7 research outputs found

    Domain Knowledge Matters: Improving Prompts with Fix Templates for Repairing Python Type Errors

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    Although the dynamic type system of Python facilitates the developers in writing Python programs, it also brings type errors at run-time. There exist rule-based approaches for automatically repairing Python type errors. The approaches can generate accurate patches but they require domain experts to design patch synthesis rules and suffer from low template coverage of real-world type errors. Learning-based approaches alleviate the manual efforts in designing patch synthesis rules. Among the learning-based approaches, the prompt-based approach which leverages the knowledge base of code pre-trained models via pre-defined prompts, obtains state-of-the-art performance in general program repair tasks. However, such prompts are manually defined and do not involve any specific clues for repairing Python type errors, resulting in limited effectiveness. How to automatically improve prompts with the domain knowledge for type error repair is challenging yet under-explored. In this paper, we present TypeFix, a novel prompt-based approach with fix templates incorporated for repairing Python type errors. TypeFix first mines generalized fix templates via a novel hierarchical clustering algorithm. The identified fix templates indicate the common edit patterns and contexts of existing type error fixes. TypeFix then generates code prompts for code pre-trained models by employing the generalized fix templates as domain knowledge, in which the masks are adaptively located for each type error instead of being pre-determined. Experiments on two benchmarks, including BugsInPy and TypeBugs, show that TypeFix successfully repairs 26 and 55 type errors, outperforming the best baseline approach by 9 and 14, respectively. Besides, the proposed fix template mining approach can cover 75% of developers' patches in both benchmarks, increasing the best rule-based approach PyTER by more than 30%.Comment: This paper has been accepted by ICSE'2

    EvLog: Evolving Log Analyzer for Anomalous Logs Identification

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    Software logs record system activities, aiding maintainers in identifying the underlying causes for failures and enabling prompt mitigation actions. However, maintainers need to inspect a large volume of daily logs to identify the anomalous logs that reveal failure details for further diagnosis. Thus, how to automatically distinguish these anomalous logs from normal logs becomes a critical problem. Existing approaches alleviate the burden on software maintainers, but they are built upon an improper yet critical assumption: logging statements in the software remain unchanged. While software keeps evolving, our empirical study finds that evolving software brings three challenges: log parsing errors, evolving log events, and unstable log sequences. In this paper, we propose a novel unsupervised approach named Evolving Log analyzer (EvLog) to mitigate these challenges. We first build a multi-level representation extractor to process logs without parsing to prevent errors from the parser. The multi-level representations preserve the essential semantics of logs while leaving out insignificant changes in evolving events. EvLog then implements an anomaly discriminator with an attention mechanism to identify the anomalous logs and avoid the issue brought by the unstable sequence. EvLog has shown effectiveness in two real-world system evolution log datasets with an average F1 score of 0.955 and 0.847 in the intra-version setting and inter-version setting, respectively, which outperforms other state-of-the-art approaches by a wide margin. To our best knowledge, this is the first study on tackling anomalous logs over software evolution. We believe our work sheds new light on the impact of software evolution with the corresponding solutions for the log analysis community

    AutoLog: A Log Sequence Synthesis Framework for Anomaly Detection

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    The rapid progress of modern computing systems has led to a growing interest in informative run-time logs. Various log-based anomaly detection techniques have been proposed to ensure software reliability. However, their implementation in the industry has been limited due to the lack of high-quality public log resources as training datasets. While some log datasets are available for anomaly detection, they suffer from limitations in (1) comprehensiveness of log events; (2) scalability over diverse systems; and (3) flexibility of log utility. To address these limitations, we propose AutoLog, the first automated log generation methodology for anomaly detection. AutoLog uses program analysis to generate run-time log sequences without actually running the system. AutoLog starts with probing comprehensive logging statements associated with the call graphs of an application. Then, it constructs execution graphs for each method after pruning the call graphs to find log-related execution paths in a scalable manner. Finally, AutoLog propagates the anomaly label to each acquired execution path based on human knowledge. It generates flexible log sequences by walking along the log execution paths with controllable parameters. Experiments on 50 popular Java projects show that AutoLog acquires significantly more (9x-58x) log events than existing log datasets from the same system, and generates log messages much faster (15x) with a single machine than existing passive data collection approaches. We hope AutoLog can facilitate the benchmarking and adoption of automated log analysis techniques.Comment: The paper has been accepted by ASE 2023 (Research Track

    Go Static: Contextualized Logging Statement Generation

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    Logging practices have been extensively investigated to assist developers in writing appropriate logging statements for documenting software behaviors. Although numerous automatic logging approaches have been proposed, their performance remains unsatisfactory due to the constraint of the single-method input, without informative programming context outside the method. Specifically, we identify three inherent limitations with single-method context: limited static scope of logging statements, inconsistent logging styles, and missing type information of logging variables. To tackle these limitations, we propose SCLogger, the first contextualized logging statement generation approach with inter-method static contexts. First, SCLogger extracts inter-method contexts with static analysis to construct the contextualized prompt for language models to generate a tentative logging statement. The contextualized prompt consists of an extended static scope and sampled similar methods, ordered by the chain-of-thought (COT) strategy. Second, SCLogger refines the access of logging variables by formulating a new refinement prompt for language models, which incorporates detailed type information of variables in the tentative logging statement. The evaluation results show that SCLogger surpasses the state-of-the-art approach by 8.7% in logging position accuracy, 32.1% in level accuracy, 19.6% in variable precision, and 138.4% in text BLEU-4 score. Furthermore, SCLogger consistently boosts the performance of logging statement generation across a range of large language models, thereby showcasing the generalizability of this approach.Comment: This paper was accepted by The ACM International Conference on the Foundations of Software Engineering (FSE 2024

    A Large-scale Benchmark for Log Parsing

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    Log data is pivotal in activities like anomaly detection and failure diagnosis in the automated maintenance of software systems. Due to their unstructured format, log parsing is often required to transform them into a structured format for automated analysis. A variety of log parsers exist, making it vital to benchmark these tools to comprehend their features and performance. However, existing datasets for log parsing are limited in terms of scale and representativeness, posing challenges for studies that aim to evaluate or develop log parsers. This problem becomes more pronounced when these parsers are evaluated for production use. To address these issues, we introduce a new collection of large-scale annotated log datasets, named LogPub, which more accurately mirrors log data observed in real-world software systems. LogPub comprises 14 datasets, each averaging 3.6 million log lines. Utilizing LogPub, we re-evaluate 15 log parsers in a more rigorous and practical setting. We also propose a new evaluation metric to lessen the sensitivity of current metrics to imbalanced data distribution. Furthermore, we are the first to scrutinize the detailed performance of log parsers on logs that represent rare system events and offer comprehensive information for system troubleshooting. Parsing such logs accurately is vital yet challenging. We believe that our work could shed light on the design and evaluation of log parsers in more realistic settings, thereby facilitating their implementation in production systems