32 research outputs found

    Implementation of an underwater acoustic modem with network capability

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    This paper introduces the underwater acoustic modem as implemented within the UAN – Underwater Acoustic Network project. The low power modem has implemented turbo equalization algorithms in addition to variable spread rate direct sequence spread spectrum signaling. The network layer implemented on the modem support automatic network discovery, multi hop routing and support for mobile nodes, and when expanded with a single board computer via serial line it supports IP connectivity end-to-end. Experimental results from sea trials are presented

    5-Hydroxymethylfurfural (HMF) formation during subcritical water extraction

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    The aim of this study was to investigate the effect of material type (artichoke leave, lemon peel, flaxseed meal), extraction temperature (50, 100, 120, 140, 160, 180, 200 C) and static extraction time (5, 15, 30, 45 min) on 5-hydroxymethylfurfural (5-HMF) formation during subcritical water extraction. 5-HMF content of artichoke leave and lemon peel extracts increased 7.2 and 26.1 times with the rise of extraction temperature from 160 to 180 C for 5 min during subcritical water extraction, respectively. Besides, 5-HMF content of artichoke leave, lemon peel and flaxseed meal extracts increased 1.4, 2.0 and 4.5 times as static extraction time increased from 15 to 45 min at 180 C during subcritical water extraction, respectively. The highest 5-HMF content of artichoke leave and lemon peel extracts were obtained as 58.83 and 231.21 mg/L at 180 C and 45 min, respectively. However, for flaxseed meal, the highest 5-HMF content (222.94 mg/L) was obtained at 200 C and 15 min during subcritical water extraction.Project Nos. 2014.M80.02.03, 2014.M80.02.04 by Artvin Coruh University Scientific Research Project Uni

    Developing human biomonitoring as a 21st century toolbox within the European exposure science strategy 2020-2030

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    Human biomonitoring (HBM) is a crucial approach for exposure assessment, as emphasised in the European Commission's Chemicals Strategy for Sustainability (CSS). HBM can help to improve chemical policies in five major key areas: (1) assessing internal and aggregate exposure in different target populations; 2) assessing exposure to chemicals across life stages; (3) assessing combined exposure to multiple chemicals (mixtures); (4) bridging regulatory silos on aggregate exposure; and (5) enhancing the effectiveness of risk management measures. In this strategy paper we propose a vision and a strategy for the use of HBM in chemical regulations and public health policy in Europe and beyond. We outline six strategic objectives and a roadmap to further strengthen HBM approaches and increase their implementation in the regulatory risk assessment of chemicals to enhance our understanding of exposure and health impacts, enabling timely and targeted policy interventions and risk management. These strategic objectives are: 1) further development of sampling strategies and sample preparation; 2) further development of chemical-analytical HBM methods; 3) improving harmonisation throughout the HBM research life cycle; 4) further development of quality control / quality assurance throughout the HBM research life cycle; 5) obtain sustained funding and reinforcement by legislation; and 6) extend target-specific communication with scientists, policymakers, citizens and other stakeholders. HBM approaches are essential in risk assessment to address scientific, regulatory and societal challenges. HBM requires full and strong support from the scientific and regulatory domain to reach its full potential in public and occupational health assessment and in regulatory decision-making

    Scientific Guidance on the data required for the risk assessment of flavourings to be used in or on foods

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    Following a request from the European Commission, EFSA developed a new scientific guidance to assist applicants in the preparation of applications for the authorisation of flavourings to be used in or on foods. This guidance applies to applications for a new authorisation as well as for a modification of an existing authorisation of a food flavouring, submitted under Regulation (EC) No 1331/2008. It defines the scientific data required for the evaluation of those food flavourings for which an evaluation and approval is required according to Article 9 of Regulation (EC) No 1334/2008. This applies to flavouring substances, flavouring preparations, thermal process flavourings, flavour precursors, other flavourings and source materials, as defined in Article 3 of Regulation (EC) No 1334/2008. Information to be provided in all applications relates to: (a) the characterisation of the food flavouring, including the description of its identity, manufacturing process, chemical composition, specifications, stability and reaction and fate in foods; (b) the proposed uses and use levels and the assessment of the dietary exposure and (c) the safety data, including information on the genotoxic potential of the food flavouring, toxicological data other than genotoxicity and information on the safety for the environment. For the toxicological studies, a tiered approach is applied, for which the testing requirements, key issues and triggers are described. Applicants should generate the data requested in each section to support the safety assessment of the food flavouring. Based on the submitted data, EFSA will assess the safety of the food flavouring and conclude whether or not it presents risks to human health and to the environment, if applicable, under the proposed conditions of use

    Implementation of an underwater acoustic modem with network capability

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    This paper introduces the underwater acoustic modem as implemented within the UAN – Underwater Acoustic Network project. The low power modem has implemented turbo equalization algorithms in addition to variable spread rate direct sequence spread spectrum signaling. The network layer implemented on the modem support automatic network discovery, multi hop routing and support for mobile nodes, and when expanded with a single board computer via serial line it supports IP connectivity end-to-end. Experimental results from sea trials are presented

    Image Content Search by Color and Texture Properties

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    A new scheme for color and texture feature extraction for image content search is presented. We introduce a scheme using the two chrominance components for color information and a computationally efficient infinite impulse response (IIR) quadrature mirror filter bank (QMF) energy measure of the luminance component for texture information. The color and texture information is combined into one feature vector, and the components are balanced with respect to dimensionality. We illustrate the utility of our features with experiments in searching for a specific color texture in a large database of images. Several dioeerent sub-band decompositions are evaluated. Features extracted using a previously published Gabor filter bank are also evaluated against the proposed scheme. We conclude that the proposed scheme outperforms the Gabor features in both quality and complexity

    Implementation of an underwater acoustic modem with network capability

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    This paper introduces the underwater acoustic modem as implemented within the UAN – Underwater Acoustic Network project. The low power modem has implemented turbo equalization algorithms in addition to variable spread rate direct sequence spread spectrum signaling. The network layer implemented on the modem support automatic network discovery, multi hop routing and support for mobile nodes, and when expanded with a single board computer via serial line it supports IP connectivity end-to-end. Experimental results from sea trials are presented

    Exposure estimates of phthalates and DINCH from foods and personal care products in comparison with biomonitoring data in 24-hour urine from the Norwegian EuroMix biomonitoring study

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    Phthalates are diesters of phthalic acid and have been widely used as plasticizers in polyvinyl chloride (PVC) plastics. Phthalates are also used as excipients in pharmaceuticals and personal care products (PCPs). Phthalates can migrate from the plastic into the air, water and food, and humans can be exposed via multiple pathways such as dermal, oral and inhalation. There is evidence that phthalates can induce reproductive and developmental toxicity not only in experimental animals but also in humans through disruption of estrogenic activity. The aim of this study was to collect concentration data on five phthalates in foods and PCPs from the scientific literature and combine these with food consumption data and PCP use frequency data from the EuroMix biomonitoring (BM) study in order to assess exposure. Probabilistic exposure assessments of phthalates were performed from foods and PCPs. Due to the very limited data available in the literature for DINCH, an exposure assessment was not carried out for this compound. The food groups with the highest contribution to phthalates exposure were: beverages, dairy, bread and meat products. The exposure estimates were compared with the measured phthalate metabolite levels from 24-hour urine samples. Regarding the oral route, measured phthalate exposure was between the lower bound (LB) and medium bound (MB) estimated exposure for all phthalates, except for DEP. The measured exposure from urine correlated with the estimated exposure from food for DEHP and DBP, while for BBP and DEP it correlated with the exposure estimates from PCPs. There were no significant differences between the BM data and the estimated exposure, except for DINP for males (p = 0.01). The LB and MB phthalate exposures estimated from foods and PCPs and the measured exposure from the urine were considerably lower than their respective tolerable daily intake (TDI) values established by the European Food Safety Authority (EFSA) and the World Health Organization (WHO). For the upper bound (UB), the exposure estimates are approximately double the TDI; however, this is regarded as a worst-case estimate and has low correlation with the measured exposure

    Deliverable 1.2 - Data management plan

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    The Data Management Plan (DMP) of the EuroMix project describes the data management life cycle including specific standards of the databases in terms of formats, metadata, sharing, archiving and preservation. The DMP also clarifies which data will be open access, and thereby available to others, and the procedure to gain access to these