283 research outputs found

    The Tympani: Development and use to the present.

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    Thesis (M.S.)--Boston University

    The Art of Science; An Exploration of Art Integration in a Science Classroom

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    This Practitioner Perspective examined how art integration in a science classroom affects student engagement and scientific understanding. The study took place over one school year in a 7th and 8th grade science classroom, with a total of 57 students and a focus group of eleven students. Collaboratively, the science teacher and a teaching artist designed purposeful integration of art into two science units and developed a culmination project where students connected their science learning throughout the year to a self portrait. Findings indicated that art integration increased engagement and understanding and allowed students to visually express their learning. However, supports may be needed for students who may not consider themselves artists or are hesitant to participate in the art integrated activities

    Selected Poems

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    Anomalous diurnal tidal currents on the Yermak Plateau

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    Recent observations made over the Yermak Plateau, a 100 × 200 km submarine feature northwest of Svalbard, show that ocean currents in that area are dominated by diurnal tidal currents although semidiurnal tidal displacements of the surface always exceed diurnal tidal displacements along the coast in the Arctic Ocean. Currents were recorded with meters suspended below two drifting ice stations, FRAM III in 1981 and FRAM IV in 1982, as they traveled over several weeks from a region of abyssal depths onto the western flank of the Yermak Plateau. Ice drift velocity was calculated from satellite positions and then vectorially added to the recorded data to produce current velocity relative to the bottom. Diurnal tidal currents with spectral peaks greater than semidiurnal peaks were observed in both years with current speeds reaching 30 cm/s over the edge of the Plateau. Semidiurnal tidal currents over the middle and lower slope were principally alongslope which is consistent with Kelvin wave motion. Diurnal tidal currents on the middle and lower slope were across-slope, and on the upper slope they had a clockwise rotary motion suggestive of topographic vorticity waves. These unusually large diurnal tides are apparently vorticity waves which have been resonantly forced by weak deep-sea diurnal tides

    The federal reserve system

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    Thesis (M.A.)--Boston Universit

    Arctic Geophysics

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    The modern phase of geophysical research began at Barrow in 1944 with exploration of Naval Petroleum Reserve No.4. The asymmetric sedimentary basin below the Arctic coastal plain was discovered and defined, using gravity, magnetic and seismic methods. A regional gravity survey, which revealed a large negative Bouguer anomaly over the Brooks Range, was extended seaward and indicated an extension of the Range beneath the Chukchi Sea to join with the Chukchi-Anadyr fold belt of Siberia. A marine geophysical program began on drifting station ARLIS II in 1961 and continued on T-3 ice island, to study configuration and sedimentation of the Arctic Basin floor drifting over the Lomonosov Ridge, Alpha Cordillera, Wrangel Abyssal Plain and Siberia Abyssal Plain. Experiments were run to measure seismic noise on the ocean floor, modified gravity waves were interpreted as ocean swell modified by the influence of the pack ice. Since 1963, using a precision depth recorder, soundings from T-3, other drifting stations and nuclear submarines form the basis for present concepts of Arctic Ocean shape and structure. The Arctic Mid-Ocean Ridge is seismically active and along it sea-floor spreading is believed to be taking place at present. More geophysical data are needed to decide the merit of this concept

    Post-Cesarean Section Pain Management Using Pre-built Computerized Order Entry Sets

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    Abstract Problem Electronic medical records (EMR) have helped decrease common medication errors. However, prescribing errors are still elevated. Creating pre-built order sets can decrease medication errors for post-cesarean section women. Methods This project used an evidence-based practice approach to create new order sets. Women undergoing a cesarean section between January 15, 2021 and April 14, 2021 received the new order sets. A retrospective data review was conducted pre and post-implementation between the dates of October 15, 2021 and April 14, 2021 to view medication errors. Results Before implementation of the order sets, there were 239 cesarean deliveries and eight errors reported via Safety and Environmental Management Systems (SEMS) reports, and 45 errors reported via pharmacy intervention documentation reports. After implementation of the order sets, there were 281 cesarean deliveries. Reported errors via SEMS and pharmacy reports were decreased to 3 and 25 respectfully. Top medication errors reported via pharmacy reports pre-implementation were duplicate acetaminophen (n = 14, 29.79%) and overlapping ibuprofen and ketorolac (n=11, 23.40%) and post-implementation were duplicate ondansetron IV (n=11, 37.93%) and duplicate acetaminophen (n=8, 27.59%). According to SEMS reports, overlapping ibuprofen and ketorolac was the only error reported pre-implementation (n=8, 100%) and post-implementation errors included duplicate acetaminophen (n=1, 33.3%), overlapping ibuprofen and ketorolac (n=1, 33.3%), and duplicate oxycodone (n=1, 33.3%). Implications for Practice Order sets can provide pain control to post-cesarean section women. By decreasing medication errors, patients are kept safe from preventable mistakes. Using pre-built order sets can decrease provider error and thus medication errors

    The Floor of the Arctic Ocean in Photographs

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    Over 2,000 usable bottom photographs have been taken in the western Arctic Ocean. The 87 stations cover the major geomorphic provinces of this part of the Arctic Basin, including the Alpha Cordillera, Mendeleyev Ridge, and Canada Abyssal Plain as well as smaller features. The ridge and plain provinces differ markedly in their bottom characteristics. Scattered rocks, living animals and indications of bottom current are most prevalent on the ridges. Trails are most abundant on the abyssal plains. The differences are attributed to bottom current distributions and turbidity currents. Bedrock outcrops were observed on the tops of two knolls on the Mendeleyev Ridge.Le fond de l'océan Arctique en photographies. Dans la partie occidentale de l'océan Arctique, on a pris plus de 2,000 clichés du fond sous-marin. Les 87 stations couvrent les principales provinces géomorphologiques de cette partie du bassin arctique et comprennent la cordillère Alpha, la dorsale de Mendéléev et la plaine abyssale canadienne, ainsi que des reliefs de moindre importance. Les dorsales et la plaine abyssale diffèrent beaucoup dans leurs caractéristiques de fond. Sur les dorsales, des roches éparpillées, des animaux vivants et des indices de courants de fond dominent. Dans la plaine abyssale, les pistes d'animaux mains sont abondantes. On attribue ces différences à la distribution des courants de fond et aux courants de turbidité. On a observé des affleurements du soubassement sur le sommet de deux monticules de la dorsale de Mendéléev
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