182 research outputs found

    Classifying representations by way of Grassmannians

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    Let Ξ›\Lambda be a finite dimensional algebra over an algebraically closed field. Criteria are given which characterize existence of a fine or coarse moduli space classifying, up to isomorphism, the representations of Ξ›\Lambda with fixed dimension dd and fixed squarefree top TT. Next to providing a complete theoretical picture, some of these equivalent conditions are readily checkable from quiver and relations. In case of existence of a moduli space -- unexpectedly frequent in light of the stringency of fine classification -- this space is always projective and, in fact, arises as a closed subvariety GrassdT{\mathfrak{Grass}}^T_d of a classical Grassmannian. Even when the full moduli problem fails to be solvable, the variety GrassdT{\mathfrak{Grass}}^T_d is seen to have distinctive properties recommending it as a substitute for a moduli space. As an application, a characterization of the algebras having only finitely many representations with fixed simple top is obtained; in this case of `finite local representation type at a given simple TT', the radical layering (JlM/Jl+1M)lβ‰₯0\bigl( J^lM/ J^{l+1}M \bigr)_{l \ge 0} is shown to be a classifying invariant for the modules with top TT. This relies on the following general fact obtained as a byproduct: Proper degenerations of a local module MM never have the same radical layering as MM

    The phantom menace in representation theory

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    Our principal goal in this overview is to explain and motivate the concept of a phantom in the representation theory of a finite dimensional algebra Ξ›\Lambda. In particular, we exhibit the key role of phantoms towards understanding how a full subcategory A\cal A of the category Ξ›-mod\Lambda\text{-mod} of all finitely generated left Ξ›\Lambda-modules is embedded into Ξ›-mod\Lambda\text{-mod}, in terms of maps leaving or entering A\cal A. Contents: 1. Introduction and prerequisites; 2. Contravariant finiteness and first examples; 3. Homological importance of contravariant finiteness and a model application of the theory; 4. Phantoms. Definitions, existence, and basic properties; 5. An application: Phantoms over string algebras

    Top-stable degenerations of finite dimensional representations I

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    Given a finite dimensional representation MM of a finite dimensional algebra, two hierarchies of degenerations of MM are analyzed in the context of their natural orders: the poset of those degenerations of MM which share the top M/JMM/JM with MM - here JJ denotes the radical of the algebra - and the sub-poset of those which share the full radical layering (JlM/Jl+1M)lβ‰₯0\bigl(J^lM/J^{l+1}M\bigr)_{l \ge 0} with MM. In particular, the article addresses existence of proper top-stable or layer-stable degenerations - more generally, it addresses the sizes of the corresponding posets including bounds on the lengths of saturated chains - as well as structure and classification

    Varieties of uniserial representations IV. Kinship to geometric quotients

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    Let Ξ›\Lambda be a finite dimensional algebra over an algebraically closed field, and S{\Bbb S} a finite sequence of simple left Ξ›\Lambda-modules. In [6, 9], quasiprojective algebraic varieties with accessible affine open covers were introduced, for use in classifying the uniserial representations of Ξ›\Lambda having sequence S{\Bbb S} of consecutive composition factors. Our principal objectives here are threefold: One is to prove these varieties to be `good approximations' -- in a sense to be made precise -- to geometric quotients of the classical varieties Mod-Uni⁑(S)\operatorname{Mod-Uni}({\Bbb S}) parametrizing the pertinent uniserial representations, modulo the usual conjugation action of the general linear group. To some extent, this fills the information gap left open by the frequent non-existence of such quotients. A second goal is that of facilitating the transfer of information among the `host' varieties into which the considered uniserial varieties can be embedded. These tools are then applied towards the third objective, concerning the existence of geometric quotients: We prove that Mod-Uni⁑(S)\operatorname{Mod-Uni}({\Bbb S}) has a geometric quotient by the GLGL-action precisely when the uniserial variety has a geometric quotient modulo a certain natural algebraic group action, in which case the two quotients coincide. Our main results are exploited in a representation-theoretic context: Among other consequences, they yield a geometric characterization of the algebras of finite uniserial type which supplements existing descriptions, but is cleaner and more readily checkable
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