35 research outputs found

    New CZM for Interfacial Crack Growth

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    The cohesive zone model (CZM) has been widely used for numerical simulations of interface crack growth. However, geometrical and material discontinuities decrease the accuracy and efficiency of the CZM when based on the conventional finite element method (CFEM). In order to promote the development of numerical simulation of interfacial crack growth, a new CZM, based on the wavelet finite element method (WFEM), is presented. Some fundamental issues regarding CZM of interface crack growth of double cantilever beam (DCB) testing were studied. The simulation results were compared with the experimental and simulation results of CFEM. It was found that the new CZM had higher accuracy and efficiency in the simulation of interface crack growth. At last, the impact of crack initiation length and elastic constants of material on interface crack growth was studied based on the new CZM. These results provided a basis for reasonable structure design of composite material in engineering

    Tenascin C as a novel zinc finger protein 750 target regulating the immunogenicity via DNA damage in lung squamous cell carcinoma

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    Abstract Modulation of DNA damage repair in lung squamous cell carcinoma (LUSC) can result in the generation of neoantigens and heightened immunogenicity. Therefore, understanding DNA damage repair mechanisms holds significant clinical relevance for identifying targets for immunotherapy and devising therapeutic strategies. Our research has unveiled that the tumor suppressor zinc finger protein 750 (ZNF750) in LUSC binds to the promoter region of tenascin C (TNC), leading to reduced TNC expression. This modulation may impact the malignant behavior of tumor cells and is associated with patient prognosis. Additionally, single-cell RNA sequencing (scRNA-seq) of LUSC tissues has demonstrated an inverse correlation between ZNF750/TNC expression levels and immunogenicity. Manipulation of the ZNF750-TNC axis in vitro within LUSC cells has shown differential sensitivity to CD8+ cells, underscoring its pivotal role in regulating cellular immunogenicity. Further transcriptome sequencing analysis, DNA damage repair assay, and single-strand break analyses have revealed the involvement of the ZNF750-TNC axis in determining the preference for homologous recombination (HR) repair or non-homologous end joining (NHEJ) repair of DNA damage. with involvement of the Hippo/ERK signaling pathway. In summary, this study sheds light on the ZNF750-TNC axis's role in DNA damage repair regulation in LUSC, laying a groundwork for future translational research in immune cell therapy for LUSC

    Experimental Study on Medium Viscosity Oil Displacement Using Viscoelastic Polymer

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    With the growing demand for oil energy and a decrease in the recoverable reserves of conventional oil, the development of viscous oil, bitumen, and shale oil is playing an important role in the oil industry. Bohai Bay in China is an offshore oilfield that was developed through polymer flooding process. This study investigated the pore-scale displacement of medium viscosity oil by hydrophobically associating water-soluble polymers and purely viscous glycerin solutions. The role and contribution of elasticity on medium oil recovery were revealed and determined. Comparing the residual oil distribution after polymer flooding with that after glycerin flooding at a dead end, the results showed that the residual oil interface exhibited an asymmetrical “U” shape owing to the elasticity behavior of the polymer. This phenomenon revealed the key of elasticity enhancing oil recovery. Comparing the results of polymer flooding with that of glycerin flooding at different water flooding sweep efficiency levels, it was shown that the ratio of elastic contribution on the oil displacement efficiency increased as the water flooding sweep efficiency decreased. Additionally, the experiments on polymers, glycerin solutions, and brines displacement medium viscosity oil based on a constant pressure gradient at the core scale were carried out. The results indicated that the elasticity of the polymer can further reduce the saturation of medium viscosity oil with the same number of capillaries. In this study, the elasticity effect on the medium viscosity oil interface and the elasticity contribution on the medium viscosity oil were specified and clarified. The results of this study are promising with regard to the design and optimum polymers applied in an oilfield and to an improvement in the recovery of medium viscosity oil

    Common occurrence of hotspots of single strand DNA breaks at transcriptional start sites

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    Abstract Background We recently developed two high-resolution methods for genome-wide mapping of two prominent types of DNA damage, single-strand DNA breaks (SSBs) and abasic (AP) sites and found highly complex and non-random patterns of these lesions in mammalian genomes. One salient feature of SSB and AP sites was the existence of single-nucleotide hotspots for both lesions. Results In this work, we show that SSB hotspots are enriched in the immediate vicinity of transcriptional start sites (TSSs) in multiple normal mammalian tissues, however the magnitude of enrichment varies significantly with tissue type and appears to be limited to a subset of genes. SSB hotspots around TSSs are enriched on the template strand and associate with higher expression of the corresponding genes. Interestingly, SSB hotspots appear to be at least in part generated by the base-excision repair (BER) pathway from the AP sites. Conclusions Our results highlight complex relationship between DNA damage and regulation of gene expression and suggest an exciting possibility that SSBs at TSSs might function as sensors of DNA damage to activate genes important for DNA damage response

    Microscopic Residual Oil Distribution Characteristics and Quantitative Characterization of Producing Degree Based on Core Fluorescence Analysis Technology

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    In this study, to address the insufficiency of research on the distribution characteristics and quantitative characterization of oil, water, and rock in a reservoir, laser confocal and core fluorescence analysis techniques are combined with core flooding experiments to investigate oil–water distribution characteristics in the core and the microscopic origin of residual oil. The results obtained show that the three-dimensional (3D) distribution characteristics of oil, water, and rock can be depicted using a laser confocal technique. Free and bound states are dominated by water flooding, and their total proportion is 93.65%, while the semibound state only accounts for 6.35% of the total. Polymer flooding has clear effects such as production of cluster-like residual oil, interparticle adsorption state residual oil, pore surface oil film, and corner residual oil. After alkali-surfactant-polymer (ASP) flooding, the residual oil produced at the lowest degree corresponds to particle adsorption oil, pore surface oil films, and interparticle adsorption state residual oil. The emulsion transition process in porous media, i.e., Winsor I→Winsor III→Winsor II, is studied. Moreover, the fluorescence analysis technology is used to clarify the causes for residual oil production, namely, pore structure, crude oil viscosity, the Jia Min effect, particle migration, and adsorption capacity. The combination of laser confocal and fluorescence analysis technology can help realize the three-dimensional reconstruction of the fluid in the core, and it can quantitatively characterize the microscopic residual oil. According to the analysis results, it can also guide the formulation and adjustment of oilfield development plans

    miR-518b Enhances Human Trophoblast Cell Proliferation Through Targeting Rap1b and Activating Ras-MAPK Signal

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    Preeclampsia is a pregnancy-specific complication defined as newly onset gestational hypertension and proteinuria. Deficiency in placental development is considered as the predominant cause of preeclampsia. Our previous study found that the expression of miR-518b increased significantly in the preeclamptic placentas, indicating the potential participation of this small RNA in the occurrence of preeclampsia. In this study, data analysis using multiple databases predicted Rap1b as a candidate target of miR-518b. An evident decrease in Rap1b expression was observed in preeclamptic placentas when compared with the control placentas, which was negatively correlated with the level of miR-518b. Based on the data of in situ hybridization and immunohistochemistry showing that Rap1b exhibited similar localization with miR-518b in villous cytotrophoblast cells and column trophoblasts, we further explored their function in regulating trophoblast cell proliferation. In HTR8/SVneo cells, exogenous transfection of miR-518b reduced the expression of Rap1b, and dual-luciferase reporter assay validated Rap1b as the direct target of miR-518b. The small RNA could increase the BrdU incorporation and the ratio of cells at S phase, and enhance the phosphorylation of Raf-1 and ERK1/2. Such growth-promoting effect could be efficiently reversed by Rap1b overexpression. The data indicate that miR-518b can promote trophoblast cell proliferation via Rap1b–Ras–MAPK pathway, and the aberrant upregulation of miR-518b in preeclamptic placenta may contribute to the excessive trophoblast proliferation. The study provides new evidence to further understand the etiology of preeclampsia