40 research outputs found

    Equilibrium and off-equilibrium simulations of chiral-glass order in three-dimensional Heisenberg spin glasses

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    Spin-glass and chiral-glass orderings in three-dimensional Heisenberg spin glasses are studied both by equilibrium and off-equilibrium Monte Carlo simulations. Fully isotropic model is found to exhibit a finite-temperature chiral-glass transition without the conventional spin-glass order. Although chirality is an Ising-like quantity from symmetry, universality class of the chiral-glass transition appears to be different from that of the standard Ising spin glass. In the off-equilibrium simulation, while the spin autocorrelation exhibits only an interrupted aging, the chirality autocorrelation persists to exhibit a pronounced aging effect reminisecnt of the one observed in the mean-field model. Effects of random magnetic anisotropy is also studied by the off-equilibrium simulation, in which asymptotic mixing of the spin and the chirality is observed.Comment: 15 pages including 8 figures, plain Tex, to appear in Computer Simulation Studies in Condensed Matter Physics XI, Springer, 199

    Vortex glass transition in a frustrated 3D XY model with disorder

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    The anisotropic frustrated three dimensional (3D) XY model with disorder in the coupling constants is simulated as a model of a point disordered superconductor in an applied magnetic field. From a finite size scaling analysis of the helicity modulus it is concluded that the data is consistent with a finite temperature transition with isotropic scaling and the correlation length exponent is found to be \nu=1.50+/-0.12, consistent with 3D gauge glass universality.Comment: For additional information, see http://www.tp.umu.se/~olsson/VortexGlass.htm

    Ordering of the three-dimensional Heisenberg spin glass in magnetic fields

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    Spin and chirality orderings of the three-dimensional Heisenberg spin glass are studied under magnetic fields in light of the recently developed spin-chirality decoupling-recoupling scenario. It is found by Monte Carlo simulations that the chiral-glass transition and the chiral-glass ordered state, which are essentially of the same character as their zero-field counterparts, occur under magnetic fields. Implication to experimental phase diagram is discussed.Comment: 5 pages, 3 figure

    Replica symmetry breaking transition of the weakly anisotropic Heisenberg spin glass in magnetic fields

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    The spin and the chirality orderings of the three-dimensional Heisenberg spin glass with the weak random anisotropy are studied under applied magnetic fields by equilibrium Monte Carlo simulations. A replica symmetry breaking transition occurs in the chiral sector accompanied by the simultaneous spin-glass order. The ordering behavior differs significantly from that of the Ising SG, despite the similarity in the global symmetry. Our observation is consistent with the spin-chirality decoupling-recoupling scenario of a spin-glass transition.Comment: 4 pages, 4 figure

    Ordering of the Heisenberg spin glass in two dimensions

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    The spin and the chirality orderings of the Heisenberg spin glass in two dimensions with the nearest-neighbor Gaussian coupling are investigated by equilibrium Monte Carlo simulations. Particular attention is paid to the behavior of the spin and the chirality correlation lengths. In order to observe the true asymptotic behavior, fairly large system size L\gsim 20 (L the linear dimension of the system) appears to be necessary. It is found that both the spin and the chirality order only at zero temperature. At high temperatures, the chiral correlation length stays shorter than spin correlation length, whereas at lower temperatures below the crossover temperature T_\times, the chiral correlation length exceeds the spin correlation length. The spin and the chirality correlation-length exponents are estimated above T_\times to be \nu_SG=0.9+-0.2 and \nu_CG=2.1+-0.3, respectively. These values are close to the previous estimates on the basis of the domain-wall-energy calculation. Discussion is given about the asymptotic critical behavior realized below T_\times.Comment: to appear in a special issue of J. Phys.

    Ordering of the Heisenberg Spin Glass in High Dimensions

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    Ordering of the Heisenberg spin glass with the nearest-neighbor Gaussian coupling is investigated by equilibrium Monte Carlo simulations in four and five dimensions. Ordering of the mean-field Heisenberg spin-glass is also studied for comparison. Particular attention is paid to the nature of the spin-glass and the chiral-glass orderings. Our numerical data suggest that, in five dimensions, the model exhibits a single spin-glass transition at a finite temperature, where the spin-glass order accompanying the simultaneous chiral-glass order sets in. In four dimensions, by contrast, the model exhibits a chiral-glass transition at a finite temperature, not accompanying the standard spin-glass order. The critical region associated with the chiral-glass transition, however, is very narrow, suggesting that dimension four is close to the marginal dimensionality.Comment: 18 pages, 12 figure

    Monte Carlo Studies of the Ordering of the Three-Dimensional Isotropic Heisenberg Spin Glass in Magnetic Fields

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    Spin and chirality orderings of the three-dimensional Heisenberg spin glass under magnetic fields are studied by large-scale equilibrium Monte Carlo simulations. It is found that the chiral-glass transition and the chiral-glass ordered state, which are essentially of the same character as their zero-field counterparts, occur under magnetic fields. The chiral-glass ordered state exhibits a one-step-like peculiar replica-symmetry breaking in the chiral sector, while it does not accompany the spin-glass order perpendicular to the applied field. Critical perperties of the chiral-glass transition are different from those of the standard Ising spin glass. Magnetic phase diagram of the model is constructed, which reveals that the chiral-glass state is quite robust against magnetic fields. The chiral-glass transition line has a character of the Gabay-Toulouse line of the mean-field model, yet its physical origin being entirely different. These numerical results are discussed in light of the recently developed spin-chirality decoupling-recoupling scenario. Implication to experimental phase diagram is also discussed.Comment: 23 pages, 23 figure

    Amorphous Vortex Glass Phase in Strongly Disordered Superconductors

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    We introduce a model describing vortices in strongly disordered three-dimensional superconductors. The model focuses on the topological defects, i.e., dislocation lines, in an elastic description of the vortex lattice. The model is studied using Monte Carlo simulations, revealing a glass phase at low temperatures, separated by a continuous phase transition to the high temperature resistive vortex liquid phase. The critical exponents nu ~ 1.3 and eta ~ -0.4 characterizing the transition are obtained from finite size scaling.Comment: 4 pages, 4 figure