96 research outputs found

    Clustering clinical departments for wards to achieve a prespecified blocking probability

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    When the number of available beds in a hospital is limited and fixed, it can be beneficial to cluster several clinical departments such that the probability of not being able to admit a patient is acceptably small. The clusters are then assigned to the available wards such that enough beds are available to guarantee a blocking probability below a prespecified value. We first give an exact formulation of the problem to be able to achieve optimal solutions. To reduce computation times, we also introduce two heuristic solution methods. The first heuristic is similar to the exact solution method, however, the number of beds needed is approximated by a linear function. The second heuristic uses a local search approach to determine the assignment of clinical departments to clusters and a restricted version of the exact solution method to determine the assignment of clusters to wards

    Local search algorithms for a single-machine scheduling problem with positive and negative time-lags

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    Positive and negative time-lags are general timing restrictions between the starting times of jobs which have been introduced by Roy (C.R. Acad. Sci., 1959, T.248) in connection with the Metra Potential Method. Although very powerful, these relations have been considered only seldom in the literature since already for a single-machine problem with positive and negative time-lags the problem of finding a feasible solution is NP-complete. In this paper a local search approach for a single-machine scheduling problem with positive and negative time-lags and the objective to minimize the makespan is presented. Since the existence of a feasible initial solution for starting the search can not be guaranteed, infeasible solutions are incorporated into the search process. Computational results based on instances resulting from shop problems are reported

    Very large-scale neighborhoods with performance guarantees for minimizing makespan on parallel machines

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    We study the problem of minimizing the makespan on m parallel machines. We introduce a very large-scale neighborhood of exponential size (in the number of machines) that is based on a matching in a complete graph. The idea is to partition the jobs assigned to the same machine into two sets. This partitioning is done for every machine with some chosen rule to receive 2m parts. A new assignment is received by putting to every machine exactly two parts. The neighborhood Nsplit consists of all possible rearrangements of the parts to the machines. The best assignment of Nsplit can be calculated in time O(mlogm) by determining the perfect matching having minimum maximal edge weight in an improvement graph, where the vertices correspond to parts and the weights on the edges correspond to the sum of the processing times of the jobs belonging to the parts. Additionally, we examine local optima in this neighborhood and in combinations with other neighborhoods. We derive performance guarantees for these local optima.operations research and management science;

    Efficiency evaluation for pooling resources in health care: An interpretation for managers

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    Subject/Research problem\ud Hospitals traditionally segregated resources into centralized functional departments such as diagnostic departments, ambulatory care centres, and nursing wards. In recent years this organizational model has been challenged by the idea that higher quality of care and efficiency in service delivery can be achieved when services are organized around patient groups. Examples are specialized clinics for breast cancer patients and clinical pathways for diabetes patients. Hospitals are grappling more and more with the question, should we become more centralized to achieve economies of scale or more decentralized to achieve economies of focus. In this paper service and patient group characteristics are examined to determine conditions where a centralized model is more efficient and conversely where a decentralized model is more efficient.\ud Research Question\ud When organizing hospital capacity what service and patient group characteristics indicate that efficiency can be gained through economies of scale vs. economies of focus?\ud Approach\ud Using quantitative models from the Queueing Theory and Simulation disciplines the performance of centralized and decentralized hospital clinics are compared. This is done for a variety of services and patient groups. \ud Result\ud The study results in a model measuring the tradeoffs between economies of scale and economies of focus. From this model “rules of thumb” for managers are derived.\ud Application\ud The general results support strategic planning for a new facility at the Netherlands Cancer Institute - Antoni van Leeuwenhoek Hospital. A model developed during this study is also applied in the Chemotherapy Department of the same hospital.\u

    Designing for Economies of Scale vs. Economies of Focus in Hospital Departments

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    Subject/Research problem: Hospitals traditionally segregate resources into centralized functional departments such as diagnostic departments, ambulatory care centres, and nursing wards. In recent years this organizational model has been challenged by the idea that higher quality of care and efficiency in service delivery can be achieved when services are organized around patient groups. Examples are specialized clinics for breast cancer patients and clinical pathways for diabetes patients. Hospitals are struggling with the question whether to become more centralized to achieve economies of scale or more decentralized to achieve economies of focus. In this paper service and patient group characteristics are examined to determine conditions where a centralized model is more efficient and conversely where a decentralized model is more efficient. - Research Question: When organizing hospital capacity what service and patient group characteristics indicate efficiency can be gained through economies of scale vs. economies of focus? - Approach: Using quantitative Queueing Theory and Simulation models the performance of centralized and decentralized hospital clinics is compared. This is done for a variety of services and patient groups. - Result: The study results in a model measuring the tradeoffs between economies of scale and economies of focus. From this model management guidelines are derived. - Application: The general results support strategic planning for a new facility at the Netherlands Cancer Institute - Antoni van Leeuwenhoek Hospital. A model developed during this research is also applied in the Chemotherapy Department of the same hospital

    Efficiency evaluation for pooling resources in health care

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    Hospitals traditionally segregate resources into centralized functional departments such as diagnostic departments, ambulatory care centers, and nursing wards. In recent years this organizational model has been challenged by the idea that higher quality of care and efficiency in service delivery can be achieved when services are organized around patient groups. Examples include specialized clinics for breast cancer patients and clinical pathways for diabetes patients. Hospitals are struggling with the question of whether to become more centralized to achieve economies of scale or more decentralized to achieve economies of focus. In this paper we examine service and patient group characteristics to study the conditions where a centralized model is more efficient, and conversely, where a decentralized model is more efficient. This relationship is examined analytically with a queuing model to determine themost influential factors and then with simulation to fine-tune the results. The tradeoffs between economies of scale and economies of focus measured by these models are used to derive general management guidelines

    Efficiency evaluation for pooling resources in health care

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    Hospitals traditionally segregate resources into centralized functional departments such as diagnostic departments, ambulatory care centres, and nursing wards. In recent years this organizational model has been challenged by the idea that higher quality of care and efficiency in service delivery can be achieved when services are organized around patient groups. Examples include specialized clinics for breast cancer patients and clinical pathways for diabetes patients. Hospitals are struggling with the question of whether to become more centralized to achieve economies of scale or more decentralized to achieve economies of focus. Using quantitative Queueing Theory and Simulation models, we examine service and patient group characteristics to determine the conditions where a centralized model is more efficient and conversely where a decentralized model is more efficient. The results from the model measure the tradeoffs between economies of scale and economies of focus from which management guidelines are derived

    A survey of health care models that encompass multiple departments

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    In this survey we review quantitative health care models to illustrate the extent to which they encompass multiple hospital departments. The paper provides general overviews of the relationships that exists between major hospital departments and describes how these relationships are accounted for by researchers. We find the atomistic view of hospitals often taken by researchers is partially due to the ambiguity of patient care trajectories. To this end clinical pathways literature is reviewed to illustrate its potential for clarifying patient flows and for providing a holistic hospital perspective

    Energy management with TRIANA on FPAI

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    The current growth of smart grid capable appliances motivates the development of general and flexible software systems to support these devices. The FlexiblePower Application Infrastructure (FPAI) is such a system, which classifies devices by their type of flexibility. Subsequently, energy applications only have to support these flexibility classes. In this work, we present an implementation of the TRIANA demand side management approach as an energy application on the FPAI energy management software platform. We use dynamic programming to solve the local scheduling problems for each flexibility class. This work shows that FPAI can host energy applications with different control approaches and that the TRIANA control approach can be embedded in a general implementation framework