49 research outputs found

    The impact of colour psychology on the cridens design

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    The energy of each tone of colour has an emotional and psychological effect on an individual which is used as a tool in informal communication. Therefore, when designing new and renovating existing logotypes, designers do not randomly choose colours, but try to convey a certain message with the aim of being recognised. The fact is that colours on a symbol (logo) affect the visual perception and recognisability of individual products, but also of institutions. The paper discusses briefly the history of colour psychology, which is followed by an explanation of the way human eye perceives colour and daltonism. Likewise, we briefly review the application of colour psychology in marketing. After that, the logo of the Cridens Company, part of the Mehun Dental Laboratory, will be presented and explained. Cridens is a company that is engaged in the creation of websites and promotional leaflets, but also comprises a counselling centre for patients of the dental laboratory. The Cridens logo has only two tones of colour, blue and grey, in almost equal proportions. It will be explained in more detail why the company has changed its name and how the newb logo has been designed


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    The Psychology of color is a scientific discipline that studies the different emotional states, behavior and mood in humans, caused by the color action. Color as a valuable tool and an integral part of marketing communication directly affects our subconscious and attracts or rejects us with its hidden meaning. It is therefore very important to choose the right color which achieves communication with the consumer. Since the market is flooded with various products full of marketing messages, it is essential to make our product distinguish from the crowd. Marketing experts affect consumer behavior with integrated marketing communication through various market research. Better position of a product in the market and increased profits, can be achieved by proper selection and combination of colors. The survey and statistical analysis of the data were conducted by using descriptive statistics


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    Continuous improvement gained much attention in the literature as one of the principles in total quality management and practice under methodologies such as Lean or Six Sigma. Continuous improvement in organizations represents a comprehensive process that includes involvement of all people on all organizational levels to make improvements throughout the whole organization. Therefore, building and sustaining the organizational CI capability through practicing the CI behaviours leads to achieving better efficiency, effectiveness and business results of the organization. Also applying CI behaviours leads to change in organizational culture which is, in the long run, oriented toward making every day continuous improvements. The purpose of this paper is to present which CI behaviours can be developed in organization and measured according to the Bessant\u27s evolutionary model of continuous improvement behaviour. Also, the goal of the research is to present based on the conducted research, the state of CI practice regarding adopted CI behaviours which will be presented as the development level of CI behaviours that researched manufacturing companies in Croatia with ISO 9001 certificate, have

    Relationship between Continuous Improvement and Internal Process Performance; the Role of Management Support

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    Many papers state the significant role of continuous improvement (CI) in achieving efficient and effective organization. Process performance can be enhanced with CI practice since it can create knowledge about the process and make process change happen. The emphasis of the research was placed on adopting continuous improvement system in organizations which then supports a positive effect on internal process performance. In this relation, management support was analysed as a moderator variable that can strengthen the relationship between continuous improvement system and internal process performance. In order to examine the set hypothesis, a research model was developed, and a survey was conducted on 113 Croatian companies that hold ISO 9001 certificate. To analyse this relation, regression analysis was performed. The results of the study showed that the link between continuous improvement system and internal processes performance is significant. Also, the results confirmed that management support strengthens the relationship between continuous improvement system and process performance

    Objective colour evaluation and the visual threshold

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    The science of colour is concerned with developing theories and establishing facts about colour which help us understand the perception of colour and provide the means for objective colour specification. Scientific research in this FIELD must consider different factors that affect colour perception such as the observerā€™s experience and behaviour. Spectrophotometric colour measurement methods are based on the tristimulus values (X, Y and Z) and describe colour by three psychological attributes: chroma (C), hue (H) and lightness (L). These values are objective and are not affected by observer characteristics and their environment. By using an instrumental, i.e. spectrophotometric method, a threshold is identified in order to predict the area in which the visual perception of colour, i.e. the psychological (subjective) experience matches the C* to L* ratio. The experiment is carried out using complementary colours - red and green, based on the opponent colour theory. 182 subjects aged 20-50 participated in the experiment in which objective spectrophotometric method is compared against the psychophysical, i.e. subjective perception of colour. Psychophysical methods, i.e. the method of constant stimuli and Stevens\u27 magnitude estimation are used to measure the subjective perception of colour influenced by different backgrounds (white, grey and black). Among the subjects aged 30 and over, higher inaccuracy is observed in rating the position of the sample for the parameter lightness (L). For the parameter chroma (C), all subjects, irrespective of their age, displayed uncertainty in rating the position of the sample. Descriptive statistics and appropriate nonparametric tests (the Mann-Whitney U test, the Kruskal-Wallis test and the Median test) show significant differences in inaccurate visual perception of colour depending on the surround colour, in particular for the parameter lightness (L) and for the red hue


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    Social networking has become an integral part of everyday life of todayā€™s modern consumer. Social media are used for sending messages and sharing product-related information, experiences, and recommendations with virtual friends. The dramatic increase in social media use has posed a major challenge to the fashion industry, prompting it to adapt its communication and content to social media users. Content posted on social networks caters for the needs of consumers and provides both them and businesses with benefits of social media marketing campaigns. A variety of criteria are used to measure the success of marketing efforts on social media platforms, such as fashion influencer tags, audience engagement, and the percentage of discussions related to fashion. The fashion industry, which once struggled to reach its target market, is now achieving it much more easily and faster thanks to social networking. In today\u27s digital landscape, communication is more important than ever. Social media influencers have become a worthy extension of the marketing department; their authority is unquestionable, and their reach and impact are greater than that of any traditional advertising method. The fashion industry sees the influencer as an archetypal consumer, a persona who embodies the real consumer and whose characteristics it considers when creating a trend, a fashion product, and eventually the marketing campaign itself. The paper aims to identify the role of influencers in the fashion industry and examine the extent to which they affect/ consumer purchase decisions.DruÅ”tvene mreže postale su neizostavan dio svakodnevnog života danaÅ”njeg suvremenog potroÅ”ača. PotroÅ”ači prenose poruke, pričaju o proizvodima i iskustvima i daju preporuke svojim ā€žvirtualnimā€œ prijateljima o proizvodima koji im se sviđaju. Modnoj industriji druÅ”tvene mreže postale su u kratkom roku temeljni komunikacijski izazov i sadržaj koji je plasiran na druÅ”tvenoj mreži prilagođen je korisniku. Sukladno navedenom, sadržaj na druÅ”tvenim mrežama je na sjeciÅ”tu je stvarnih potreba potroÅ”ača i benefita koji potroÅ”ači imaju od kampanja na druÅ”tvenim mrežama. MarketinÅ”ke platforme druÅ”tvenih mreža vode se sa različitim kriterijima poput tagova modnih Influencera, uključenost publike te postotku razgovora o modi. Industrija mode koja je nekoć s teÅ”koćom dolazila do ciljanog potroÅ”ača, danas zahvaljujući druÅ”tvenim mrežama dolaze lakÅ”e i brže. U vremenu totalne komunikacije, ali i zaguÅ”enja komunikacijskih kanala, influenceri postaju poželjna ekstenzija i njihov je autoritet neupitan, a utjecaj veći i od najbolje reklame. Industrija mode Influencere doživljava kao arhetipskog potroÅ”ača kojeg zamiÅ”lja kada kreira trend, modni proizvod i u konačnici samu marketinÅ”ku kampanju. U radu će se nastojati utvrditi stvarna uloga Influencera u modnoj industriji, te će se kroz provedeno istraživanje istražiti njihova uloga i značaj pri donoÅ”enju odluke o modnom proizvodu


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    Digital presence has penetrated all aspects of social and business life of both companies and consumers, and has contributed to the change in patterns of behaviour of contemporary consumers. Furthermore, social networking has completely changed the ways in which we communicate and make connections in the modern society. Consequently, the digital era consumers have become more active, more demanding and informed about the products they buy, they have become networked in a world where information about a product is rapidly disseminated, but they have also become socially inactive. Linking and creating social connections with consumers is an important factor in the process of developing online marketing and customer relationships because it enables customization and personalization of relationships. Social media have begun to shape consumersā€™ attitudes and behaviours and have outgrown their basic role of transferring and forwarding information. Thus, social media are shaping a conceptual model of consumer behaviour in the digital era, in order to describe and analyze the different steps that consumers go through when deciding on the product selection. The product selection model in the digital world begins long before the actual purchase and continues after the purchase. The research presented in this paper aims to identify the influence of social media on the decision-making process during the product selection

    Development of Small and Medium Entrepreneurship in the Republic Of Croatia

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    Entrepreneurship is a key driver of economic growth and a generator of employment opportunities in all modern economies across the world. Small and medium enterprises (SMEs) are the engines of modern entrepreneurship. In the Republic of Croatia, SMEs are also indispensable in the effort to boost employment and economic growth. The global economic crisis has virtually brought the national economies worldwide to a halt, causing a considerable decline in production, consumption, and gross domestic product. In such conditions, the development of individual entrepreneurial competencies and entrepreneurial culture represents the main preconditions for successful economic growth and development. The SME sector plays a key role in achieving this by increasing the national economyā€™s competitiveness in the regional and European Union markets. The aim of this paper is to present the position of entrepreneurs in the Republic of Croatia, to identify challenges that come with setting up a business, and to describe the state of small and medium entrepreneurship in the Republic of Croatia. This work is licensed under aĀ Creative Commons Attribution-NonCommercial 4.0 International License.</p


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    An organization is a group of people who enable the achievement of a common goal using their own efforts. Organizing is a process which has two specific parts: the structure of a company and coordination of human resources. They are both very important and almost indispensable in business economics and the modern business world. Therefore, in the context of this definition, University North is seen as an organizational unit with all its features, i.e. advantages and problems. An organization (manufacturing or service) cannot be imagined and cannot operate or survive in the market unless proper, timely and quality selection of the organizational structure together with its maintenance and improvement are taken into account. Having that in mind, certain problems have been noticed in the organization of University North which hamper its effectiveness. Student services, as one of the organizational units, contribute to its work and it is very important for the total satisfaction of the most important subjects ā€“ students, as well as teachers and other interested parties. Based on many years of work in student services and previous knowledge, it has been noticed that the effectiveness of tasks carried out by the student services is not at the expected and required level, i.e. it is possible to increase their efficiency to a higher level by reorganization and certain improvements. The efficiency and effectiveness of student services is determined by the satisfaction of students and all other stakeholders ā€“ teachers, workers, graduates, employers, associates, and others. The paper presents an analysis and research of a better organization with the purpose of improving the organization and efficiency of the Student Services at University North. Upon recognizing and defining the problems for this research, the data have been collected in order to get an insight into the current situation, which is generally defined by the hypotheses. Using surveys, this research examines the studentsā€™ satisfaction/dissatisfaction regarding the services provided by the Student Services on a daily basis. Do students of University North consider that this unit provides quality services and is available to them? Upon collecting the data, an analysis has been conducted, i.e. the situation has been studied so as to find propositions for improvement. Various tools and methods were used in that part of the paper in order to enable the observation of the optimum alternative to the solution. The research results will serve as indicators of how to increase the student satisfaction with regard to the work of the Student Services and how to improve their efficiency


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    Contemporary markets are oversaturated with ads, and increasingly so. The research literature indicates that a completely new era of communication has begun. The changing trends have transformed marketing and advertising. The techniques that dominated the market ten years ago, such as search engine optimization (SEO), search engine marketing (SEM), social media advertising (SMA), etc. are now referred to as the traditional media. The paper looks at the most recent advances in technology and explores how the emergence of artificial intelligence and AI-powered tools and solutions has changed the digital advertising landscape in the context of digital transformation. The paper focuses on one such driver of change ā€“ a chatbot, an automated chat system that collects data based on usersā€™ online behaviour. Chatbots have become a powerful tool for marketers who use them to engage in a conversation with users in order to promote their products and services in a less intrusive and more natural manner. While chatbot use is on the rise worldwide, the extant literature does not provide a clear picture of the situation in Croatia. To fill this literature gap, the present paper aims to examine the relationship between chatbot advertising and campaign outcomes, and demonstrate the effectiveness of this advertising method.Danas, u vrijeme rastuće prezasićenosti oglaÅ”ivačkog tržiÅ”ta, mnoge znanstvene analize ukazuju na nepobitnu činjenicu početka potpuno nove ere komuniciranja. Sukladno navedenom, marketing i oglaÅ”avanje danas bilježi značajne promjene. Ono Å”to je prije deset godina bilo dominantno (SEO, SEM, oglaÅ”avanje na druÅ”tvenim mrežama itd.) danas se ubraja u kategoriju tradicionalnih medija. Razvoj tehnologije te pojava i razvoj umjetne inteligencije analizirati će se u radu u kontekstu digitalne transformacije. Drugim riječima, umjetna je inteligencija sa svim svojim mogućnostima promijenila digitalni oglaÅ”ivački krajolik. Jedan od alata promjene su chatbotovi ā€“ automatizirani chat sustavi koji prikupljaju podatke na temelju ponaÅ”anja korisnika na internetu i tako postaju moćno oružje oglaÅ”ivača koji, otvarajući razgovor sa korisnicima, potroÅ”ačima na neupadljiv i prirodniji način plasiraju oglase. Kako trend koriÅ”tenja chatbotova u svijetu raste iz dana u dan, iz dostupnih radova i literature nije jasno vidljivo kakva je situacija na malom hrvatskom oglaÅ”ivačkom tržiÅ”tu. Stoga je upravo cilj ovog rada utvrditi povezanost chatbot oglaÅ”avanja i rezultata kampanja, a samim time ukazati na učinkovitost ovakvog načina oglaÅ”avanja