7 research outputs found

    Non-invasive Monitoring of Organohalogen Compounds in Eggshells and Feathers of Birds from the Lower Prut Floodplain Natural Park in Romania

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    AbstractThe aim of this paper is to quantify the levels of DDT and its main metabolites (DDE, DDD) and also of the HCH congeners in biological samples collected from birds living in the Lower Prut Floodplain Natural Park, Romania. In order to limit the stress on the bird species, a non-invasive approach was performed using chorioallantoic membrane of the eggs and feathers as representative samples. DDTs are the main organohalogen compounds in both categories of samples. Differences appear between species and categories of samples; for Anas sp., the concentration is up to 10 times higher in eggshells than feathers

    Reziduurile de pesticide organofosforice din sol și fructe la o cultură de castraveți

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    This paper presents a study on the content of organophosphorus pesticides (OPPs) in a cucumber crop, in two different cultivation systems, conventional (intensive) of Tg. Frumos area and "V. Adamachi" organic farm that belongs of UASVM Iasi. The aim of this study is to evaluate whether the content of OPPs correlate with cultivation system applied in poly-tunnels. OPPs residues were analyzed by atomic absorption spectrophotometery on Shimadzu GC-2100. As a result of analysis, in conventional farm were detected in soil and fruits residue of pesticides as: Omethoate, Phorate and Phosmet. Pesticide contents were within the maximum allowed by EC Regulation no. 396/2005