52 research outputs found
Kegiatan operasi dari suatu organisasi seharusnya tidak hanya berfokus kepada memperoleh keutungan yang tinggi, tetapi harus juga dapat memperhatikan kesejahteraan masyarakat dan lingkungan sebagai salah satu bentuk bertanggungjawab dalam menjalankan kegiatannya. Tanggungjawab tersebut dikenal juga dengan Corporate Social Responsilbity (CSR) dan diatur di dalam Pasal 1 angka 3 Undang-Undang Nomor 40 Tahun 2007 mengenai Perseroan Terbatas, tetapi sangat disayangkan pengaturan terkait dengan pertanggungjawaban tersebut masih belum secara lengkap di atur terkait dengan sanksi di dalam pelanggarannya. Oleh karena itu, dalam mengkaji hal tersebut, penulis menggunakan metode penelitian hukum normative dengan menggunakan data sekunder yang didapatkan melalui studi kepustakaan dan pendekatan konseptual. Adapun, kesimpulkan yang didapatkan adalah harus dilakukan perincian regulasi baru yang di dalamnya memuat sanksi-sanksi apa saja yang kedepannya dapat diterapkan secara terperinci dan jelas apabila tidak dilakukannya Corporate Social Responsibility (CSR) ini demi bentuk suatu kepastian hukum
Price Fluctuation of Agricultural Products and its Impact on Small Scale Farmers Development: Case Analysis from Kilimanjaro Tanzania
Price fluctuation is a multifaceted problem attributed by various factors which, when combined, culminate in dangerous consequences for the most vulnerable. Although high prices can technically be good news for farmers, price fluctuation is extremely dangerous, as farmers and other agents in the food chain risk losing their investments if prices fall. One frequently cited reason for increased prices is ‘market fundamentals’ as demand is thought to be outstripping supply and thus leading to increased prices. The specific focus was to identify the causes of price fluctuation for agricultural products, examine the contribution of good price toward achievement of small scale farmer’s development and to find out the possible solutions on how price fluctuation can be addressed. Cross sectional research design was used to undertake the study where Hai District council was selected as a study area located in Moshi Rural. Purposive and simple random sampling techniques were used to pick a sample of 30 respondents including farmers from Kalali village, Mkufi village and Sanya Juu. Multiple approaches including questionnaire, interview, and documentary review were used to collect data. Data were analyzed through applying interpretive and reflexive qualitative approaches while quantitative techniques involved utilization of descriptive statistics. Findings showed that price fluctuation of agricultural product is a challenge towards achievement of small scale famer’s development which results to loss of capital and farmers shifting to other production activities. Key Words: Price Fluctuation, Agricultural Product and Small Scale Farmers
Agricultural Productivity, Co-Operatives and Organisational Innovations: A Case of Selected Coffee Production Communities in Mbinga District Tanzania
Agriculture is the backbone of the majority of developing countries accounting between 30 and 60 percent of their Gross Domestic Product. Studies indicate that presence of cooperative societies, institutional support and other organisational linkages can enhance productivity and increase farmers’ income by bringing financial services closer. The study objectives aimed at establishing coffee production level in the last farming season; examining the contribution of cooperative societies in the production of coffee; and determine organisation innovations existing in coffee production. Methodologically, the study made use of cross section research design and data were collected from five villages namely Utiri, Mtama, Mahumba, Mahande and Iringa located in Mbinga District. Key respondents were the coffee smallholder farmers located in the aforementioned villages who were also members of Kimuli Agricultural Marketing Co-operative Society (AMCOS) and Muungano Savings and Credit Co-operative Society - a SACCOS. Multistage sampling procedure was used to select five villages and smallholder farmers were obtained through systematic random sampling. Results indicate that smallholder farmers own small land sizes which limit their productivity where the average land size per household is 7 acres and average yield was 1145.14kg per household. The cooperatives had a great contribution to the production of coffee as they enabled members (smallholder farmers) to get inputs at reasonable prices, provide extension services, provide credits at reasonable interest rates, provide coffee processing as well as finding markets on behalf of farmers at regional, national and international levels. Also, coffee farmers were able to innovate a new structure for harmonising the institutional linkages between their cooperative societies (AMCOS and SACCOS) which is called “integrated co-operative model”. The model proves to be one among the key organizational tools for revamping and sustaining agricultural productivity while improving rural smallholder farmer’s livelihoods
Implementation of conservation farming and its effect on farmers' income: A study on citrus farmers in Petung Sewu Village, Dau District, Malang Regency
This study aims to analyze the effect of applying vegetation and mechanical conservation on the income of citrus farmers. The method of determining the sample was simple random with a sample of 86 people. Data analysis used the income function model with multiple linear regression method. The results showed that the application of conservation that had a significant effect on income was the application of vegetation conservation, while other variables that had a significant effect were land area, plant maintenance costs, chemical fertilizer costs, pesticide costs and labor costs. The vegetation conservation is the best conservation, and profitable that is widely applied by farmers. This model has a significant effect on farmers' income with a significance level of 90 percent. Thus, the application of conservation adapts to land conditions, and increases the income of linear farmers with the ability of farmers to finance
Strategi Brand Community PT Graha Bahtera Mulia (Loreca) dalam Meningkatkan Loyalitas Pelanggan
Peluang pasar industri kosmetik yang sangat besar di Indonesia membuat para pelaku bisnis tertarik untuk membuka perusahaan kosmetik dengan keuntungan yang menjanjikan sehingga jumlah perusahaan kosmetik pun semakin meningkat. Dengan banyaknya perusahaan kosmetik lokal yang beredar di Indonesia, perusahaan Loreca memakai strategi brand community bernama Loreca Babes untuk meningkatkan loyalitas pelanggan. Dalam penelitian ini, peneliti memakai dua konsep utama yaitu strategi pembentukan brandcommunity secara matang dan strategi peningkatan loyalitas bagi perusahaan. Hasil penelitian menunjukkan perusahaan Loreca telah mengeksekusi perencanaan strategi brand community sebagai bagian dari wadah untuk pelaksanaan strategi peningkatan loyalitas pelanggan. Melalui brand community,perusahaan Loreca mampu mencapai tujuan peningkatan loyalitas dengan membentuk kedekatan hubungan dengan pelanggan melalui kegiatan-kegiatan komunitas, menampung informasi mengenai keinginan dan kebutuhan dari feedback pelanggan, memberikan hadiah gratis, dan mewujudkan tujuan pelanggan yang ingin dicapai sebagai anggota brand community Loreca Babes
Desa Padurenan merupakan kawasan pengrajin industri kecil yang memproduksi konveksi dan bordir khas Kabupaten Kudus dengan bahan dasar kain dan benang yang dibuat dengan mesin-mesin sederhana dan selanjutnya diolah sesuai dengan kebutuhan. Para pengrajin hampir tersebar di seluruh kawasan Desa Padurenan Kudus yang merupakan kesatuan unit antara rumah, tempat produksi, serta kios-kios pemasaran hasil produksi (tidak semua) yang berasal dari home industry. Desa Padurenan yang kini menjadi salah satu desa rintisan wisata karena potensi kerajinan border tradisional khas Kabupaten Kudus ini masih memiliki beberapa permasalahan. Kawasan ini belum memiliki fasilitas, sarana dan prasarana yang memadai. Misalnya rumah dan kios yang masih digunakan untuk kegiatan tempat tinggal, kegiatan usaha membuat produk, dan kegiatan pemasaran yang tentu memerlukan kebutuhan-kebutuhan khusus. Padahal jika melihat Peraturan Menteri No. 7 Tahun 1993, maka seharusnya sentra industri yang merupakan pusat kegiatan industri pengolahan harus dilengkapi dengan sarana, prasarana dan fasilitas penunjang yang baik, sehingga dapat dilakukan usaha pengembangan dan pengelolaan yang optimal.
Maka, dibutuhkan pengkajian/usaha penataan kembali kawasan sentra industri konveksi dan bordir yang sesuai dengan kondisi dan harapan para pengrajin, masyarakat, dan pemerintah. Penataan yang sesuai dengan kemampuan para pelaku, selaras dengan kelangsungan alam dan lingkungan, serta dapat memberi manfaat bagi pengembangan daerah dan ekonomi masyarakat. Oleh karena itu, untuk menjawab kebutuhan tersebut, maka diperlukan perencanaan dan perancangan tentang penataan kawasan sentra industri konveksi dan bordir Padurenan Kudus dengan Dukuh Krajan I sebagai percontohan menjadi sebuah kawasan berwawasan wisata guna peningkatan kualitas kawasan tersebut yang berdasarkan pada penekanan rural design.
Sebagai kesimpulan, luaran program ruang yang diperlukan, serta gambar-gambar 2 dimensi dan 3 dimensi sebagai ilustrasi desain.
Kata Kunci : Sentra,Industri,Konveksi,Bordir,Kudu
Penelitian ini bertujuan untuk mengetahui serta menguji dampak invasi yang dilakukan negara Rusia ke Ukraina pada 24 Februari 2022, terhadap tingkat keuntungan yang diperoleh investor (yang diukur dengan average abnormal return) pada perusahaan-perusahaan industri energi yang tercatat di pasar modal Indonesia. Penelitian menggunakan uji beda (paired sample test) untuk mengetahui pergerakan average abnormal return 14 hari, 7 hari dan 3 hari sebelum dan sesudah invasi terjadi pada 24 Februari 2022. Hasil yang didapatkan berdasarkan uji beda mengatakan bahwa tidak ada pengaruh yang signifikan invasi Rusia ke Ukraina terhadap harga saham industri energi di pasar modal Indonesia. Hasil ini juga menunjukkan bahwa efficient market hypothesis (bentuk semi kuat) tidak terbukti dalam penelitian ini
The Indirect Cost of Disability Adjusted Life Years Lost among the Elderly in Kenya
Background: As Kenya accelerates the momentum to attain the Sustainable Development Goals (SDG) 3 on health and 13 on combatting impacts of climate change, it is critically important not to overlook their impacts on the elderly, i.e. people aged 60 years and above (elderly). The objective of this study was to estimate the indirect cost (productivity losses) of disability-adjusted life years (DALYs) lost among the elderly in Kenya in 2015.Methods: The indirect cost associated with jth disease (or health condition) DALYs lost among the elderly is the product of the per capita non-health GDP in purchasing power parity (PPP) and the total jth disease (or health condition) DALYs lost in a specific age group. Per capita non-health GDP equals Kenya’s per capita GDP minus total health expenditure in 2015. The study covers all the diseases and health conditions reported in WHO Global Health Observatory (GHO). The data on DALYs and per capita total health expenditure were obtained from WHO GHO; while per capita GDP data was from IMF World Economic Outlook database.Results: About 2,238,004 DALYs were lost among the elderly in 2015. That health loss resulted into a total indirect cost of Int 1,986,641,742 (44.9%) in indirect costs (productivity losses).Conclusions: Kenya incurs every year substantive productivity losses due to morbidity and premature mortality among the elderly. Therefore, there is need for increased government, private sector and partner investments into health and wellbeing of the elderly to prolong their intrinsic and functional capacities.Key words: Elderly, indirect cost, productivity loss, disability-adjusted life year (DALY
Analysis of Procurement Procedures in Local Government Authorities: Experience after Procurement Reforms and Case Analysis from Selected Councils in Kilimanjaro Tanzania
Since the beginning of the 21st Century most developing countries have been reforming their public procurement systems in order to cope with the development of Information and Communication Technologies (ICT), adopt world class professional practices, improve performance and enhance value for money achievement. However, the reforms have been crowded with organisational, market, legal, technological and political challenges which in return affects the implementation and performance of procurement procedures especially in public procurement and donor funded projects. The study found out that reforms have improved the performance procurement procedures through enhancing transparency, accountability and competitiveness. However, the practitioners have been facing the challenges of limited accountability, unethical purchasing practices among some employees, interferences from other departments and stakeholders and failure to get specification on time from user department. Keywords: Procurement Reforms, Procurement Procedures, Public Procurement Act of 2004, Procuring Entity and Councils
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