26 research outputs found

    The unsuccessful appeals of pope of Rome Leo XIII addressed to Abdul Hamid II to stop the massacres of the Armenians in the Ottoman empire (1894-1896)

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    The unsuccessful appeals of Pope of Rome Leo XIII addressed to Abdul Hamid II to stop the massacres of the Armenians in the Ottoman Empire (1894-1896) Vatican secret archive documents opened in recent years, which represent letters, reports, records and etc., have enormous historical and diplomatic value and importance in the context of history of the Armenian Genocide and Armenian Question. The archival vaults include eyewitness accounts and records of bishops, nuncios, missionaries of the Roman Catholic Church, as well as the representatives of the State Secretariat of the Vatican, and the priests of the Armenian Catholic and Grigoryan (Armenian Apostolic Church) Churches. In the archival vaults the interference documents of Leo XIII (1878-1903) and Benedict XV (1914-1922) Popes are distinguished with their value. The latters have attempted to intervene in the persecutions, deportations and massacres committed against Christians in the Ottoman Empire, although they were unsuccessful and ended with no result. In this context, it is noteworthy the intervene appeals of Pope Leo XIII addressed to Abdul Hamid II to stop the atrocities committed against Christians, which remain ignored by the sultan. Thus, the Vatican diplomatic intervention ends with failure

    Armenian question in the super powers’ diplomacy agenda on the eve of the First World War: the reflection of the issue in the documents of the historical-diplomatic archives of the ministry of foreign affairs of Italy (1912/14)

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    The given article is devoted to the historical-diplomatic context of the Armenian Question on the eve of the First World War, when it was appeared in the Super Powers’ agenda. The term “Armenian Question”, as it is used in the history, became international among diplomatic circles and in the popular press after the Congress of Berlin in 1878. In the frames of the presented article, we have tried to analyze the reflection of that issue in the historical-diplomatic archival sources of the Ministry of Foreign Affairs of Italy. The detailed study of the archival documentations opens a new chapter on foreign policy of that time Super Powers discloses also the attitude and approaches of the Italian government towards Armenian issue. The detailed study and scientific formulation of the preserved archival documents of the Ministry of Foreign Affairs of Italy have political and diplomatic, and important historical significance from the perspective of the examined topic, that is, the Armenian Question

    Unerine fibrosis in young patients: clinical and pathogenetic

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    Detailed clinical and morphological study was undertaken on 101 young patients (age 20-30) diagnosed with Uterine fibrosis (the average patient age was 24,7±1,5 years). From the medical history, integrated clinical and morphological study, immunological analysis it was proved to exist two seldom forms of myomatous nodes at a young age: simplefibroid and invasive fibroid, that prevails. The growth originates in a vessel wall from the progenerating muscle cells with relatively high Ki-67 expression, high expression of growth factors and formation of new micro vessels (СD-34). These muscle cells have a very low apoptosis activity that determines the fast proliferation of cells (invasive fibroid)