV blind spot and identify the potential use signal sensing as an alert mechanism for the blind spot of a heavy goods vehicles. This is to detect other road users who are in the dangerous distance of the HGV. This study has revealed the holistic understanding of HGV blind spot issues and problem by finding the answer for research question initially outlined