1,939 research outputs found

    Quantum Griffiths Singularities in the Transverse-Field Ising Spin Glass

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    We report a Monte Carlo study of the effects of {\it fluctuations} in the bond distribution of Ising spin glasses in a transverse magnetic field, in the {\it paramagnetic phase} in the T0T\to 0 limit. Rare, strong fluctuations give rise to Griffiths singularities, which can dominate the zero-temperature behavior of these quantum systems, as originally demonstrated by McCoy for one-dimensional (d=1d=1) systems. Our simulations are done on a square lattice in d=2d=2 and a cubic lattice in d=3d=3, for a gaussian distribution of nearest neighbor (only) bonds. In d=2d=2, where the {\it linear} susceptibility was found to diverge at the critical transverse field strength Γc\Gamma_c for the order-disorder phase transition at T=0, the average {\it nonlinear} susceptibility χnl\chi_{nl} diverges in the paramagnetic phase for Γ\Gamma well above Γc\Gamma_c, as is also demonstrated in the accompanying paper by Rieger and Young. In d=3d=3, the linear susceptibility remains finite at Γc\Gamma_c, and while Griffiths singularity effects are certainly observable in the paramagnetic phase, the nonlinear susceptibility appears to diverge only rather close to Γc\Gamma_c. These results show that Griffiths singularities remain persistent in dimensions above one (where they are known to be strong), though their magnitude decreases monotonically with increasing dimensionality (there being no Griffiths singularities in the limit of infinite dimensionality).Comment: 20 pages, REVTEX, 6 eps figures included using the epsf macros; to appear in Phys. Rev.

    Probability distribution of the entanglement across a cut at an infinite-randomness fixed point

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    We calculate the probability distribution of entanglement entropy S across a cut of a finite one dimensional spin chain of length L at an infinite randomness fixed point using Fisher's strong randomness renormalization group (RG). Using the random transverse-field Ising model as an example, the distribution is shown to take the form p(SL)Lψ(k)p(S|L) \sim L^{-\psi(k)}, where k=S/log[L/L0]k = S / \log [L/L_0], the large deviation function ψ(k)\psi(k) is found explicitly, and L0L_0 is a nonuniversal microscopic length. We discuss the implications of such a distribution on numerical techniques that rely on entanglement, such as matrix product state (MPS) based techniques. Our results are verified with numerical RG simulations, as well as the actual entanglement entropy distribution for the random transverse-field Ising model which we calculate for large L via a mapping to Majorana fermions.Comment: 6 pages, 4 figure

    Testing whether all eigenstates obey the Eigenstate Thermalization Hypothesis

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    We ask whether the Eigenstate Thermalization Hypothesis (ETH) is valid in a strong sense: in the limit of an infinite system, {\it every} eigenstate is thermal. We examine expectation values of few-body operators in highly-excited many-body eigenstates and search for `outliers', the eigenstates that deviate the most from ETH. We use exact diagonalization of two one-dimensional nonintegrable models: a quantum Ising chain with transverse and longitudinal fields, and hard-core bosons at half-filling with nearest- and next-nearest-neighbor hopping and interaction. We show that even the most extreme outliers appear to obey ETH as the system size increases, and thus provide numerical evidences that support ETH in this strong sense. Finally, periodically driving the Ising Hamiltonian, we show that the eigenstates of the corresponding Floquet operator obey ETH even more closely. We attribute this better thermalization to removing the constraint of conservation of the total energy.Comment: 9 pages, 6 figures. Updated references and clarified some argument

    Modulated phases in magnetic models frustrated by long-range interactions

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    We study an Ising model in one dimension with short range ferromagnetic and long range (power law) antiferromagnetic interactions. We show that the zero temperature phase diagram in a (longitudinal) field H involves a sequence of up and down domains whose size varies continuously with H, between -H_c and H_c which represent the edge of the ferromagnetic up and down phases. The implications of long range interaction in many body systems are discussed.Comment: 5 pages, 3 figure

    Finite Size Effects in Vortex Localization

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    The equilibrium properties of flux lines pinned by columnar disorder are studied, using the analogy with the time evolution of a diffusing scalar density in a randomly amplifying medium. Near H_{c1}, the physical features of the vortices in the localized phase are shown to be determined by the density of states near the band edge. As a result, H_{c1} is inversely proportional to the logarithm of the sample size, and the screening length of the perpendicular magnetic field decreases with temperature. For large tilt the extended ground state turns out to wander in the plane perpendicular to the defects with exponents corresponding to a directed polymer in a random medium, and the energy difference between two competing metastable states in this case is extensive. The divergence of the effective potential associated with strong pinning centers as the tilt approaches its critical value is discussed as well.Comment: 10 pages, 2 figure

    Zero Temperature Dynamics of the Weakly Disordered Ising Model

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    The Glauber dynamics of the pure and weakly disordered random-bond 2d Ising model is studied at zero-temperature. A single characteristic length scale, L(t)L(t), is extracted from the equal time correlation function. In the pure case, the persistence probability decreases algebraically with the coarsening length scale. In the disordered case, three distinct regimes are identified: a short time regime where the behaviour is pure-like; an intermediate regime where the persistence probability decays non-algebraically with time; and a long time regime where the domains freeze and there is a cessation of growth. In the intermediate regime, we find that P(t)L(t)θP(t)\sim L(t)^{-\theta'}, where θ=0.420±0.009\theta' = 0.420\pm 0.009. The value of θ\theta' is consistent with that found for the pure 2d Ising model at zero-temperature. Our results in the intermediate regime are consistent with a logarithmic decay of the persistence probability with time, P(t)(lnt)θdP(t)\sim (\ln t)^{-\theta_d}, where θd=0.63±0.01\theta_d = 0.63\pm 0.01.Comment: references updated, very minor amendment to abstract and the labelling of figures. To be published in Phys Rev E (Rapid Communications), 1 March 199

    On the Use of Finite-Size Scaling to Measure Spin-Glass Exponents

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    Finite-size scaling (FSS) is a standard technique for measuring scaling exponents in spin glasses. Here we present a critique of this approach, emphasizing the need for all length scales to be large compared to microscopic scales. In particular we show that the replacement, in FSS analyses, of the correlation length by its asymptotic scaling form can lead to apparently good scaling collapses with the wrong values of the scaling exponents.Comment: RevTeX, 5 page

    Correct extrapolation of overlap distribution in spin glasses

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    We study in d=3 dimensions the short range Ising spin glass with Jij=+/-1 couplings at T=0. We show that the overlap distribution is non-trivial in the limit of large system size.Comment: 6 pages, 3 figure

    Interface Motion in Random Media at Finite Temperature

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    We have studied numerically the dynamics of a driven elastic interface in a random medium, focusing on the thermal rounding of the depinning transition and on the behavior in the T=0T=0 pinned phase. Thermal effects are quantitatively more important than expected from simple dimensional estimates. For sufficient low temperature the creep velocity at a driving force equal to the T=0T=0 depinning force exhibits a power-law dependence on TT, in agreement with earlier theoretical and numerical predictions for CDW's. We have also examined the dynamics in the T=0T=0 pinned phase resulting from slowly increasing the driving force towards threshold. The distribution of avalanche sizes SS_\| decays as S1κS_\|^{-1-\kappa}, with κ=0.05±0.05\kappa = 0.05\pm 0.05, in agreement with recent theoretical predictions.Comment: harvmac.tex, 30 pages, including 9 figures, available upon request. SU-rm-94073

    Nonmagnetic Insulating States near the Mott Transitions on Lattices with Geometrical Frustration and Implications for κ\kappa-(ET)2_2Cu2(CN)3_2(CN)_3

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    We study phase diagrams of the Hubbard model on anisotropic triangular lattices, which also represents a model for κ\kappa-type BEDT-TTF compounds. In contrast with mean-field predictions, path-integral renormalization group calculations show a universal presence of nonmagnetic insulator sandwitched by antiferromagnetic insulator and paramagnetic metals. The nonmagnetic phase does not show a simple translational symmetry breakings such as flux phases, implying a genuine Mott insulator. We discuss possible relevance on the nonmagnetic insulating phase found in κ\kappa-(ET)2_2Cu2(CN)3_2(CN)_3.Comment: 4pages including 7 figure