8 research outputs found

    Experimental Archaeology Workshop Terracotta Female Figurines from the Ancient Near East (The Levant and Mesopotamia, II–I Millenium B.C.E.)

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    From April 8 to May 14, 2015, over a six-week period, an Experimental Archaeology Workshop financed by the Franco-German University Saarbruecken and by the University of Strasbourg (Excellence Initiative IdEx) took place at the University of Strasbourg, France

    Lettres, chiffres et dessins : sur un ostracon énigmatique conservé à la BNU

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    Un ostracon est un tesson de poterie qui, dans les civilisations antiques de l’Égypte, du Levant et de la GrĂšce Ă©tait utilisĂ©, aprĂšs qu’un rĂ©cipient en argile s’était cassĂ©, comme support bon marchĂ© d’écriture ou de dessin. Parfois on dĂ©signe Ă©galement par ce terme un Ă©clat de calcaire inscrit ou dĂ©corĂ©. Ce sont en tous les cas des produits de rebut prĂ©sents en quantitĂ© massive, qui pouvaient servir Ă  tout instant du quotidien de surface disponible pour des notes Ă©phĂ©mĂšres, des reçus, des mes..

    L’objet : À la recherche d’objets orientaux inĂ©dits dans le fonds Julius Euting

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    Le personnage de Julius Euting, bibliothĂ©caire Ă  la Kaiserliche UniversitĂ€ts– und Landesbibliothek zu Strassburg (l’ancĂȘtre de la BNU) de 1871 Ă  1909, orientaliste et grand voyageur, a souvent Ă©tĂ© Ă©voquĂ© au sein de cette revue. Il ne pouvait manquer dans un numĂ©ro partant Ă  la recherche de l’Orient
 DĂšs la pĂ©riode de ses Ă©tudes en thĂ©ologie protestante et dans les langues proche-orientales anciennes, Julius Euting (1839-1913) avait eu en effet l’intention de se rendre en Arabie. Ce rĂȘve ne s’..

    Le Psaume 23 selon la version massorétique

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    À partir d’une traduction littĂ©rale du Ps 23, l’article met en Ă©vidence la structure de communication de ce psaume. Ainsi apparaĂźt un contraste entre la figure du Dieu-berger et la langue, rĂ©aliste, de la pratique cultuelle. Une telle coexistence oriente la rĂ©flexion vers les religions du Proche-Orient ancien associant dieu-crĂ©ateur-soleil et dieu-berger; cette influence est confirmĂ©e par la comparaison avec un hymne au dieu Ă©gyptien Amun.Drawing from a literal translation of Psalm 23, the author outlines the narrative structure of this psalm : the contrasting items of the Shepherd-God figure and the realistic language of worship. Such a combination points to the ancient Middle-Eastern religions which brought together the Sun-Creator and Shepherd-God ; the comparison with a hymn to the Egyptian God Amun corroborates this influence


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    The purpose of this study was to investigate the effects of fatigue on the accuracy and selected biomechanic variables of jump shot performance. Five subjects were filmed with two high speed cine cameras during pre-fatigue and post-fatigue conditions. The accuracy data were acquired by recording the results of thirty pre-fatigue and thirty post-fatigue, fifteen foot jump shots. The biomechanical data were gathered from film records of every third trial in the pre-fatigue and post-fatigue shooting. Biomechanical analysis variables were acquired using a ten point body model. With these data the following biomechanical variables were analyzed in the pre-fatigue and post-fatigue condition: (1) height of release (2) angle of release (3) absolute shoulder flexion angle at release, and (4) angle of shoulder abduction. Results of the study showed that there is no decrease in accuracy of jump shot performance after fatigue. Fatigue slightly effects the height of release in jump shot performance. Fatigue does not decrease the angle of release in jump shot performance. Fatigue does cause a decrease in the shoulder angle in jump shot performance. There is no decrease in shoulder abduction after fatigue . The study also showed that there are apparently many biomechanical techniques in high percentage shooters, and the presence of fatigue affects selected jump shot biomechanics differently in each shooter

    From the emergence to the abandonment of an urban district in the oasis town of Dadan through 2500 years of occupation

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    International audienceThis poster presents the results of the excavations of an urban district in ancient Dadan, in the al-ÊżUlā valley (north-west Arabia), conducted by the team of the Dadan Archaeological Project (CNRS/RCU/ AFALULA) between 2020 and 2023. The excavation data were processed jointly with the ECOSeed archaeobotanical project. This multidisciplinary approach provides critical new insights into the development of one of the major ancient northwest Arabian oases. The excavations revealed the earliest safely dated domestic architectural remains in the oasis. The results also enable a reassessment of the earlier archaeological evidence, suggesting a first peak in the urban development of the oasis during the Bronze Age. This excavation then revealed a virtually continuous urban occupation through the Iron Age until the early 1st millennium AD, in particular with periods of reorganization of the district between the 8th and 5th centuries BC, and again between the 4th and 2nd centuries BC. Many evolutions in the material culture and lifestyle of the population can also be observed over more than 2,000 years of occupation, such as changes in the diet, agricultural practices, pottery production, and macro-lithic technology