3 research outputs found

    Pharmacognostic evaluation of Achyranthes coynei: Leaf

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    AbstractAchyranthes coynei Sant., (Amaranthaceae) is a rare, medicinal shrub, endemic to India. The plant especially, leaves are used in treatment of various disorders by folk healers. It has been scientifically evaluated for its antimicrobial and antioxidant properties. Pharmacognostic studies have not been carried out so far in this plant. So, the present study was undertaken to evaluate pharmacognostic characters of leaf of A. coynei. The studies were carried out in terms of morphological, microscopic characters and physicochemical parameters using standard methods. Leaf size (15–23 × 7–10 cm) and petiole nature (pink above and green beneath) were the distinguishing morphological character observed in the present study. Transverse section of leaf and petiole showed presence of long, multi-cellular, warty trichomes with pointed apex and short, glandular trichomes with blunt apex on thick walled epidermis; conjoint, collateral closed, endarch vascular bundles; rosette crystals of calcium oxalate in ground tissue. Ash and extractive values, micro and macro elements and nutritive factors were estimated. Leaf powder showed fluorescence under the influence of different solvents. Preliminary phytochemical screening showed the presence of alkaloids, saponins and triterpenoids. High Performance Thin Layer Chromatorgraphic (HPTLC) analysis yielded eight bands in leaf extract. The study forms the first report on pharamcognostic characters for A. coynei, which could be useful for identification and authentication of the plant

    Ethno-Medicinal Plants from the North-Central Western Ghats of India for Alternative Health Care

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    Ethnomedicine, synonymous with traditional medicine, is a crucial healthcare system practiced by various ethnic groups worldwide, especially among those with limited access to modern Western medicine. This study explores the rich bio-cultural diversity of the North Central Western Ghats in Karnataka, India, which harbors diverse ethnomedicinal practices. The region's tropical forests are home to an extensive array of plant species, with over 600 endemic to southern India and 95 exclusively endemic to Karnataka. The research focuses on documenting and analyzing the traditional knowledge of local communities regarding the use of plants for treating various human diseases. However, this task presents significant challenges and requires collaborative efforts from the government, NGOs, and Herbal Drug Companies. Over the last decade, ethnomedicinal studies have seen a rise, but there is still limited understanding of ethnomedicine's role in the traditional healthcare system in India. The forests of North Central Western Ghats, including Agumbe, Arbail Ghat, Chorla Betta, and others, exhibit a combination of deciduous and evergreen vegetation. These forests hold a variety of medicinal plants, adding to the region's bio-cultural richness. Scientific validation of the locally used ethnomedicinal plants further supports the development of herbal drug formulations with the support of the Ministry of Ayush, enabling the conservation and sustainable utilization of threatened and endangered species. The study emphasizes the importance of preserving traditional healers' knowledge and promoting collaboration for the preservation of ethnomedicinal practices in the region

    Quality assessment, HPTLC-DPPH, analytical quality by design based HPTLC method development for estimation of piperine in piper species and marketed formulations

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    Background: Quality assessment of herbs is an essential aspect. In this study HPTLC method is developed by employing the quality based optimization approach with the aid of analytical quality by design tools and the quality assessment of the Piper species. Result: The Quality assessment was carried out for the piper species which was under the acceptance criteria of Ayurvedic Pharmacopeia of India. Eco-friendly and Quality based HPTLC method was developed and validated for Piperine in Extracts as well as marketed formulation. Further the antioxidant potential was checked by the HPTLC-DPPH (2,2-diphenyl-1-picrylhydrazyl) method. Conclusion: Quality assessed extracts and Analytical quality based HPTLC method which was eco-friendly, simple and reliable was developed and validated