2 research outputs found

    RP-ACS-1 , a flooding- induced 1-aminocyclopropane-1-carboxylate synthase gene of Rumex palustris, is involved in rhythmic ethylene production

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    Many semi-aquatic plants respond to flooding by elong-ating the shoot to reach the water surface. This re-sponse is initiated by accumulation of ethylene in the plant due to decreased gas-exchange and continued ethylene production during submergence. Ethylene biosynthesis is often limited by the availability of 1-aminocyclopropane-1-carboxylic acid (ACC), the pre-cursor of ethylene, synthesized by ACC synthase. Here, is reported the cloning of a Rumex palustris cDNA corresponding to an ACC synthase gene (RP-ACS1), whose expression is induced by submergence in the long term but does not precede the observed short-term increase in ACS activity. Under aerated conditions, RP-ACS1 messenger accumulation exhibited circadian rhythmicity with high levels in the dark phase and low levels in the light phase, similar to the oscillations in ethylene production under these conditions. ACC oxi-dase (RP-ACO1) messenger accumulation also showed a rhythmic pattern, but opposite to that of RP-ACS1, and closely resembled the ethylene oscillation found in R. palustris plants that were waterlogged. Together the results indicate that transcriptional regulation of RP-ACS1 may directly control rhythmic ethylene pro-duction under aerated condition and suggest that post-transcriptional regulation is important in initial up-regulation of ACS activity upon submergence

    Magyar Könyvszemle

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    Under arrhenotoky, unfertilized haploid eggs develop as males but under thelytoky they develop into diploid females after they have undergone diploidy restoration. In the parasitoid wasp Venturia canescens both reproductive modes occur. Thelytoky is genetically determined but the underlying genetics of diploidy restoration remain unknown. In this study we aim to identify the genes and/or proteins that control thelytoky. cDNA-amplified fragment length polymorphism (cDNA-AFLP) analysis of total ovarian RNA and two-dimensional protein electrophoresis in combination with mass spectrometry revealed putative transcripts and proteins involved in arrhenotokous and thelytokous development. The detected tubulin and actin protein differences are most likely functionally related to the two types of reproduction