1,496 research outputs found

    Covalency and the metal-insulator transition in titanate and vanadate perovskites

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    A combination of density functional and dynamical mean-field theory is applied to the perovskites SrVO3_3, LaTiO3_3 and LaVO3_3. We show that DFT+DMFT in conjunction with the standard fully localized-limit (FLL) double-counting predicts that LaTiO3_3 and LaVO3_3 are metals even though experimentally they are correlation-driven ("Mott") insulators. In addition, the FLL double counting implies a splitting between oxygen pp and transition metal dd levels which differs from experiment. Introducing into the theory an \textit{ad hoc} double counting correction which reproduces the experimentally measured insulating gap leads also to a pp-dd splitting consistent with experiment if the on-site interaction UU is chosen in a relatively narrow range (∼6±1\sim 6\pm 1 eV). The results indicate that these early transition metal oxides will serve as critical test for the formulation of a general \textit{ab initio} theory of correlated electron metals.Comment: 5 pages, 3 figure

    Electronic correlations, magnetism and Hund's rule coupling in the ruthenium perovskites SrRuO3_3 and CaRuO3_3

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    A comparative density functional plus dynamical mean field theory study of the pseudocubic ruthenate materials CaRuO3_3 and SrRuO3_3 is presented. Phase diagrams are determined for both materials as a function of Hubbard repulsion UU and Hund's rule coupling JJ. Metallic and insulating phases are found, as are ferromagnetic and paramagnetic states. The locations of the relevant phase boundaries are determined. Based on the computed phase diagrams, Mott-dominated and Hund's dominated regimes of strong correlation are distinguished. Comparison of calculated properties to experiments indicates that the actual materials are in the Hund's coupling dominated region of the phase diagram so can be characterized as Hund's metals, in common with other members of the ruthenate family. Comparison of the phase diagrams for the two materials reveals the role played by rotational and tilt (GdFeO3_3-type) distortions of the ideal perovskite structure. The presence of magnetism in SrRuO3_3 and its absence in CaRuO3_3 despite the larger mass and larger tilt/rotational distortion amplitude of CaRuO3_3 can be understood in terms of density of states effects in the presence of strong Hund's coupling. Comparison of the calculated low-TT properties of CaRuO3_3 to those of SrRuO3_3 provides insight into the effects of magnetic order on the properties of a Hund's metal. The study provides a simultaneous description of magnetism and correlations and explicates the roles played by band theory and Hubbard and Hund's interactions

    Band Structure and Terahertz Optical Conductivity of Transition Metal Oxides: Theory and Application to CaRuO3_3

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    Density functional plus dynamical mean field calculations are used to show that in transition metal oxides, rotational and tilting (GdFeO3_3-type) distortions of the ideal cubic perovskite structure produce a multiplicity of low-energy optical transitions which affect the conductivity down to frequencies of the order of 11 or 22~mV (terahertz regime), mimicking non-Fermi-liquid effects even in systems with a strictly Fermi-liquid self-energy. For CaRuO3_3, a material whose measured electromagnetic response in the terahertz frequency regime has been interpreted as evidence for non-Fermi-liquid physics, the combination of these band structure effects and a renormalized Fermi-liquid self-energy accounts for the low frequency optical response which had previously been regarded as a signature of exotic physics. Signatures of deviations from Fermi-liquid behavior at higher frequencies (∼100\sim 100~meV) are discussed
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