4 research outputs found

    In Vitro Immune Competence of Buffaloes (Bubalus bubalis) of Different Production Potential: Effect of Heat Stress and Cortisol

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    Twelve healthy lactating Murrah buffaloes of similar parity (3rd) between 90 and 120 days of lactation, selected from the herd of National Dairy Research Institute (Karnal, India) and maintained at managemental practices as followed at the Institute they were included in this experiment. The animals were divided into two groups based on their production level in previous lactation. The average milk production level of group 1 and II was 9.3 and 6 lit/day, respectively. Blood was collected from these buffaloes on three occasions 10 days apart. The lymphocytes were separated and cultured in RPMI 1640 medium with PHA-P for 24 h at 37°C in a humidified CO2 incubator (95% air and 5%  CO2). The lymphocyte responsiveness was also evaluated in response to the in vivo heat stress and in vitro cortisol. Mitogen-induced stimulation index was not affected by production level (P < .01). Stimulation index was significantly reduced (P < .01) in both the groups when cortisol was added at 2.0 ng level in the culture. However, in heat-stressed buffaloes stimulation index did not vary despite increasing levels of cortisol, thus indicating that lymphocyte may become cortisol resistant during periods of acute heat stress. The results showed that lymphocyte proliferation response can be effectively used to study buffalo cell-mediated immunity in vitro

    Elektroencefalografske promjene kod pokusno uzrokovane boli u koza.

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    Electroencephalographic (EEG) studies were conducted during experimental pain induction in goats to find the association between routine managemental stress and EEG patterns. Duplicate EEG records from 4 adult (age 8 - 12 months, 10 ± 2 kg body mass) female goats (crossbred Jamunapari and local), using bipolar scalp electrodes were obtained. Pain was induced in a conscious and locally anaesthetised state using a rubber tourniquet applied at the base of the tail and fastened. Xylocaine 2% was used as an injection in the epidural space to achieve local anaesthesia. EEG recordings were taken at 0, 2 and 5 min. after pain application and at the same time intervals after removal of the tourniquet. The EEG frequencies upon pain induction in conscious and epidural anaesthetized states recorded were 38.50 ± 1.96, 33.88 ± 1.42, 31.25 ± 1.39 and 41.88 ± 0.91, 35.63 ± 0.94, 31.50 ± 0.82 Hz at 0, 2 and 5 min of application of pain stimulus, respectively. The frequencies ranged from 26 to 46 Hz in conscious and 27 to 45 Hz in epidural anaesthetized states, whereas amplitudes were higher after 2 min of pain application in both states. With tourniquet removal, the frequency increased significantly (P<0.05) after 2 min in a conscious state, whereas in an epidural anaesthetized state, it increased initially and then declined significantly (P<0.05). The amplitudes and frequencies during pain induction and removal were found to be significantly (P<0.05) different from each other and significantly (P<0.05) higher than in the control (27.75 ± 1.13 Hz and 5.80 ± 0.21μV). Prominent behavioural changes were observed with pain induction. Hence EEG changes can be used as a tool to understand and quantify painful distress in goat.Provedena su elektroencefalografska (EEG) istraživanja kod pokusno izazvane boli u koza sa svrhom da se ustanovi utjecaj stresa uzrokovanoga proizvodnim procesom na elektroencefalogram. Analizirani su rezultati nakon dvokratnoga postupka EEG-a primjenom bipolarnih elektroda na kožu lubanje u četiri odrasle koze (križane Jamunapari i lokalne) u dobi od 8 do 12 mjeseci, tjelesne mase 10 ± 2 kg. Bol je bila izazvana čvrstim stezanjem gumenoga poveza na bazi repa u koza bez anestezije i u koza s epiduralnom anestezijom. Za regionalnu je anesteziju bio upotrijebljen 2 %-tni ksilokain ubrizgan u epiduralni prostor. EEG je bila provedena 0., 2. i 5. minute nakon izazivanja boli te 0., 2. i 5. minute po prestanku bolnoga podražaja. Frekvencija EEG nakon bolnog podražaja u koza bez anestezije iznosila je 38,50 ± 1,96 Hz 0. minute, 33,88 ± 1,42 Hz 2. minute i 31,25 ± 1,39 Hz 5. minute, a u koza s lokalnom anestezijom 41,88 ± 0,91 Hz, 35,63 ± 0,94 Hz i 31,50 ± 0,82 Hz. Frekvencije su se kretale od 26 do 46 Hz u koza bez anestezije, a 27 do 45 Hz u koza s primijenjenom epiduralnom anestezijom, dok su amplitude bile veće nakon 2 minute bolnog podražaja u obje skupine. Frekvencije su se značajno povećale (P<0,05) dvije minute nakon prestanka bolnog podražaja u koza bez lokalne enestezije, dok su se u onih s epiduralnom anestezijom početno značajno povećale, a zatim značajno smanjile. Amplitude i frekvencije za vrijeme i nakon bolnog podražaja bile su međusobno značajno različite, a također i značajno veće nego u kontrolnih koza (27,75 ± 1,13 Hz and 5,80 ± 0,21 μV). Značajne promjene u ponašanju životinja bile su uočene nakon bolnog podražaja. Promjene u elektrokardiogramu mogu se rabiti za proučavanje boli i određivanje jačine boli u koza

    Eleketroencefalografski pokazatelji za vrijeme anestezije propofolom i ksilazin-ketaminom u koza

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    The use of intravenous anaesthesia for short term surgical procedures in animal husbandry practices is increasing. However, information on the quality of an anaesthetic regime in goats has remained inadequate. Therefore, electroencephalographic studies were conducted on twelve apparently healthy adult female Barbari crossbred goats, aged 2 to 4 years, to assess the anaesthetic quality of a propofol and xylazine-ketamine combination. Quantitative analysis of EEG parameters [Total power, Median Frequency, Spectral Edge Frequency 90 (SEF-90) and Relative Power (RP) of different frequency bands delta (δ), theta (θ), alpha (α) and beta (β)] were assessed pre-experimentally (control), and at one, five, 10, 30 min, one hr, and two hr after intravenous propofol (4 mg/kg) and xylazine (0.05 mg/kg)-ketamine (4 mg/kg) administration. After propofol and xylazine-ketamine administration total power, RP-δ and θ increased significantly (P<0.05) while SEF 90, MF, RP-α and RP-β decreased. Most of the EEG changes were adequately depicted in vertex and parietal channels. Spectral analysis of EEG tracings suggested that propofol produced minimum anaesthetic stress and is a safer and better choice for short term anaesthesia in goats.U stočarskoj praksi se za kratkotrajne kirurške zahvate sve više primjenjuje intravenska anestezija. Nedostaju međutim podaci na temelju kojih bi se ustanovila kvaliteta anestezijskog protokola u koza. Kako bi se procijenila kvaliteta kombinacije anestetika propofola i ksilazin-ketamina, provedena je analiza elektoencefalografskih pokazatelja u 12 zdravih odraslih koza. Koze su bili križanci barbari pasmine u dobi od 2 do 4 godine. Kvantitativna analiza EEG pokazatelja (total power, median frequency, SEF-90, relative power delta-δ, theta-θ, alfa-α i beta-β frekvencijskih pojaseva) procijenjeni su prije pokusa (kontrolna skupina), te 1, 5, 10, 30 minuta, jedan sat i dva sata nakon intravenske primjene propofola (4 mg/kg) i ksilazin (0,05 mg/kg)-ketamina (4 mg/kg). Nakon primjene propofola i ksilazin-ketamina total power, te relative power-δ i relative power-θ znakovito su porasli (P < 0,05), dok su se SEF 90, median frequency, relative power-α i relative power-β snizili. Većina EEG promjena odgovarajuće je prikazana u verteksu i parijetalnim kanalima. Spektralna analiza EEG-a upućuje na to da propofol u anestezijskom protokolu uzrokuje minimalan stres te je, u usporedbi sa ksilazin-ketaminom, za kratkotrajnu anesteziju koza sigurniji i bolji izbor