3 research outputs found

    Comparative High Field Magneto-Transport of Rare Earth Oxypnictides with Maximum Transition Temperatures

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    The recent discovery of a new class of superconducting oxypnictides with high transition temperatures may have profound implications for understanding unconventional high-temperature superconductivity. Like the cuprates, the oxypnictides seem to manifest an interleaving of charge donor and superconducting layers emerging upon doping of an antiferromagnetic parent semi-metal. Here we report magneto-transport measurements of three rare earth (Re = La, Nd, Sm) oxypnicide compounds with the transition temperatures near the maximum reported to date, in very high DC and pulsed magnetic fields up to 45 and 54 T, respectively. Our resistivity, Hall coefficient and critical magnetic fields data suggest that these oxypnictide superconductors bridge the gap between MgB2_2 and YBaCu3_3O7−x_{7-x} as far as electromagnetic and vortex properties are concerned.Comment: 6 pages, 3 figure

    Evidence for two distinct scales of current flow in polycrystalline Sm and Nd iron oxypnictides

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    Early studies have found quasi-reversible magnetization curves in polycrystalline bulk rare-earth iron oxypnictides that suggest either wide-spread obstacles to intergranular current or very weak vortex pinning. In the present study of polycrystalline samarium and neodymium rare-earth iron oxypnictide samples made by high pressure synthesis, the hysteretic magnetization is significantly enhanced. Magneto optical imaging and study of the field dependence of the remanent magnetization as a function of particle size both show that global currents over the whole sample do exist but that the intergranular and intragranular current densities have distinctively different temperature dependences and differ in magnitude by about 1000. Assuming that the highest current density loops are restricted to circulation only within grains leads to values of ~5 MA/cm2 at 5 K and self field, while whole-sample current densities, though two orders of magnitude lower are 1000-10000 A/cm2, some two orders of magnitude higher than in random polycrystalline cuprates. We cannot yet be certain whether this large difference in global and intragrain current density is intrinsic to the oxypnictides or due to extrinsic barriers to current flow, because the samples contain significant second phase, some of which wets the grain boundaries and produces evidences of SNS proximity effect in the whole sample critical current.Comment: 28 pages, 14 figure