22 research outputs found


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    The South Tianshan is located to the north of the Tarim block and defines the southern margin of the Paleozoic Central Asian Orogenic Belt (CAOB). This study presents new structural data, geochronological and geochemical results for the Wuwamen ophiolite mélange in the Chinese segment of the South Tianshan. In the south, the Wuwamen ophiolite mélange shows typical block-in-matrix fabrics and occurs in the footwall of a south-dipping thrust fault, hanging wall of which is composed of weakly metamorphosed and deformed Lower Paleozoic marine to deep marine sequences from the South Tianshan. In the north, a southdipping thrust fault juxtaposes the Wuwamen ophiolite mélange in its hanging wall against the high-grade and strongly deformed metasedimentary rocks from the Central Tianshan in its footwall.The South Tianshan is located to the north of the Tarim block and defines the southern margin of the Paleozoic Central Asian Orogenic Belt (CAOB). This study presents new structural data, geochronological and geochemical results for the Wuwamen ophiolite mélange in the Chinese segment of the South Tianshan. In the south, the Wuwamen ophiolite mélange shows typical block-in-matrix fabrics and occurs in the footwall of a south-dipping thrust fault, hanging wall of which is composed of weakly metamorphosed and deformed Lower Paleozoic marine to deep marine sequences from the South Tianshan. In the north, a southdipping thrust fault juxtaposes the Wuwamen ophiolite mélange in its hanging wall against the high-grade and strongly deformed metasedimentary rocks from the Central Tianshan in its footwall

    U-Pb ages of detrital zircon and provenances of Red Clay in the Chinese Loess Plateau

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    The Chinese Loess Plateau (CLP), which is located in the central part of China, mainly contains two sequences: the Quaternary loess-paleosol sequence and the late Miocene-Pliocene Red Clay sequence. U-Pb ages of detrital zircon from the Quaternary loess-paleosol sequences indicate that the current spatial pattern of central Asian aridification was largely established during the early Quaternary. U-Pb ages of detrital zircon from the underlying Red Clay sequences demonstrate that the northern source regions were important contributors for the dust since the late Miocene, except for the periods of similar to 8 Ma and similar to 5.5 to 4 Ma. These two periods correspond to increased and decreased dust deposition in the North Pacific, respectively, ascribed to the late Miocene aridification of the Qaidam Basin (in the west of the CLP) and the early Pliocene aridification of the Tarim Basin (in the west of the CLP). We attribute the increase of the Qaidam Basin-derived North Pacific dust fluxes to the uplift of the NE Tibetan Plateau. Such uplift also controlled the climatic and environmental changes in central Asian during the late Miocene. This study highlights the dynamical process of the central Asian aridification during the late Miocene-Pliocene. (C) 2017 Elsevier Ltd. All rights reserved

    Magnetic fabric from Red clay sediments in the Chinese Loess Plateau

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    Well-distributed eolian red clay in a wide area of northern China is believed to imply the onset of an ancient East Asian monsoon system since Late Miocene. Two continuous red clay sequences spanning the time interval 7-2.6 Ma and 11-2.6 Ma in the Chinese Loess Plateau was investigated to determine the magnetic orientation and grain alignment in the primary fabric of eolian sediments. The north-westerly orientation of the AMS of the eolian red clay sequences parallels the material transportation direction, which differs from the model that suggests that airborne dust from overlying loess-paleosol sequences were transported by the East Asian winter monsoon and fixed by the East Asian summer monsoon. Our results further reveal that present-day climate and air circulation patterns differ from those of the pre-Quaternary, and may provide evidence of a prevailing wind during deposition of the red clay.</p

    Platinum group element abundances in the upper continental crust revisited - New constraints from analyses of Chinese loess

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    Platinum group element (PGE) abundances in the upper continental crust (UCC) are poorly constrained with published values varying by up to an order of magnitude. We evaluated the validity of using loess to estimate PGE abundances in the UCC by measuring these elements in seven Chinese loess samples using a precise method that combines NiS fire assay with isotope dilution. Major and trace elements of the Chinese loess show a typical upper crustal composition and PGE abundances are consistent with literature data on Chinese loess, except for Ru, which is a factor of 10 lower than published values. We suggest that the high Ru data and RuN/IrN values of Chinese loess reported by Peucker-Ehrenbrink and Jahn (2001) (Geochem. Geophys. Geosys. 2, 2001GC000172) are an analytical artifact, rather than a true geochemical characteristic of loess because likely sources of loess are not significantly enriched in Ru and transport and deposition processes cannot preferentially enrich Ru in loess. The effect of eolian fractionation on PGE abundances in loess appears to be limited because Chinese loess from different locations shows similar PGE patterns and concentrations. This conclusion is supported by strong positive correlations between the PGE (except for Pt) and other compatible elements such as Fe2O3, Ni, Cr, Co. Using a compilation of PGE data for loess from China, Argentina and Europe, including our data but excluding one sample with an anomalously high Pt content, we propose average PGE abundances for global loess of Ir = 0.022 ppb (ng/g), Ru = 0.030 ppb, Rh = 0.018 ppb, Pt = 0.599 ppb, and Pd = 0.526 ppb, and suggest that these are the best current estimates for the PGE abundances of the UCC

    Tectono-thermal events of the North Qilian Orogenic Belt, NW China:Constraints from detrital zircon U-Pb ages of Heihe River sediments

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    Abstract The &sim;800&nbsp;km long Heihe River in northwestern China originates from the North Qilian Mountain, and passes through the Beishan Mountain before it reaches the Juyanhai Lake. Geologically, the river crosscuts the North Qilian Orogenic Belt, the Alax Terrane, and the Beishan Orogenic Belt. LA-ICP-MS U-Pb dating of detrital zircon from Heihe River sediments shows four age groups: 2700&ndash;1700&nbsp;Ma, 1700&ndash;650&nbsp;Ma, 650&ndash;358&nbsp;Ma, and 358&ndash;230&nbsp;Ma, and age peaks at &sim;2450&nbsp;Ma, &sim;1850&nbsp;Ma, &sim;950&nbsp;Ma, &sim;520&nbsp;Ma, 505&nbsp;Ma, &sim;480&nbsp;Ma, &sim;450&nbsp;Ma, &sim;430&nbsp;Ma, &sim;380&nbsp;Ma, &sim;320&nbsp;Ma, and &sim;295&nbsp;Ma. The age distribution patterns indicate that Heihe River sediments were mainly sourced from the North Qilian Orogenic Belt. The detrital zircon ages demonstrate that the North Qilian Orogenic Belt may have Archean to late Paleoproterozoic rocks. Several tectonothermal events are also identified: opening of the North Qilian Ocean (part of the Paleo-Tethys Ocean) at early Neoproterozoic, subduction of oceanic lithosphere and formation of a trench-arc-basin system at late Neoproterozoic to late Ordovician, closure of the oceanic basin at late Ordovician, and collision of the Qaidam and Alax terranes at early Devonian. Our study indicates that the formation of the North Qilian Orogenic Belt was mainly related to the formation and closure of the Paleo-Tethys Ocean

    U–Pb Dating and Hf Isotopes Analysis of Detrital Zircons of the Shanxi Formation in the Otuokeqi Area, Northwestern Ordos Basin

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    The Paleozoic strata are widely distributed in the northwest of the Ordos Basin, and the provenance attributes of the basin sediments during this period are still controversial. In this paper, the detrital zircon LA-MC-ICPMS U-Pb age test was conducted on the drilling core samples of the Shanxi Formation of the Upper Paleozoic in the Otuokeqi area of the Ordos Basin, and the provenance age and the characteristic of the Shanxi formation in the Otuokeqi area in the northwest were discussed. The cathodoluminescence image shows that the detrital zircon has a clear core-edge structure, and most of the cores have clear oscillatory zonings, which suggests that they are magmatic in origin. Zircons have no oscillatory zoning structure that shows the cause of metamorphism. The age of detrital zircon is dominated by Paleoproterozoic and can be divided into four groups, which are 2500~2300 Ma, 2100~1600 Ma, 470~400 Ma, and 360~260 Ma. The first two groups are the specific manifestations of the Precambrian Fuping Movement (2.5 billion years) and the Luliang Movement (1.8 billion years) of the North China Craton. The third and fourth groups of detrital zircons mainly come from Paleozoic magmatic rocks formed by the subduction and collision of the Siberian plate and the North China plate. The εHft value of zircon ranges from -18.36 to 4.33, and the age of the second-order Hf model TDM2 ranges from 2491 to 1175 Ma. The source rock reflecting the provenance of the sediments comes from the material recycling of the Paleoproterozoic and Mesoproterozoic in the crust, combined with the Meso-Neoproterozoic detrital zircons discovered this time, indicating that the provenance area has experienced Greenwellian orogeny