6 research outputs found

    Luttinger's theorem, superfluid vortices, and holography

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    Strongly coupled field theories with gravity duals can be placed at finite density in two ways: electric field flux emanating from behind a horizon, or bulk charged fields outside of the horizon that explicitly source the density. We discuss field-theoretical observables that are sensitive to this distinction. If the charged fields are fermionic, we discuss a modified Luttinger's theorem that holds for holographic systems, in which the sum of boundary theory Fermi surfaces counts only the charge outside of the horizon. If the charged fields are bosonic, we show that the the resulting superfluid phase may be characterized by the coefficient of the transverse Magnus force on a moving superfluid vortex, which again is sensitive only to the charge outside of the horizon. For holographic systems these observables provide a field-theoretical way to distinguish how much charge is held by a dual horizon, but they may be useful in more general contexts as measures of deconfined (i.e. "fractionalized") charge degrees of freedom.Comment: 21 pages; version 2: minor changes, version to be published in CQG; version 3: minor change

    Large-density field theory, viscosity, and "2kF2k_F" singularities from string duals

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    We analyze systems where an effective large-N expansion arises naturally in gauge theories without a large number of colors: a sufficiently large charge density alone can produce a perturbative string ('tHooft) expansion. One example is simply the well-known NS5/F1 system dual to AdS3×T4×S3AdS_3\times T^4\times S^3, here viewed as a 5+1 dimensional theory at finite density. This model is completely stable, and we find that the existing string-theoretic solution of this model yields two interesting results. First, it indicates that the shear viscosity is not corrected by αâ€Č\alpha' effects in this system. For flow perpendicular to the F1 strings the viscosity to entropy ratio take the usual value 1/4π1/4\pi, but for flow parallel to the F1's it vanishes as T2T^2 at low temperature. Secondly, it encodes singularities in correlation functions coming from low-frequency modes at a finite value of the momentum along the T4T^4 directions. This may provide a strong coupling analogue of finite density condensed matter systems for which fermionic constituents of larger operators contribute so-called "2kF2k_F" singularities. In the NS5/F1 example, stretched strings on the gravity side play the role of these composite operators. We explore the analogue for our system of the Luttinger relation between charge density and the volume bounded by these singular surfaces. This model provides a clean example where the string-theoretic UV completion of the gravity dual to a finite density field theory plays a significant and calculable role.Comment: 28 pages. v2: added reference

    Moduli Spaces of Cold Holographic Matter

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    We use holography to study (3+1)-dimensional N=4 supersymmetric Yang-Mills theory with gauge group SU(Nc), in the large-Nc and large-coupling limits, coupled to a single massless (n+1)-dimensional hypermultiplet in the fundamental representation of SU(Nc), with n=3,2,1. In particular, we study zero-temperature states with a nonzero baryon number charge density, which we call holographic matter. We demonstrate that a moduli space of such states exists in these theories, specifically a Higgs branch parameterized by the expectation values of scalar operators bilinear in the hypermultiplet scalars. At a generic point on the Higgs branch, the R-symmetry and gauge group are spontaneously broken to subgroups. Our holographic calculation consists of introducing a single probe Dp-brane into AdS5 times S^5, with p=2n+1=7,5,3, introducing an electric flux of the Dp-brane worldvolume U(1) gauge field, and then obtaining explicit solutions for the worldvolume fields dual to the scalar operators that parameterize the Higgs branch. In all three cases, we can express these solutions as non-singular self-dual U(1) instantons in a four-dimensional space with a metric determined by the electric flux. We speculate on the possibility that the existence of Higgs branches may point the way to a counting of the microstates producing a nonzero entropy in holographic matter. Additionally, we speculate on the possible classification of zero-temperature, nonzero-density states described holographically by probe D-branes with worldvolume electric flux.Comment: 56 pages, 8 PDF images, 4 figure

    Quantum many-body physics from a gravitational lens

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