232 research outputs found

    Schr\"odinger equations, deformation theory and ttβˆ—tt^*-geometry

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    This is the first of a series of papers to construct the deformation theory of the form Schr\"odinger equation, which is related to a section-bundle system (M,g,f)(M,g,f), where (M,g)(M,g) is a noncompact complete K\"ahler manifold with bounded geometry and ff is a holomorphic function defined on MM. This work is also the first step attempting to understand the whole Landau-Ginzburg B-model including the higher genus invariants. Our work is mainly based on the pioneer work of Cecotti, Cecotti and Vafa \cite{Ce1,Ce2,CV}.Comment: Deformation theory, Landau-Ginzburg B model, 114 page

    Torsion type invariants of singularities

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    Inspired by the LG/CY correspondence, we study the local index theory of the Schr\"odinger operator associated to a singularity defined on Cn{\mathbb C}^n by a quasi-homogeneous polynomial ff. Under some mild assumption on ff, we show that the small time heat kernel expansion of the corresponding Schr\"odinger operator exists and is a series of fractional powers of time tt. Then we prove a local index formula which expresses the Milnor number of ff by a Gaussian type integral. Furthermore, the heat kernel expansion provides spectral invariants of ff. Especially, we define torsion type invariants associated to a singularity. These spectral invariants provide a new direction to study the singularity

    Novikov-Morse theory for dynamical systems

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    The present paper contains an interpretation and generalization of Novikov's theory of Morse type inequalities for 1-forms in terms of Conley's theory for dynamical systems.Comment: 63 page

    A twisted βˆ‚Λ‰f\bar{\partial}_f-Neumann problem and Toeplitz nn-tuples from singularity theory

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    A twisted βˆ‚Λ‰f\bar{\partial}_f-Neumann problem associated to a singularity (On,f)(\mathscr{O}_n,f) is established. By constructing the connection to the Koszul complex for toeplitz nn-tuples (f1,⋯ ,fn)(f_1,\cdots,f_n) on Bergman spaces B0(D)B^0(D), we can solve this βˆ‚Λ‰f\bar{\partial}_f-Neumann problem. Moreover, we can compute the cohomology of the L2L^2 holomorphic Koszul complex (Bβˆ—(D),βˆ‚f∧)(B^*(D),\partial f\wedge) explicitlyComment: 20 page

    Conley Index Theory and Novikov-Morse Theory

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    We derive general Novikov-Morse type inequalities in a Conley type framework for flows carrying cocycles, therefore generalizing our results in [FJ2] derived for integral cocycle. The condition of carrying a cocycle expresses the nontriviality of integrals of that cocycle on flow lines. Gradient-like flows are distinguished from general flows carrying a cocycle by boundedness conditions on these integrals.Comment: 35pages, 6 figure

    The Moduli Space in the Gauged Linear Sigma Model

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    This is a survey article for the mathematical theory of Witten's Gauged Linear Sigma Model, as developed recently by the authors. Instead of developing the theory in the most general setting, in this paper we focus on the description of the moduli.Comment: Credit for support added. arXiv admin note: substantial text overlap with arXiv:1506.0210

    Martin points on open manifolds of non-positive curvature

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    The Martin boundary of a Cartan-Hadamard manifold describes a fine geometric structure at infinity, which is a sub-space of positive harmonic functions. We describe conditions which ensure that some points of the sphere at infinity belong to the Martin boundary as well. In the case of the universal cover of a compact manifold with Ballmann rank one, we show that Martin points are generic and of full harmonic measure. The result of this paper provides a partial answer to an open problem of S. T. Yau

    A Mathematical Theory of the Gauged Linear Sigma Model

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    We construct a mathematical theory of Witten's Gauged Linear Sigma Model (GLSM). Our theory applies to a wide range of examples, including many cases with non-Abelian gauge group. Both the Gromov-Witten theory of a Calabi-Yau complete intersection X and the Landau-Ginzburg dual (FJRW-theory) of X can be expressed as gauged linear sigma models. Furthermore, the Landau-Ginzburg/Calabi-Yau correspondence can be interpreted as a variation of the moment map or a deformation of GIT in the GLSM. This paper focuses primarily on the algebraic theory, while a companion article will treat the analytic theory.Comment: Minor correction

    Harmonic Hopf Constructions Between Spheres II

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    We prove that a necessary condition for the existence of the remaining problem in the harmonic Hopf construction is also sufficient. We also give some topological applications based on our result.Comment: 9 page

    The Witten equation and its virtual fundamental cycle

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    We study a system of nonlinear elliptic PDEs associated with a quasi-homogeneous polynomial. These equations were proposed by Witten as the replacement for the Cauchy-Riemann equation in the singularity (Landau-Ginzburg) setting. We introduce a perturbation to the equation and construct a virtual cycle for the moduli space of its solutions. Then, we study the wall-crossing of the deformation of the virtual cycle under perturbation and match it to classical Picard-Lefschetz theory. An extended virtual cycle is obtained for the original equation. Finally, we prove that the extended virtual cycle satisfies a set of axioms similar to those of Gromov-Witten theory and r-spin theory.Comment: Major revision. Additional axioms proved and additional details provided over previous versio
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